• 对于普通——如果有抱负——年轻人运营博客来说,一个不小挑战GenerationO成员胜任这项任务。

    It's no small challenge for a blog run by a group of ordinaryif ambitiousyoung people, but the members of Generation O are up to the task.


  • 就算是柏拉图正义之需要培养战士,一准备生命赌注来捍卫所属城市公民

    Even the Platonic just city will have to cultivate warrior citizens who are prepared to risk life in battle for the sake of their own city.


  • 克雷布斯假设苍鹭观察它们可能跟随被观察苍鹭更好觅食那里通常吸引更多鸟类

    Krebs hypothesizes that the herons in smaller flocks are watching for herons that they might follow to better feeding pools, which usually attract larger numbers of the birds.


  • 下雨时候,人力车车夫的客户大大扩大旅程价格随之上涨。

    When it's raining, the normal customer base for rickshaw pullers expands greatly, as does the price of a journey.


  • 大一!但它们伤害人吗?

    What a big group! But will they hurt people?


  • 需要只是跳到笼子里,然后这只笼子饥饿的鲨鱼中

    All you have to do is jump in a cage and be lowered into a school of hungry sharks.


  • 如果有个戏剧化的开始,成为头头,失望的。

    If you want to take dramatic new initiatives, to be leader of the pack, then you might be disappointed.


  • 那些新颖博客新颖的视角评论——如果老是同一当中,你不可避免地发现同样思想翻来覆去地出现。爆发吧!

    Comment on Fresh Blogs For Fresh Perspectives - If you are always among the same crowd you will find inevitably the same thoughts being reflected back over and over. Break out!


  • 因此我们一个正在形成有花植物化石记录包括许多灭绝达尔文感到高兴的。

    As a consequence, we have an emerging fossil record of flowering plants that includes many extinct taxa and would have delighted Darwin.


  • 这些来自西非印度沙漠生昆虫通常并不,但是偶尔汇集巨大贪婪的蝗它们所到之处能留下是饥饿贫困

    Normally loners, every so often these natives of the deserts from West Africa to India turn into vast, voracious swarms that leave hunger and poverty behind them wherever they go.


  • 孩子们行为欠妥可能告诉他们不要表现得黑猩猩一样

    When your kids misbehave, maybe you tell them to stop acting like a bunch of chimps.


  • 衰退期导致风险增加这种不诚实雇员可能冒险不道德的事情,保护他们工作增加他们的经济收入

    The recession increases the risk that such groups of rogue employees will be tempted to engage in wrongdoing to protect their jobs or bolster their finances.


  • 笑声音轨影视内容更好,因为如果有一笑,人们容易笑。

    The laugh track makes things a lot funnier because people laugh a lot more when they're in groups.


  • 如果得好某些用户甚至偏好这种方式;毕竟广告结果总是符合搜索目的。

    And if implemented well, some users might even prefer this; after all, ads results are sometimes just what you were looking for.


  • 总之如果天堂确实存在的话,我就可能,这年老的,有点贪心的,并非很时髦的)一道进去。

    After all, I think, if Heaven does exist it’s likely that I’ll enter it with just such a flock of sheep, of peopleold, not all that smart, a bit greedy.


  • 小时候讨厌橄榄球,我必须沿线轮流攻击的男孩达到训练目的。

    As a child I loathed rugby, particularly a drill where you had to run along a line of crouched boys who would tackle you in turn.


  • 他们通常独自冰上漫步但是有时也特别是熊宝宝跟熊妈妈一起的时候。

    They usually roam the ice alone but sometimes hang out in groups, especially babies with their mothers.


  • 自己选择他们帮助的事情你获得更多你对付严格代表团的人要好的多。

    You're more likely to get a bigger buy in when you let people choose where they will help you as opposed to strict delegation.


  • 朋友()必然因为某个成员变动口角一番。

    Among friends, there will surely be tiffs over who is in, and out, of which group.


  • 伴随每个递归步骤形成带有一个额外置换的向量积。

    With each recursive step, cross products with one additional Permutation Group are formed.


  • 蝗虫湖中一些作为顿美餐

    Locusts swarm to the lake. Some peoples might take it for a delicacy.


  • 借助自然力量,美国麻省理工大学的研究人员建造游泳的机器人鱼这种“机器人鱼”可以一样动作“优雅地”钻进水里,但速度可能那么快。

    Borrowing from Mother Nature, a team of MIT researchers has built a school of swimming robo-fish that slip through the water just as gracefully as the real thing, if not quite as fast.


  • 浏览器行为心烦意乱的时候要记住即便页面特殊模式显示只要网站没有崩溃用户依然满意

    Before you get too upset over browser behavior, remember that even when the page showsin quirks modeyour user base is happy, as your site isn't down.


  • 一个页面打开标签同一颜色显示,这样不同标签容易区分。

    Tabs opened from the same page are colour-coded, making it easier to keep track of different tab groups.


  • 所以先学习然后实践——用尽手段建立读者让你未来获益良多

    So learning - and then practicing - all the ways to build an audience will pay huge dividends in the future.


  • 标签可以很方便移动不同的里,标签颜色变成加入的的颜色。

    Tabs can also be moved around to different groups, with the TAB taking on a new group's colour.


  • 有时神秘主义者送来乌鸦,相信它们叫做凶手”,呱呱叫着环绕我们俯冲过来。

    Sometimes the mystics sent live flocks of them, "murders," I believe they're called, to swoop around us, cawing.


  • 糟糕是,创造足够多佣金满足这样投行募集规模紧张,而价格被拉低

    Worse still, to generate the amount of commissions needed to satisfy such a large pool of Banks, the offering size may be stretched and the price diminished.


  • 糟糕是,创造足够多佣金满足这样投行募集规模紧张,而价格被拉低

    Worse still, to generate the amount of commissions needed to satisfy such a large pool of Banks, the offering size may be stretched and the price diminished.


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