• 乡串镇出售自己货品

    He travelled from town to town selling his wares.


  • ,是主动的。

    He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.


  • 兴是因为菲利普情况好转了,伤心是因为她不得不让他走

    Happy because Phillip is better, but sad because she has to let him go.


  • Lip-Lip 靠近她时,她把 Lip-Lip 翻过来一直咬,直到放他走,但是白方有一个更大的问题。

    When Lip-Lip got close to her, she turned Lip-Lip over and bit him until she let him go, but White Fang had a bigger problem.


  • 得越远树林就显得越密

    He travelled on and on; but the farther he went, the denser the wood became, apparently.


  • ,最后,终于找到了——亲爱的孩子们可以让你们一千次!

    On and on he walked till finally he foundI give you a thousand guesses, my dear children!


  • 集体富裕道路,不搞个人发家致富

    He takes the road of collective prosperity instead of trying to build up family fortunes.


  • 所以没有这个选项

    So I didn’t have the option of kicking him out.


  • 然而卫斯理不想

    However, Wesley doesn't want to lose him.


  • 里克将盖恩斯消息告诉了金伯利。

    Rick delivers the news to Kimberly that Gaines won't let him go.


  • 教养孩童使行的道就是偏离。

    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.


  • 查韦斯先生承认他走太快——但是方向没有错误

    Mr Chavez acknowledges going too fast-but not in the wrong direction.


  • 他走整条路线好象是一条在夜间摸黑下山梯级

    The whole of this itinerary resembled a descent of black steps.


  • 我们黑暗上楼的不快,只能慢慢地跟着

    We walk through darkness, up the stairs. Heisn't moving very fast, so I climb slowly with him.


  • 然后没多就被盘子,肯定应该出现的,给绊倒了。

    Then he went on a little farther and stumbled against a piece of broken crockery ware, which certainly ought not to have been lying there.


  • 这种全知全能幻想不仅激励商人而且还有那些自己的人;

    The fantasy of omnipotence animated not only the trader but also those who let him go his way;


  • 时候似乎闷闷不乐,若有所思;听到你们玩闹,显然自己没什么玩的。

    He looked so wistful as he went away, hearing the frolic and evidently having none of his own.


  • 格莱先生看见你们大家一下子都跟着一定相当惊奇吧好象记得比你们天。

    It must have been a most agreeable surprise to Mr. Bingley to see you all after him so soon; for, if I recollect right, he went but the day before.


  • 强盗自己手绢绑眼睛上跟着直到刚好新的房子钱阿里巴巴此时住在里面

    The robber tied his handkerchief over his eyes, and walked by him till he stopped directly at Cassim's house, where Ali Baba then lived.


  • 明白根本不理睬的想法,因此勉强地书房,给这个不合时宜来访者通报主人让他走明天再说。

    I perceived he was bent on refusing my mediation, so very reluctantly I went up to the library, and announced the unseasonable visitor, advising that he should be dismissed till next day.


  • 的样子是个正常人,像短路电脑似的,跳著向前退后或是侧面然后又退回之前站的位置

    The way he was moving was not like a normal person would, it was like a glitching computer; he would "jump" forward, backward or to a side, then back to his normal place again.


  • 19世纪一项重要考虑事项即使什么也无法故人,至少让的时候孤单安葬的时候有人为哀悼

    This was an important consideration in the 19th century, that even when nothing could be done for the man, he did not die alone, and had a mourner at his interment.


  • 那天,和“杰克逊”有关的搜索上升到了分钟5000次;TWTTIER超过负载以致许多使用者无法登陆账号

    The volume of Jackson-related tweets reached 5, 000 per minute the day he died; Twitter was so overwhelmed that some users couldn't get into their accounts.


  • 威洛大街慢了,因为眼前了。 吉米的家是街左边第二户的那栋红砖房,墙上爬满了常青藤的枝桠,和蜘蛛网一样。

    His pace slowed further as he turned onto Willow Avenue and saw his house, second on the left, a red brick ranch with spidery ivy growing up the east side.


  • 一天2002赛季决赛中取得职业生涯第1000次击打所以,我那个象征着生命里程碑小球,放在了身边

    He passed away the day I got my 1, 000th career hit, in the final game of the 2002 season, so at his side I left the ball from my milestone.


  • 一天2002赛季决赛中取得职业生涯第1000次击打所以,我那个象征着生命里程碑小球,放在了身边

    He passed away the day I got my 1, 000th career hit, in the final game of the 2002 season, so at his side I left the ball from my milestone.


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