• 可以说,“十二五”优先发展领域正是中欧合作主要方向,也是欧盟优势所在。

    The priorities of development for China will, to a great extent, define the direction of future China-EU cooperation.


  • 所以我们不会特定方向作为优先目标

    So we're not preferentially targeting certain directions.


  • 为了了解商业目标IT策略应用方向优先架构师经常客户会见

    The architects met frequently with this customer in order to understand their business objectives, it strategies, application direction, and priorities.


  • 很多国家在智能基础设施建设方面采取大量刺激计划一些智能系统作为产业政策优先发展方向

    Many countries have been spending large chunks of their stimulus packages on smart-infrastructure projects, and some have made smart systems a priority of industrial policy.


  • 自从去年六月执掌丰田公司以来,便提升产品质量置于数量增长优先地位,我们股东共同分享了这个方向

    Since last June, when I first took office, I have personally placed the highest priority on improving quality over quantity, and I have Shared that direction with our stakeholders.


  • RajivChodhariPhilipEnness提供业务方向优先金融市场专业知识以及客户要求

    Rajiv Chodhari and Philip Enness provided business direction priorities, financial markets expertise, and customer requirements.


  • 进入热气盘旋飞行员拥有优先,所有其后进入热气流的飞行员做360盘旋时的方向必须先人者保持一致。

    The pilot first entering thermal currents has a priority. Others in the subsequent entering thermal currents should circle 360 degrees in the same direction with the first one.


  • 作为一个通用规则保证优先专注达到目标不要在各种各样没完没了的可能迷失方向

    As a general rule, make sure that you prioritize and stay focused on achieving your objectives, without getting lost in the endless possibilities.


  • 你们社会,“个人责任似乎不是一个优先事项(我们这个方向打滑)。

    You have a society where "personal responsibility" does not seem to be a priority (we are slipping in that direction as well).


  • 该文分析目前信息关键基础设施面临危机介绍了美国计算机安全技术优先研究方向

    This paper analyses the crisis of information key infrastructure nowadays, and introduces American information security research priorities.


  • 层次分析所得各行业优先权重行业结构状态相耦合,不仅定性提出调整方向而且定量地提出了调整幅度。

    It is proved that the optimum adjustment plan can not only qualitatively but also quantitatively formulated with the combination of priority weight with level analysis and trade structure situation.


  • 增大电流密度,沉积层沿(111)易磁化晶面方向优先生长趋势减弱矫顽力剩磁均增大。

    Coercive force and remanence increases while current density increases, because it become weaker at (111) magnetization orientation of deposits.


  • 事实上问题解决必须把握正确方向应该以劳动者利益优先保护原则作为出发点,同时兼顾用人单位利益。

    At fact, the issue must grasp correct drive, i. e. taking laborers' interests as a first protection principle and give attention to the interests of the employing units.


  • 因而沸石分子筛合成及其系列产品开发玻屑凝灰岩深层次开发利用的优先发展方向

    Thus the preferential exploitation of the vitric tuff in high level is synthesis of zeolite molecular sieves and a series of products made from the synthetic zeolites.


  • 温度相对均匀使得游离晶粒得以保存下来抑制晶粒某个方向优先生长从而抑制了树枝晶形成

    The dissociative grains were saved and the priority growth at one direction was restrained because of the relative uniform temperature field, consequently the nondendritic structure was formed.


  • 建议此次会后尽快结合优先合作方向建立联合工作组,负责规划督促实施合作项目

    I suggest that joint working groups for priority cooperation be set up as quickly as possible after this meeting to make plans for the projects and monitor cooperation progress.


  • 注意采用流向箭头原因某些应用场合隔离优先密封方向高压一定相同

    Note: the reason why a flow arrow was not used was for applications such as pump isolation whereas preferred sealing direction and the high pressure side are not necessarily the same.


  • 然而调查显示年轻人朝着正确方向前进进入工作阶梯优先事项一个了解

    However, the survey showed young people are heading in the right direction and have an understanding of the priorities required to get onto the job ladder.


  • 提出分枝模型解释了成为优先生长方向之一原因

    Dendritic arm spacing models are put forward, which explains the reason why the direction of is one of the preferentially growing directions.


  • 本科学历以上食品科学与工程专业,粮食工程食品工程方向优先

    Bachelor degree or above, major in food engineering, prefer grain processing or other engineering direction.


  • 数值模拟结果表明,有限预拉伸控制组分畴的生长方向引导图案沿预拉伸方向优先生长。有限预拉伸的强度越大,条纹的宽度间距越小。

    Our numerical results reveal that the uniform pre-stretch strongly affects the phase separation patterns, and leads to preferential growth in the tensile direction.


  • 站在客人右边女士优先主人开始时针方向接下来再男士同样顺时针方向

    From the right hand side, pour the wine for ladies first, clockwise from the host, then for gentlemen in the same clockwise manner.


  • 站在客人右边女士优先主人开始时针方向接下来再男士同样顺时针方向

    From the right hand side, pour the wine for ladies first, clockwise from the host, then for gentlemen in the same clockwise manner.


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