• 身边蕨类植物中有些微沙沙声。

    Something small rustles away through the ferns near him.


  • 常常感到些微迷失,浮沉在自我怀疑迷雾中。

    Often felt as if she were slightly lost, floating through a miasma of self-doubt.


  • 如果绳子长度些微减小,周期就会变短一点

    And if the length of the string is a little less, the period would be a little shorter.


  • 艳阳上午天空也许叶面还有些微露水

    The morning sun, the sky is blue, and perhaps there is a slight leaf surface dew bar!


  • 他们士兵聪明称职,同时每个又有些微的不同

    They're good soldiers, they're smart and competent, and yet each one is a little different.


  • 星期三,温和派的利些微差距赢得前进党的初选。

    That happened last Wednesday, when moderate Tzipi Livni won a narrow victory in the Kadima party primaries.


  • 不过市场好像不大在意部分原因是形势好转还是些微希望。

    Markets responded with a shrug, however, partly because there are glimmers of a turnaround.


  • 他们支持金融界拯救经济刺激方案不过支持者些微的多数

    They supported the financial bail-out and the stimulus package, but only by slender majorities.


  • 对于一些国家来说教育方面公共支出教育实际成效之间只有些微联系。

    Public spending on education only slightly relates to actual educational results for a number of countries.


  • 韩国戏剧倾向表现真实生活即使只是小事细微情绪些微转折。

    I think Korean drama [s] tend to show the real life, even though it's just the small things, small emotions, small twist.


  • 但是多数删减校正经作者仔细玩味而临时决定的,这一过程不可容忍任些微的累赘草率

    But the majority of the omissions and corrections were prompted by a careful taste, which abhorred everything redundant or slovenly.


  • 周五涡轮机展厅报道现场些微的火药味,有位观众媒体,“我们应该冲破护栏。”

    One report from the Turbine hall gallery space on Friday stated that there was a ‘faintly mutinous air,’ with one visitor suggesting to the press, ‘Maybe we should kick down the barriers.’


  • 然而创建虚拟门户存在些微变化因为相应配置任务虚拟门户中没有创建任何内容存取控制角色

    However, there are slight changes when creating a virtual portal, because the corresponding configuration task does not create any content or access control roles within the new virtual portal.


  • 膝关节可以些微右的晃动,但是一定不能伸直特别是挥杆到达顶点的时候。

    He said the right knee could sway a bit from left to right, but it should never straighten, especially as you move to the top of the backswing.


  • 我们分辨出地球体型肤色些微差别这些几乎无法察觉差别看上去引起无穷无尽的麻烦

    We appreciate that human beings come in slightly different models and colors, and to you these nearly imperceptible differences seem to cause no end of trouble.


  • 细致笔调浓郁的抒情掺和些微的幽默讽刺,使得作品如一东北陈酿醇厚深沉魅力无穷

    The novel with fine style and strong lyric admixed the slight humor and satire, just like a jar of the northeast old wine, which is mellow, deep and glamour infinite.


  • 细致笔调浓郁的抒情掺和些微的幽默讽刺,使得作品如一东北陈酿醇厚深沉魅力无穷

    The novel withfine style and strong lyric admixed the slight humor and satire,just like a jar of the northeast old wine, which is mellow, deepand glamour infinite.


  • 甚至汽车也有些微跌价——过去20年里,中等大小一部福特轿车工作小时计算的价格了6%。

    Even cars are taking a smaller toll on our bank accounts: in the past decade, the work-time price of a mid-size Ford sedan declined by 6 percent.


  • 酒色呈红宝石,晶莹剔透,带有浓郁成熟果香,如山梅香,更因在橡木桶中陈酿带有些微的香草气息。

    Red colour, bright and clean. Very rich fruit aromas reminiscent of red berries like raspberries with a balsamic hint and vanilla characters from the oak barrel.


  • 实验结果显示对于上面所提及两个天线,只有些微脉冲波失真保真度之介于08至0。96之间。

    The experimental results show slight pulse distortion, with goof fidelity values of 0. 8 to 0. 96 for the two proposed antennas.


  • 假设通常周一需要7点钟的时候起床明天因故让我的起床时间有了些微的变化,于是我想要9点钟的时候才起来

    Let's say I usually wake up at 7am on Mondays; but tomorrow is different for some reason, and I want to wake up at 9am.


  • 脉冲在一个真实的空间沿着一个封闭圆环运动,当它回到出发点相位与刚出发时的相位可能会有些微不同。

    When a light pulse is made to follow a closed loop path in real space, the phase of the returning beam might be slightly off from the phase of light starting off at that point.


  • 不是中国具有侵略性,他们有些做法些微有些极端但是惊奇于,西方媒体如何这种些微的极端操纵非常离谱。

    P. S. I'm not saying China isn't being aggressive, some actions are slightly extreme, but you'll be surprised by how the western media manipulates it to become so much more.


  • 家长制社会的扭曲我们星球折磨至今,我们深陷其害,仅存那些微的一小部分灵魂未被魔爪触碰,的准则全社会公认裁定。

    Patriarchal distortions have plagued our planet for lifetimes and we have all gotten caught up in, minus a very small percentage of souls, what is right and wrong based on society's expectations.


  • 的尘埃可深深地吸入肺部。

    These fine particles penetrate deep into the lungs.


  • 生物穿过树木内部时可以毁灭整个森林

    These tiny creatures can kill entire forests as they tunnel their way through the inside of trees.


  • 生物穿过树木内部时可以毁灭整个森林

    These tiny creatures can kill entire forests as they tunnel their way through the inside of trees.


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