• 雇佣人员总数增加帕金森定律支配的,并且不受工作量增减(取消)的影响。

    The rise in the total of those employed is governed by Parkinson's Law, and would be much the same whether the volume of the work were to increase, diminish or even disappear.


  • 是否能够首先运行虚拟测试人员总数10%,然后运行运行另外10% ?

    Can I have 10% of the total virtual testers run first, followed by another 10% before the rest of them start?


  • 目的制定广东省卫生资源规划进行优化配置,对全省的卫生技术人员总数进行预测。

    Objective The total number of health technical staffs of Guangdong province was forecasted for projecting health resource and optimizing allocation.


  • 季度失业人员总数达到114,000失业率高达8.1%,创下1996年以来最高记录。

    As the total number of unemployed people rose by 114, 000 during the quarter, the unemployment rate reached 8.1%, the highest since the autumn of 1996.


  • 两种劳动统计就业人员总数就业人员行业构成以及它们的时间变化等方面均存在着较大的分歧。

    The two statistics are different not only in terms of total Numbers employed and industrial structures for any given period, but also in terms of changes of employment over time.


  • 这种思维方式很多有经验技术好的之门外,迫使他们加入长期失业大军,这种情况几乎占据了美国失业人员总数一半

    This kind of thinking has tossed untold Numbers of experienced, highly skilled people into the ranks of the long-term unemployed, a group that now constitutes nearly half of all U.S. jobless.


  • 这种思维方式很多有经验技术好的之门外,迫使他们加入长期失业大军,这种情况几乎占据了美国失业人员总数一半

    This kind of thinking has tossed untold numbers of experienced, highly skilled people into the ranks of the long-term unemployed, a group that now constitutes nearly half of all U. S. jobless.


  • 目前中国亚洲非洲拉丁美洲70多个国家派遣医疗队基本上每个医疗队中医药人员,约医务人员总数10%。

    To date, China has sent medical teams to over 70 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, with TCM professionals in almost every team, accounting for 10 percent of the total number of staff.


  • 对于旅行者来说,发生危险时,女性驾驶员安抚人心。这伦敦地铁热衷于增加女性驾驶员数量原因之一。伦敦地铁现有女性驾驶员100人,驾驶人员总数的百分之三。

    The ability to break bad news to travellers more sympathetically is one reason London Underground is keen to increase its number of female drivers from 100---just three percent of driving staff.


  • 好几种方法可以采用,像改变工作开始日期、每天工作时数、工作人员总数……这些条件都可以改变,或者你可以设定组合式的条件,将多项因素列入考量,并他人讨论找出可行的方式。

    Any of these items could be altered or there could be a combination of the restrictions allowed. Several factors could be called into play, just discuss it and find out what works.


  • 国际救援人员估计目前为止,他们能够帮助的灾民不到总数三分之一

    Aid workers estimate that they have been able to reach less than a third of the storm's victims.


  • 研究人员发现一般而言,第一个孩子将总数45%分配同伴,这个比例在不同的年龄组性别中基本保持稳定

    On average, researchers found, the dictator gave 45% of the money to the partner, a proportion that remained constant across age-groups and gender.


  • 使用参数可以限制所附人员查询返回用户总数

    This parameter enables you to limit the total number of users that are returned by the enclosing staff query.


  • 来 到澳大利亚10万移民期望一份短期签证制度下,雇主被允许招收澳洲外部人员填补急迫职位空缺,因此移民总数可能接近30万。

    With another 100,000 arrivals expected under a short-term visa scheme that allows employers to fill urgent job vacancies from outside Australia, the total intake is likely to be closer to 300,000.


  • 例如实现人员可以每个请求中的安全性上下文里检索请求用户ID使用确定目标计算器总数

    For example, the implementer could retrieve the requestor's user id from the security context on each request and use that to identify the target calculator total.


  • 今年有40篇由微软研究人员撰写他人共同撰写论文被CHI选中,大会接受论文总数的10%。

    This year, Microsoft researchers authored or co-authored 40 conference papers and notes, approximately 10 percent of the total accepted.


  • 估计,截至到现在,包括那些大材小用就业者在内,美国未充分就业人员总数已经达到900万。

    Some estimates put the total number of "underemployed" Americans -- including those who are doing jobs for which they are overqualified -- at about 9 million.


  • 知道现在这种说法在人类中才有据可查研究人员观察了人们消耗维生素多少然后肿瘤总数

    But until now the human evidence has been mostly observational, meaning researchers looked at how much of the vitamin people consumed and then counted up the cancers.


  • 救援指挥总部确认目前死亡总数为74人,但并没有宣布矿工人数,亦没有表明是否人员被困井下。

    Rescue headquarters confirmed that the death toll stood at 74, without announcing the number of miners still trapped - or whether anyone is still trapped at all.


  • 可供重新安排工作人员与劳动力总数百分比

    Flexibility quotient Number of redeployable staff resources as a percentage of the total workforce.


  • 图中颜色所示,死产总数较高国家经由受训练的医护人员接生的出生比例普遍较少。

    Illustrated by graduated colours, the proportion of births attended by a skilled health worker was generally low in countries with high number of stillbirths.


  • 员工总数有58其中技术人员有8人,焊接操作工有25

    Total staff of 58 people, including eight technical staff, 25 were welding operatives.


  • 公司具有中级以上职称专业技术人员员工总数20%。

    The company has more than mid-level titles in professional and technical personnel accounting for 20% of the total number of staff.


  • 因为许多房屋倒塌死亡人员总数可能继续上升

    "The death toll may rise further as lots of houses collapsed," he said.


  • 事件导致374名乘客机组成员死亡为机组人员和飞机乘客总数一小部分。

    Both of these incidents resulted in the deaths of 374 passengers and crew - barely a fraction of the total number of fliers.


  • 事件导致374名乘客机组成员死亡为机组人员和飞机乘客总数一小部分。

    Both of these incidents resulted in the deaths of 374 passengers and crew - barely a fraction of the total number of fliers.


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