• 为了能确保成功不仅需要成功计划而且还需要一个明确的、带时间限制的任务清单清单应该是责任人非常清楚的,预知结果

    To assure success in any endeavor, you need not only a successful plan, but explicit, time-boxed task lists with responsible, accountable owners and acknowledged consequences.


  • 许多认为工作清单让他们迷失他们安排太多的东西,他们永远也完成了的大串工作清单),有没有针对这些多度任务的小意见呢?

    A lot of people find To-Do lists frustrating (they plan too much and then they have a long list of tasks that never get done.) What are some tips to not overplan?


  • 根据我们经验这些证明一个不错的关于任务潜在角色清单这些角色可以很好的对映现实单位中的已有角色,这个清单告诉那些单位是否必要引入新的角色。

    But in our experience, it has proven to be a good checklist of tasks and potential roles that can be mapped to an organization's existing roles, and show where there's a need to introduce new ones.


  • 目标被分解每月的、每周的、直到每日任务清单清单行动的一个个召唤:提醒必须特定日期内完成任务否则我的目标就会推迟

    My goals are broken down into monthly, weekly, right down to the daily task lists, and the list is a call to action that I must accomplish this by the specified date, else my goals will be put off.


  • 然而,和任务清单一样同样需要一份不应该事情清单,提醒自己不要做这些事。

    However, just as important as writing a list of things you need to do, you need to write a list of things to stop doing.


  • 尽管实际任务清单特定于对具体企业的,但是下面清单需要考虑的内容提供了一种思路

    Although, the actual list of tasks is specific to a particular enterprise, the list below gives an idea of things that need to be taken into account.


  • 比如说清单2任务主题一部分转换清单3一致格式就变成清单4中的代码

    As an example, part of the task topic in Listing 2, when converted to a format consistent with Listing 3, becomes the code in Listing 4.


  • 清单2展示演示了如何多个处理程序之间划分一个文档(如 清单1所述)的处理任务

    The class shown in Listing 2 demonstrates how you can split the processing of a document, shown in Listing 1, between multiple handlers.


  • 简短任务清单写做重要任务和必须完成的事情,这样更有动力去依照自己清单行使。

    Shortening your todo list to just the most critical, must-do tasks will give you the “energy” to start knocking out those tasks.


  • 在列任务清单时,加入项目,你都应该一个几个其他清单上。

    When you make a to-do list, for new every item you add, be prepared to move at least one other item (and more likely two or three) to the to-don't list.


  • 再看一下清单6中的示例注意到,max()一个已经并行集合中提供方法因此没有必要直接定义调用fork/join任务清单 7 所示

    Revisiting the example from Listing 6, notice that max() is a method already provided on parallel collections, so there is no need to define and invoke a fork/join task directly, as in Listing 7


  • 那么拥有一个通过打电话完成任务清单只要那么分钟电话空闲的,你就可以看看的“@phone”清单,检查一下是不是可以个电话。

    So you have a list of tasks you do on the phone; whenever you have a few minutes and your phone is handy, you can take a look at your “@phone” list and see if there’s a call you could make.


  • 任务清单可扩展的、有着丰富内涵围绕的,选做清单是有收缩性、狭隘和明确界定的。

    Where a to-do list is expansive, inclusive and encompassing, a to-don’t list is contractive, narrowing and boundary-defining.


  • 清单5显示了清单4命令行调用功能相同Ant任务定义

    Listing 5 shows the Ant task definition that would work the same as the command-line invocation in Listing 4.


  • 注意清单3清单 2 中的main()方法重构为任务execute() 方法。

    Notice that Listing 3 refactors the main() method from Listing 2 to the execute() method of the task.


  • 清单7清单8演示了如何xsl转换使用xsl:result - document创建新的概念任务

    Listing 7 and Listing 8 demonstrate how you would use XSL: result-document in the XSL transform to create a new concept and a new task.


  • 如果以上的内容完全符合实际情况建议在开始完成任务清单之前先给自己列一个清单

    If all of this describes your situation a little too well, I'd like to suggest you make another list before you start in on your to-do list: a "to-don't" list.


  • 读者q335r49分享说利用Word大纲视图组织任务清单个人随笔购物清单以及任何需要做的事情。

    q335r49 wrote in with his personal preference of using Word's Outline View to contain his to-do list, little personal essays, a shopping list, and whatever more he needs.


  • 任务清单让我们工作更高效基本也是最重要工具,但是任务清单上总有一些工作项目一而再再而三地往后拖延。

    Lists are the most basic and essential part of being productive, but some of the items on to-do lists end up being pushed to the bottom over and over again.


  • 别人许下承诺时,请立刻任务清单任务清单可以充当承诺

    When you promise to do something for someone else, immediately write it down on your list. Your todo list can double as your promise list.


  • 提供建议缪斯网站解释说,我们大多数往往任务清单事情全部做完或者仅仅凭借清单任务做事情。我们通过划掉清单上大多数的任务来实现自己的计划,但是却还感到压力很大。

    As advice site The Muse 2 explains, many of us often feel like we have to get everything on our list done or else simply by virtue 3 of it being on our list.


  • 提供建议缪斯网站解释说,我们大多数往往任务清单事情全部做完或者仅仅凭借清单任务做事情。我们通过划掉清单上大多数的任务来实现自己的计划,但是却还感到压力很大。

    As advice site The Muse 2 explains, many of us often feel like we have to get everything on our list done or else simply by virtue 3 of it being on our list.


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