• 笔贷款安排偿还已有债务

    A loan was arranged to refinance existing debt.


  • 年后仍旧在还债务

    Three years later, he is still paying off his debts.


  • 总统说服西方国家勾销波兰债务的。

    It was the president who persuaded the West to write off Polish debts.


  • 公司积欠了600多万元债务

    The firm had accrued debts of over $6m.


  • 出走了,留下累累债务

    He walked out leaving a pile of debts behind him.


  • 他们没有及时还清债务

    They were behindhand in settling their debts.


  • 公司正在变卖一些地皮,全力削减债务

    The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts.


  • 公司能够还清债务而且稍有赢利

    The firm will be able to pay off its debts and still turn a modest profit.


  • 商界希望见到对付债务逾期不还法律出台

    Businesses would like to see new laws to counter late payments of debts.


  • 许诺钱财帮不了那些已经债务缠身学生们

    The promised money won't help those students already knee-deep in debt.


  • 债务开始增加

    Debts began to accumulate.


  • 贫穷导致债务

    Poverty begets debt.


  • 滥用信用卡使消费债务逐渐增加到了难以接受地步

    Overuse of credit cards has ratcheted up consumer debt to unacceptable levels.


  • 在对债务最后评估期间,命令这家公司50万美元。

    He was ordered to pay the company $500,000 on account pending a final assessment of his liability.


  • 第三世界国家巨额债务负担成了许多贫困国家领导人核心问题

    The massive debt burden of the Third World has become a crucial issue for many leaders of poorer countries.


  • 会议上提出的还是那些掉了牙的话题:宏观经济政策第三世界债务环境问题。

    The meeting produced the usual bromides about macroeconomic policy, third-world debt and the environment.


  • 债务其逼向破产

    Its debts are pushing it into bankruptcy.


  • 预计英国提出一项减少最贫穷国家债务倡议

    Britain is expected to put forward a fresh initiative on reducing the debts of the poorest countries.


  • 雪弗莱克债务4.29亿欧元,只是一个小贩

    Schefenacker, with total debts of euro429m, was a tiddler.


  • 法学院学生债务意味着他们不得不非常努力工作

    Law-school debt means that they have to work fearsomely hard.


  • 也许他们的债务丧葬费用需要足够多保险金支付

    Perhaps enough insurance would be needed to cover their debts and burial expenses.


  • 邓恩说很多年轻人永远无法摆脱他们信用卡债务

    Dunn says a lot of these young people are never going to get out from under their credit card debt.


  • 可能唯一需要人身险足够付清债务殡葬费用了。

    Probably the only life insurance he needs is enough to cover his debts and burial expenses.


  • 要记住,和借记卡相比信用卡通常更好债务保护

    Keep in mind, too, that credit cards typically have better liability protection than debit cards.


  • 与此同时妇女网络信贷债务仍然地方和个人为主

    At the same time, women's networks of credit and debt remained primarily local and personal.


  • 通过外包希望自己可以没有债务的情况下公司起步

    And by outsourcing, he'd hoped he could get the business off the ground without debt.


  • 大学学生贷款宣传资料经常债务“对自己投资”。

    Promotional literature for colleges and student loans often speaks of debt as an "investment in yourself".


  • 英国宣布免除英联邦内较为贫穷国家欠下的约2亿英镑债务

    Britain has announced that it is to cancel about 200 million pounds' worth of debts owed to it by poorer Commonwealth countries.


  • 如果我们债务可能会以不同的方式看待这么决定

    There are so many decisions that I may look at differently if we had a pile of debt.


  • 如今法学院毕业生平均承担10万美元债务居本科生债务之首。

    This leaves today's average law-school graduate with $100000 of debt on top of undergraduate debts.


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