• 语中有很多,但对你来说理解起来并不那么容易。

    There are many of them in English, but it's not that easy for you to understand.


  • 帮助不能这样

    But for your help, I couldn't do it.


  • 也许他们他们自己可行产生不一样的效果。

    Perhaps what they are saying works for them but works differently for you.


  • 问题进行讨论整理并不会伤害打架婚姻生活

    But it is for you to discuss and sort out the problems and let the fights not traumatize your married life!


  • 海夫纳:“如果很多朋友刻薄并没有好处。”

    If you have a lot of friends but they’re all mean to you, that won’t be beneficial, ” Heffner says.


  • 起来不可思议看看外面经济如何萧条来说似乎例外

    This may sound weird, considering how gloomy the news has been about the economy, but you seem to be the exception.


  • 喝茶多了牙齿染黄,身体确有好处因此会怎么办

    Too much tea will brown your teeth, but it's good for your health 'so what are you going to do?


  • 而言严重的消息这个国家未来是建立一个不稳科研基础之上的。

    But the serious message to you is that the country's future depends on a vibrant science base.


  • 一睡醒就测血糖不会生活方式改变对你全天的血糖管理非常重要。

    Monitoring your glucose immediately on awakening does not take a major change in lifestyle, but it is very effective in improving your blood glucose management.


  • 退订所有垃圾邮件(15分钟)-就算退订不再有用的邮件还是垃圾邮件。

    Unsubscribe from ALL junk email (15 minutes) - Even if you subscribed, it is junk if it is not useful to you anymore.


  • 这样痛苦支取存款时很实用,也可以帮助节省冲动花费而动用的应急储蓄的钱。

    This will make it more painful and real for you to withdraw your savings and help cut back on impulsive spending "emergencies."


  • 孩子而言,拥有两个母亲似乎不可思议但对而言,却了另女人处理孩子的事。

    Having two mothers seems like a dream, an extra woman to help you with the kids.


  • 这样痛苦支取存款时很实用,也可以帮助节省冲动花费而动用的应急储蓄的钱。

    This will make it more painful and real for you to withdraw your savings and help cut back on impulsive spendingemergencies.”


  • 发现个人细微的东西在别人看来微不足道来说却是非常精彩迷人就说明了,爱上了这个人。

    You know it's love when the tiny details about another person, ones that are insignificant to most people, seem fascinating and incredible to you.


  • 显然即使朝着梦想工作,可需要支付诸如电费食物之类的日常花销不管是什么花销,来说都极为重要

    Obviously, even as you work towards your dreams, you'll still need to cover your daily expenses, such as electricity, food, water, and whatever else is fundamentally important to you.


  • 生命重要的,对你工作尤其重要,因为我们清醒时,大部分时间是用来工作的,而且我们花费在工作上的时间在不断地增加。

    This is important in all of life but particularly at work, because we spend so much of our waking moments at work, and the amount of time we spend there is increasing.


  • 学校数学方式了。仅仅是教学的方法错了,不是教数学本身错。如果以正确的方式学习数学的话,会学的更快记住这会更长作为一个程序员来说也更有价值

    They teach math all wrong in school. Way, way wrong. If you teach yourself math the right way, you'll learn faster, remember it longer, and it'll be much more valuable to you as a programmer.


  • 银行来说,这也是一种荣誉因为提供培训经验

    But it's an honor for the bank, too, for the training and experience it's given you.


  • 熟悉信息可以说很快于不熟悉部分下来了

    You can talk fairly rapidly for information that may be familiar, but then slow down for more unfamiliar sections.


  • 只是世界上千百万人中的一个,但对我来说,就是整个世界。

    Maybe you are just one of millions in the world, but to me, you are the whole world.


  • 大声重复所说的话,但对聋人朋友并没有帮助时,试着把它写下来或用符号代替。

    If you repeat what you are saying loudly, and it isn't helping your Deaf friend, try to write it down or use signals instead.


  • 偶尔麻烦或是怎么做都改变不了那个人或是境况,就幽默回敬吧。

    But for occasional troubles, or if nothing you do can change the person or situation, take the humor response.


  • 在家经常急诊工作尽管经历路边严重受伤伤员这里的情况一点思想准备没有

    I usually work in an emergency department back home and although I have experienced the rigours of looking after patients at the roadside, nothing can prepare you for this.


  • 一定会说骄傲来说,真正重要,我的孩子长大了,热情善良的心,为人随和,不装模作样

    You bet I am proud, but what really matters to me is that she grew up to be warm and kind, with an easygoing, unassuming demeanor.


  • 我们可以想象得到,单屏设计手指来说是一种手指灵活性的挑战,我们还好——可以只是触摸屏幕上的不同区域来移动屏幕更改设置

    We can imagine the one-screen design will be too fiddly for anyone with big fingers, but it works for us - you can just zip around the screen touching various areas to change the Settings.


  • 如果以前工作努力生活满意度却在下降,此时可以考虑别的事情了

    If you work harder than before but you get less satisfaction from life, it is time to do something.


  • 我而言像是沙子手中就是不能停止沙粒指缝中漏走。

    But for me it was like holding sand in your hand, you just can't stop it slipping through your fingers.


  • 知道情况怎么样的,不真实的热带沙滩假期一周,我就开始感到焦躁不安。

    I don’t know how it is for you, but after about a week of lying about on a tropical beach I tend to get restless.


  • 知道情况怎么样的,不真实的热带沙滩假期一周,我就开始感到焦躁不安。

    I don’t know how it is for you, but after about a week of lying about on a tropical beach I tend to get restless.


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