• 改进后结果消除采样误差又保持样本基本特征属性

    Therefore, the improved FCM clustering results can reduce the sampling errors and retain the main attributes of cloud classification samples.


  • 介绍基于卫星遥感资料运用纹理学识别的原理方法软件设计

    Based on satellite images data, the paper presents a method and its principle for identifying cloud types by using texture. The program design is discussed.


  • 低垂岛屿物体所阻碍时就会形成飞机飞行时机翼后方的气流也会形成的漩涡。

    Cloud streets form when low-lying clouds are interrupted by an object such as an island. Similar patterns occur in the wind flow downstream of airplane wings.


  • 因此我们必须这个漏洞固有虚拟化计算高度相关的那一漏洞。

    Hence, we must consider this vulnerability as intrinsic to virtualization and highly relevant to cloud computing.


  • 如果实例位于不同地理区域可能需要考虑处理多个IP范围

    If you have cloud instances in different geographical regions, you may have the additional consideration of dealing with multiple class IP ranges.


  • 旧金山(CNN) -消费电子技术巨头加入了在线储藏服务的市场争夺战苹果公司当然不会落下

    San Francisco (CNN) — Consumer technology giants are battling to provide the place where you store your files, and Apple is not about to be left out.


  • 其中各个安全、更有弹性。

    One of them is making individual clouds more secure, more resilient.


  • 大量品种包括灵芝、木蹄层孔菌、银耳香菇我国传统民间药物

    A large number of mushroom species including Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, Fomes fomentarius, Tremella fuciformis and Lentinus edodes are traditionally used in Chinese folk medicines.


  • 概念基于每一提供功能

    The cloud concept is built on layers, each providing a distinct level of functionality.


  • List窗口一个表格视图构成是您的清单UITableView),如图13 所示。

    The List Window is made up of a Table view, which is your cloud list (UITableView class), as shown in Figure 13.


  • 大多数Web 2.0页面一样简单分门别关键词标记del . icio . us基本特性站点成了标记(tag cloud)概念的先锋。

    As with most Web 2.0 pages, simple, categorizing keywords, or tags, are a basic feature of del.icio.us, and the site was a pioneer of the tag cloud concept.


  • ChromeOS本为下列应用设计的,电邮、文字处理软件、日历存储用户硬盘的一应用。

    Chrome OS is designed primarily to work with applications such as E-mail, word-processors, calendars and the like that are stored in the cloud rather than on a user's hard-drive.


  • 虽然不太确定是否有明显不同但是新一代导演朴赞郁我把他们叫做电影狂人”,我自己也属于这一

    BJ: Although I’m not sure of distinctive differences, newer filmmakers like Kim Ji-woon and Park Chan-wook are what I would callfilm maniacs.’


  • 与三维网格模型K均值分割、点模型的谱系分割实验结果比较证实一点。

    This is supported by the comparison with the results of hierarchical clustering segmentation of point cloud model and K-Means clustering segmentation of mesh model.


  • 如果喜爱武术动作电影无需多做介绍,你一定熟知这位具有传奇色彩的演员的名字:尚·顿。

    If you love martial arts and action movies, then you are without a doubt familiar with this legendary name that needs no introduction: Jean-Claude Van Damme.


  • 计算错误处理提到的,及时写出处理应用错误信息的形式发送计算其他地方集中错误记录服务处

    As mentioned in "error Handling in the Clouds," write classes that handle all application errors in real time send them as messages to centralized error-logging services elsewhere in the cloud.


  • 曲面零件有别于轮廓外形的反求,主要体现数据采集方法处理特征点的提取以及曲线拟合

    The reverse of lumen part is different from outline, such as collect data method, treat with point, pick up feature point and curve fitting.


  • 尺度大小将降雹分为雷暴、对中尺度对流系统核、系统区及边缘6

    Hail clouds were classified 6 kinds according to scale: thunderstorm cloud, convective cloud, mesoscale convective system, cold-cloud-nuclei, cloud field of system clouds, and edge of cloud cluster.


  • 塔中地区石炭系碳酸盐岩主要岩颗粒灰()岩粉晶

    The types of Carboniferous carbonate rocks in Tazhong area include grain limestone, grain dolomite and muddy to micritic dolomite.


  • 采用改进近邻降维后特征点进行识别

    We adopt an improved near neighbor's cluster method to cluster the optimum combinatorial feature for recognition.


  • 因此花岗岩成岩一个包括花岗闪长、二长花岗岩、正长花岗岩、英闪长岩这样的岩石。

    Therefore, the granitoid is a big group of plutonic rocks including such as granodiorite, monzonite, syenogranite, tonalite, and so on.


  • 由此说明香浸膏中所的上述氨基酸含量肝炎患者显然不利影响

    Thus it is shown that the comparative content of the two amino acids in Xiangyun extract will have no harmful effect on hepatitis patients.


  • 本文定义了光栅光线变换矩阵并用所给矩阵分析了纹。

    The ray transfer matrix of three kinds of gratings is defined in this paper. By using these matrices the moire fringes are analyzed.


  • 开江地区石炭系储集主要颗粒岩和角砾

    The main Carboniferous reservoir rocks in Kaijiang area are granular and rubble dolomites.


  • 仙关组储集岩为各种颗粒具颗粒幻影的细粉晶岩,灰岩储层欠发育。

    The Feixianguan formation's reservoir lithology included all kinds of grain dolostones and fine-crystal dolostones remaining grain apparition exluding the limestones.


  • 中文:着眼于高度时,分为高

    When height is taken into account, clouds are classified into three types: high, middle and low cloud.


  • 最后试验证实图像分割办法基于模型办法基于模糊凯西意味着办法基于凯西的办法。

    Lastly, the experiments proved the method of image segmentation based on cloud model is better than the method based on fuzzy K means cluster and the method based on K means.


  • 三岔口铜矿含矿主海西中期石英—闪长岩体边缘闪长()岩闪长斑岩。

    The mother rocks of copper deposit in Sanchakou are quartz diorite(porphyrite)and quartz-mica-diorite-porphyrite of marginal facies from quartz-diorite and diorite rock body of middle Hercynian.


  • 长兴储集岩为各种颗粒()或具颗粒幻影的细晶岩,灰岩储层欠发育。

    The Changxing formation's reservoir lithology included all kinds of grain dolostones and reef dolostones as well as fine-crystal dolostones remaining grain apparition excluding the limestones.


  • 长兴储集岩为各种颗粒()或具颗粒幻影的细晶岩,灰岩储层欠发育。

    The Changxing formation's reservoir lithology included all kinds of grain dolostones and reef dolostones as well as fine-crystal dolostones remaining grain apparition excluding the limestones.


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