• 只用自己个人盘碟船长装模作样某种仪式性的要求迫使保持这种习惯。

    He only used his personal dishes, an affectation the captain called it, but part of the ritualized necessities that kept him going.


  • 开始,夏威夷人像对待上帝一样招待库克船长最后1779年,人杀死大岛上。

    At first, Hawaiians treated Captain Cook like a god. But in the end, he was killed on the Big Island in seventeen seventy-nine.


  • 利维坦也许权倾一时,越来越多的阿船长[4]它掷鱼叉

    The Leviathan may be mightier than ever, but there are more and more Captain Ahabs trying to get their harpoons in.


  • 其实,1607年史密斯船长佛吉尼亚公司抵达印第安公主仅仅10,慢慢地,产生父亲般的感情,丝毫没有爱情的成分。

    In reality, Pocahontas was only about 10 years old when Smith arrived with the Virginia Company in 1607; she later considered him somewhat of a father figure but never a romantic interest.


  • 威廉·“船长”·基德可能是海盗史上不幸船长。 他本来成为个受到国家授权从事海上袭击任务的船长最终却成了一名海盗

    Perhaps the most unlucky captain in the history of piracy, William "Captain" Kidd set to be a privateer, but ended up becoming a pirate.


  • 虽然只有部分项目需要提供书面证据如果受训人员培训船长认为必要的话可以这样做

    Although written proofs are required only for few tasks but if the trainee or the trainer Master considers necessary, written proofs of other tasks also can be added.


  • 埃尔"号船长命令船员们尽量沉船打捞物品,发现什么值钱东西,不过打捞出来众多的物品还是引起了大家极大的兴趣。

    The captain of the Elkor ordered his men to salvage as much as possible from the wreck. Nothing of value was found, but the


  • 看到叔叔因为冰岛而这么高兴船长决定收取我们双倍费用叔叔根本就在意这些小事

    Seeing my uncle's great happiness at going to Iceland, the captain decided to charge us double the fee to go there, but my uncle was not bothered by such details.


  • 最后土耳其船长决定留给他自己,回家。

    But in the end the Turkish captain decided to keep me for himself, and took me home with him.


  • 整夜我们听见枪声叫喊声到了早晨,太阳升起时,船长成了大船主人

    All night listened to the sound of guns and Shouting, but in the morning, when the sun came up, the captain was master of his ship again.


  • 整夜我们听见枪声叫喊声到了早晨,太阳升起时,船长成了大船主人

    All night we listened to the sound of guns and Shouting, but in the morning, when the sun came up, the captain was master of his ship again.


  • 船长得挺重并不危险大夫告诉不能走动不能动胳膊必要时候才能说话

    The captain's wounds were bad but not dangerous . The doctor told him he must not walk or move his arm , and to speak only when it was necessary .


  • 敦促船长再考近些空中传来明亮-中国人警告

    I urge the skipper to get even closer, but a volley of flares erupts in the sky - it is a Chinese warning.


  • 杰克船长不确定究竟爱情只是利用找到传说中的不老泉

    But what made Captain Jack uncertain is, whether she came for love, or she just wanted to use him to find the legendary Fountain of Youth.


  • 我们人手实在少很,船上一个人都得出把力。只有船长船尾一张垫子上下命令的伤势虽然大有好转需要静养

    We were so short of men that everyone on board had to bear a hand — only the captain lying on a mattress in the stern and giving his orders, for though greatly recovered he was still in want of quiet.


  • 此次航行早些时候温哥华船长恰好失望经过了哥伦比亚河口在那里注意到了海湾看上去像是一条大河出口。

    Earlier on this same trip, Captain Vancouver had passed right by the mouth of the Columbia river at Cape Disappointment, where he noticed a small inlet that bore no promise of a great river.


  • 乐意跟随船长,这位船长一个好人。“,”,“苏里将会获得自由”。

    But Xury was happy to go to the cap-tain, and the captain was a good man. 'In ten years'time, 'he said, 'Xury can go free.


  • 4月14日航行的第五船上接到不同冰山警告并未引起船长足够的重视

    The fifth day sailing on April 14, receive different iceberg warnings five times on the ship, but has not caused captain's enough attention.


  • 贝克先生法庭调查报告船长二副判断失误受批评,没有船员死亡归咎于他们

    He showed Mr Baker the report of the court of enquiry: the master and second mate were criticised for errors of judgement but not blamed for the deaths among their crew.


  • 目前居住的地方宽敞,”船长转过身来说,“相当舒适不论什么时候路过布里格广场,——请您是不是记一下

    My berth ain't very roomy, ' said the Captain, turning back again, 'but it's tolerably snug; and if you was to find yourself near Brig Place, number nine, at any time—will you make a note of it?


  • 舞台剧的版本,达令先生船长同一演员扮演,积艾萨斯饰演孩子们父亲看来非常温顺扮演铁钩船长嫌高大。

    As in the theatre productions, Mr Darling and Captain Hook are played by the same actor. Jason Isaacs seems very meek as the children's father but is more than lifesize as Hook.


  • 警官催促履行职责,并在所有人安全撤离后再离船长未予理睬

    The officers urged him to return to his ship and honour his duty to stay aboard until everyone was safely off the vessel, but he ignored them, Coast Guard Cmdr. Francesco Paolillo said.


  • 一个团队成员突然生病只是比赛船长赶紧找人代替理查兹先生介绍

    But one of the members of the team suddenly falls ill just before the match, and the captain hurries to choose someone else to take his place Mr. Richards is introduced to him.


  • 好几看见尼摩船长停步瞄准经过一些时候的观察后,又把枪放下再向前行。

    Several times I saw Captain Nemo stop and take aim with his rifle; then, after sighting down its barrel for a few seconds, he would straighten up and resume his walk.


  • 好几看见尼摩船长停步瞄准经过一些时候的观察后,又把枪放下再向前行。

    Several times I saw Captain Nemo stop and take aim with his rifle; then, after sighting down its barrel for a few seconds, he would straighten up and resume his walk.


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