• 那种愚蠢行为永远他名誉污点

    That foolish deed of his will remain a blot on his escutcheon.


  • 为了努力洗脱对名誉嫌疑

    For family honour, he endeavours to clear his name of suspicion.


  • 相反者身上, 比较好的名誉正直诚实得体, 愈比较胜利机会将会最后。

    On the contrary, the better his reputation for integrity, honesty, and decency, the better is chances of victory will be in the long run.


  • 着牺牲健康名誉危险提出这一思想我们不是超越于自然的,而只是一部分

    He risked his health and his reputation to advance the idea that we are not over nature but a part of it.


  • 恢复玛格里特艺术家名誉重要作用

    He played a major role in rehabilitating Magritte as an artist.


  • 正如阿蒙森所料,如果成功问鼎南极不管是名誉还是将来探险资金都能够得到保证。

    As Amundsen reckoned, if he won the South Pole, fame as well as financing of future exploration would be secured.


  • 名誉搞得眼花缭乱。

    He was dazzled by fame.


  • 认为,现在问题在于名誉的塑造而不是公司最新产品

    The problem, he argues, is more to do with reputation than the firm’s latest products.


  • 高盛名誉,对温伯格来说,不惜一切代价加以维护

    Goldman's reputation, Mr Weinberg felt, had to be protected at all costs.


  • 欧洲相对较弱空军无法美国火力相提并论,而且由于巴马已经要求卡扎菲必须下台,若还不采取行动,名誉便岌岌可危

    The Europeans' small air forces cannot match the reach and firepower of America's—and having demanded that Qaddafi must go Mr Obama's own reputation is now on the line.


  • 我们我们引以自豪的名誉绝不为了急于赚钱玷污,”

    "We have a proud reputation, but mustn't tarnish it for the sake of making a quick buck," he said.


  • 不过却又这件事对名誉产生的影响感到懊悔不已,认为互联网上,自己名字已经大面积性犯罪指控联系在一起

    But he also rued the impact on his own reputation, saying that his name was now linked widely on the Internet with the rape allegation.


  • 如果交易失败了,再次巩固作为失败交易者名誉

    If the bid flops, he will have cemented his reputation as a failed dealmaker.


  • 宣告了一个事实品格名誉赌注

    It's written as a fact; God is staking his character and his reputation on it.


  • 10年来英国哲学学会亚里士多德学会伦敦图书馆董事会名誉校长秘书

    For nearly 10 years, he was the honorary secretary of the principal British philosophical association, the Aristotelian Society, and a trustee of the London Library.


  • 事实上,在答辩或者审判之前名誉被糟蹋得越厉害,事态有利

    In fact, it's to his advantage to see that your reputation suffers as much as possible before a plea or a trial.


  • 因此无论检察官这个案件职业名誉陪审团可能都会嘲笑们吧?

    As such, what prosecutor wants to stake his or her career or reputation on a case that the jury is probably going to laugh at?


  • 知道,”酒吧男侍说,福特面前邪恶地摇晃着,“考虑名誉。”

    "You see," said the barman, and his face seemed to wobble evilly in front of Ford's, "I have a reputation to think of."


  • 作者坚持认为伏尔泰是个胆小如鼠的势利小人,过于追求自己名誉舒适生活,因此不会说出任何令人不安的真相。

    Voltaire, he insists, was a milquetoast careerist, too concerned with his own reputation and his comfortable life to say anything truly unsettling.


  • 强调,“总会一个名誉恢复的间隔,所有的进步注意总要有些时间,如果要人们重新认识你来提供重要工作需要更多的时间。”

    He cautions, "There always is a reputational lag. It will take some time before improvement is noticed, and even more time before people actively seek you out for the important work."


  • 阿伦特20世纪50年代重新建立联系着力恢复名誉

    In the 1950s Arendt re-established ties with him and labored to revive his reputation.


  • 虽然同样这个自己名誉如此确信,竟毫不怀疑人们死后500年后依然自传

    Yet equally a man so sure of his reputation that he had no doubts people would still want to read him 500 years after his death.


  • 曾经自己作证,因为前任公诉人将我上法庭,指控1999年发表于《芝加哥论坛报》文章破坏了名誉

    I was a witness on my own behalf after I was sued by a former prosecutor who accused me of defaming him in an article I wrote for the Chicago Tribune in 1999.


  • 并非因为败坏了一个女人名誉而是因为说话者可能提到一些统计数字其中包括男人也许遇到麻烦次数长度。

    This is not because he is ruining a woman's reputation, but because the speaker might produce statistics, including times and centime - tres, that the other men would have difficulty in meeting.


  • 十分注重自己名誉如同一个骑士一样优秀,也一样负债累累。

    He was as punctilious about his honour, as fine a horseman and as deep in debt as any of them.


  • 这个国家带来巨大的名誉荣耀,”阿维塔尔说:“国际社会所知晓,喜爱欣赏时间远远早于在以色列欣赏我们

    He will bring us great prestige and great honor to the country, " said Avital. "He is internationally known, loved and appreciated, much longer than we in Israel appreciated him.


  • 而那些更为进步的党派深知民众失望,丑闻多项指控名誉扫地,所有这些都将使对小泽退避三舍

    More progressive parties, knowing how much the public despairs of him and how tainted he is by the allegations of scandal, might give him a wide berth as well.


  • 工作人员感动任命山姆名誉娱乐总管”,工作就是工作人员提出自己的意见-以确保让博物馆成为孩子天中好玩地方

    Staff was so impressed they appointed Sam an honorary "Director of fun" and his job will be to bosses how he thinks they can ensure the museum is the most fun place for kids to spend a day out.


  • 接近赤贫生活名誉受损,已经畏惧伦勃朗开始崭新方法创作,因为自己作画了。

    Living in near-poverty, public reputation shot, with nothing to gain or lose, Rembrandt was painting in a fresh way because he was painting mostly for himself.


  • 接近赤贫生活名誉受损,已经畏惧伦勃朗开始崭新方法创作,因为自己作画了。

    Living in near-poverty, public reputation shot, with nothing to gain or lose, Rembrandt was painting in a fresh way because he was painting mostly for himself.


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