• 虽然要等到2001年才能获释,却被允许离开看守宽松监狱妻子共度一个周末

    Although not due for release until 2001, he was let out of his low-security prison to spend a weekend with his wife.


  • 中,申请人是否被允许离开芬兰

    Is the applicant not allowed to leave Finland for four years?


  • 有可能多年不会看到那个因为允许离开古巴

    There was a good chance you wouldn't see that person for years, because you wouldn't be allowed to leave Cuba.


  • 每个月老板钱,才能允许离开工地老婆黑市倒卖去污粉来糊口

    Indeed, he paid his boss to be listed as a dummy worker so that he could leave his work site. Then he and his wife could scrape out a living selling small bags of detergent on the black market.


  • 已经开发了麻醉后允许离开评分系统目的评估术后何时达到准备离开标准。

    Postanesthesia discharge scoring systems have been proposed and developed for the purpose of assessing when home readiness is achieved in the postoperative period.


  • 后来中国边防人员帮助下谢峰母亲终于允许离开,谢峰也紧急送往医院

    Xie and his mother were then allowed to leave with the help of Chinese frontier officers, and Xie was rushed to hospital.


  • 目前清楚名记者多久允许离开该国。两名记者是32岁凌志36岁的李·丽娜。

    It was not clear how soon the two journalists, Laura Ling, 32, and Euna Lee, 36, would be allowed to leave the country.


  • 阿尔法哨所有3050美军人员,他们24小时执勤,轮换期间基本不允许离开基地

    The 30 to 50 American troops stationed at Point Alpha were on call 24 hours a day for six weeks at a time and were rarely permitted to leave their base during that period.


  • 我们包租了架飞机,希望政府允许他们离开

    We've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave.


  • 大型联合企业一个优势就是允许那些雄心勃勃的需要离开集团在不同的公司任职。

    One advantage of a conglomerate is that it allows the ambitious to graduate from one company to another without leaving the group.


  • 离开办公室代理要求受限制权限级别允许用户执行任何会对安全性造成影响的方法

    The restricted level of rights required by the Out of Office agent does not allow the user to perform any methods that impact security.


  • 允许原来邮件文件所有者启动离开办公室代理。

    This will allow you to enable the Out of Office for the original mail file owner.


  • 日本允许女性继承王位,因此,宫公主给黑田庆树必须离开皇室,黑田庆树是哥哥儿时朋友

    Because Japan does not allow women to take the throne, Sayako must leave the imperial family when she marries Kuroda, a childhood friend of her brother.


  • 表示,1948年战争期间被迫离开逃离家园巴勒斯坦难民不会允许返回今日以色列国

    He also said Palestinian refugees, who were forced out or fled from their homes during the 1948 war, would not be allowed to return to what is today Israel.


  • 考试中间必须得到监考人员允许情况下才能离开考场,损失时间自负。

    You must have the supervisor’s permission to leave the room during the test. Any time lost cannot be made up.


  • 熟悉仪式:说了这个词的离开剧院,在外面吐口水诅咒并转之后请求允许回到里面

    The ritual I am familiar with is: The person is required to leave the theater building, spit, curse and spin around three times, before begging to be allowed back inside.


  • 方圆几英里之内没有医生,没有邻居她妻子情况允许离开寻求帮助

    There was no physician within miles, no neighbour; nor was she in a condition to be left, to summon help.


  • 急切打电话老板,请老板允许离开岗位巴士教父临时安排旅馆总台上值一下班。

    He makes some frantic phone calls to his boss for permission to leave his post and installs Phil the Bus God as the new stand-in at the hostel desk.


  • 危机无处不在,职员不能没有护卫队镇上出行允许擅自离开也门首都萨那

    The risks are so pervasive that Total employees can’t travel around town without an escort and are not allowed to leave Sana, the Yemeni capital, on their own.


  • 由于一点,学校总是我们紧紧的,甚至那么星期时间没有(校方人员)陪同,还允许我们离开校园(校园有围墙大门)(美国学校没有围墙,所以作者需要特别强调这一点——译者注)。

    Because of that, they wanted to keep a close eye on us, and for a couple of weeks they wouldn't let us out of the school grounds without an escort (there was a fence and a gate around the campus).


  • 如果永远不能离开这座房子允许别人进来我会那样做的,”,“我绝不会嫁给。”

    If he says I can never leave the house or never allow someone to come in, I will do that, ” she said. “But I will never accept to marry him.”


  • 选择OutofOffice 时,显示一个带有多个对话框,允许配置离开办公室代理参见1)。

    When you select Out of Office, you will be presented with a tabbed dialog that allows you to configure the Out of Office agent (see figure 1).


  • 日本方面于9月13释放14船员允许离开日本。

    Japan released the 14 crew members and allowed the boat to leave on Sept. 13.


  • Facebook指控允许广告商过多接触私人信息这使得有些人离开了这个社交网络

    Facebook has been accused of allowing advertisers excessive access to users' personal information, prompting some to leave the social network.


  • 离开这个话题之前再提一点SPML 1.0允许服务定义上述4 种核心操作之外的其他操作。

    One more thing before I leave the topic of core operations: SPML 1.0 does allow you to define operations for services other than the four core operations listed here.


  • 第二允许交换个人设置,因此用户注销离开一项联合资源时候,可以较好地管理Session

    Second, it allows the communication of privacy settings and manages sessions better once the person has logged out of a federated resource.


  • 出于维护陌生人信念,现在我放你从这里离开。 但我不会允许你带走这个女人和那些财富,我会替你的东道主希腊人照看它们,一直他自己前来,并愿意把它们带回家时。

    Now therefore depart, seeing that I have counted it of great moment not to be a slayer of strangers.


  • 出于维护陌生人信念,现在我放你从这里离开。 但我不会允许你带走这个女人和那些财富,我会替你的东道主希腊人照看它们,一直他自己前来,并愿意把它们带回家时。

    Now therefore depart, seeing that I have counted it of great moment not to be a slayer of strangers.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定