• 苏珊听到尖锐响亮重击声还有一种奇怪的咯咯黑暗什么看见

    Outside the car, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. But she couldn't see anything in the darkness.


  • 后排的学生可能不会太多教室里,可能很难看到黑板,也很难听到老师什么

    At the back, students probably won't speak much, but in big classrooms, it can be hard to see the board and hear what the teacher is saying.


  • 开始之前想让你们时间思考一下:知道当今美国流行房子样式什么吗?

    But before we get started, I want you to take a moment to think: does anyone know what the single most popular style for a house in the United States is today?


  • 当时这个博物馆什么记忆了几部关于这个博物馆的热门电视节目愿意去参观了。

    I had little memory of the museum then, but now I am more willing to visit it after watching several popular TV shows about the museum.


  • 是的,”男人伤心地说,“但在我写这本书的时候,我们靠什么过活呢?”

    "Yes," said the man sadly, "but what shall we live on while I am writing it?"


  • 不知道为什么,我那时认为强行把头塞进南瓜里就能解决这个问题,但在当时似乎是完全合理的。

    I'm unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would settle the matter, but it seemed to make perfect sense at the time.


  • 然而尽管这些日子里人们对阶级标志什么还很困惑 YouGov 的民意调查中,71%的受访者仍然表示他们发现清楚其他人属于哪个阶级非常相当容易的。

    Yet despite the muddle over what the markers of class are these days, 71% of those polled by YouGov still said they found it very or fairly easy to figure out which class others belong to.


  • 项目结尾会发生什么看到命中注定的?

    But what happens when, at the very end of the project, you see that it is doomed?


  • 我们谈论很多科幻小说罢了,理论上没有什么阻止出去(倒太空间)。

    We're talking a bit of science fiction now, but in theory there's nothing that stops you going out (into space).


  • 各种各样情形可供访问者进行互动大部分推荐系统却几乎没有什么互动。

    A broad array of modalities are available for visitor interaction, but few if any are available in most recommendation systems.


  • 媒体中经常听到有人断言什么没有我们博客什么都不是,没有什么恼火的了。

    But nothing annoys me more than the oft-heard assertion within media circles that without us blogs would be nothing.


  • 是孩子抽屉什么有趣的东西一个抽屉看到了一张写着字,我拿出来哭声便停了

    Baby drawings, nothing interesting. Then, in the next drawer, something written. I took the paper out, and the crying stopped. I heard a sigh, and then, a soft giggle.


  • 虽然都知道hour什么意思,发明这个年代,人们没有时钟,hour并不完全指时间长度,而像是一当中的某个时间点。

    While you and I know what an hour is, the people who invented the word had no clocks and for them an hour was not so much a length of time as a milestone through the course of the day.


  • 可以动态模型的形式来表示动态行为那样做之前我们必须确定动态行为是什么

    Dynamic behavior can also be formalized into something called the dynamic model, but before we can do that, we have to figure out what the dynamic behavior is.


  • 尽管我们数据元素表示什么以及全面理解如何解释值上仍有点不明确。

    Although we have a complete understanding of what the data element represents and its value, some ambiguity as to how to interpret the value still remains.


  • 母亲非常感动,时候却不明白什么

    This touched my mother, but at the time I couldn’t see why.


  • 不是向你抱怨什么大笔钱了个高级报警系统但在离开的时候设置好呢?

    I'm not complaining, but why would you pay all that money for a fancy alarm system and leave your house without setting it?


  • 或许不会记得顾客做过些什么大多数情况下他们记得。

    You may not view those you work with as your customers, but in many cases, they are.


  • 一些问题可能极其重要(“是否曾谋杀别人? ”)分类筛选上什么

    Some questions might be of utmost importance (" Have you ever murdered anyone? ") but of little use, in sorting people.


  • 生日那天,我们究竟庆祝什么什么庆祝生日是个主意呢?

    But what exactly are we celebrating on our birthday and why is it a good idea to celebrate?


  • 局部变量游标临时声明方面,平台什么差别这两种平台上,声明顺序重要。

    There are no differences in the declarations of local variables, cursors, temporary tables, but on both platforms the order of declaration is important.


  • 这种转变也许解释了什么英国不很多方面落后于其他欧盟伙伴这件慢上半拍。

    This shift may also explain why Britain, in this matter as in so many others, is out of step with its EU partners.


  • 嗅觉阈值减少潜伏期的,解释道这意味着孩子们没有感觉到什么变化测试结果中显示异常。

    The smell-threshold reduction waspreclinical,” he explains, meaning the children wouldn’t notice the change but it could be picked up with testing.


  • 然而正如我们已经阐述尽管还存势均力敌竞争解释什么企业利润业绩彼此差异,我们还是可识别学科基础

    Yet, as we have demonstrated, it has an identifiable disciplinary base in explaining why firms differ from one another in terms of their profit performance, despite of equilibrating competition.


  • 白天什么不动感情极为容易的,夜晚就是另外一回事了。

    It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing.


  • 嗅觉阈值减少潜伏期的,解释道这意味着孩子们没有感觉到什么变化测试结果中显示异常。

    The smell-threshold reduction waspreclinical,” he explains, meaning the children wouldn't notice the change but it could be picked up with testing.


  • 嗅觉阈值减少潜伏期的,解释道这意味着孩子们没有感觉到什么变化测试结果中显示异常。

    The smell-threshold reduction waspreclinical,” he explains, meaning the children wouldn't notice the change but it could be picked up with testing.


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