• 昨天俄罗斯主教练可能会成为未来世界冠军

    Yesterday the Chief Coach of the Russian team said that you'd probably be the World Champion in the future.


  • 主教练:“认为欧洲赛事对我们任何负面影响。”

    The coach said: 'I don't believe there will be any repercussions from what happened in Europe.


  • 我们团队组织相当不错重要的,”这位主教练

    "We have developed well our team play and that is the most important thing," said the manager.


  • 费城主教练考虑到达身上背负着过重的期望,他的表现已经很是完美了。

    Union head coach Peter Nowak says Mwanga has performed well considering the high expectations.


  • 没有季米特排除曼联阵营之外—还是曼联的一员,”曼联主教练

    "I haven't liked leaving Dimitar out - and now he is in," said the United manager.


  • 这位主教练:“我们放到名单底部,来看看到底第几四分卫。”

    "We're going to put him at the bottom of the chart and see where he is," Crennel said.


  • 切尔西主教练俱乐部架构感到很高兴,并且觉得他能格兰特合作得很好

    The Chelsea manager said he was happy with the club's structure and felt he could work with Grant.


  • 利物浦主教练荷兰前锋比赛总是球队努力拼搏,取得两个进球理所应当

    The Liverpool manager said the Dutch striker deserved his two goals for the hard work he always puts in for the team during a match.


  • 这样比赛必须最好的可能方式下去打认为我们的方式正确的,”主教练说

    "This kind of game must always be played in the best possible way and I think we interpreted it correctly," noted the Coach.


  • 之前这位阿森纳主教练可能转会市场花钱因为他对自己的阵容感到满意。

    A few weeks ago, the Arsenal manager said that he was unlikely to spend in the window because he was happy with this squad. However that was before the long-term injury to Robin Van Persie.


  • 星期一湖人主教练:“我们一直知道沃顿总是训练营受伤,我们将密切关注的情况。”

    On Monday, the Lakers coach said that "we always know that Luke hurts himself in training camp, so we're watching him closely."


  • 弗格森会面后,海因策:“主教练过,如果球会得到合理价钱,坚持要离开球会的。”

    Speaking after meeting with Ferguson, Heinze said: "I've spoken with the coach and I have insisted that my wish is to leave the club if a big offer appears on the table."


  • 我们开始转变现在的方式,”主教练“我们缺少团队精神,此外一支不得不依靠全体推动的球队。”

    "We've got to change our tune, " said the tactician. "We were lacking team spirit out there and this is a squad that has to be motivated all over again.


  • 因为受到爱尔曼德头部冲击科尔兰德将要医院观察24小时但是维根主教练早期的现象乐观的

    Kirkland will be kept in hospital for 24 hours of observation after sustaining a head injury in a challenge with Johan Elmander, but Wigan manager Roberto Martinez said the early signs were positive.


  • 今天我们应该获胜,”桑普主教练,“我们有最好进球机会并且给了对方次防守反击的机会。”

    "Today we deserved the victory," said the Blucerchiati Coach. "we had the clearest scoring opportunities and only ran risks on two counter-attacks."


  • 经常告诉球员如果我们对手进一个难度很高进球那么我们应该赞扬他们,如果不是那么我们就犯错误,”主教练

    "I always tell my players that if they let a goal in the very top corner we must compliment our opponents. If it doesn't, then we've made a mistake," said the Coach.


  • 这位利物浦主教练这个进球将会带给冈萨雷斯极大自信心认为球队需要这样鼓舞人心时刻带给他们进入第二轮比赛的决心信念。

    The Liverpool manager said the goal will give Gonzalez a lot of confidence and felt the team needed that moment of inspiration to give them a victory to take into the second and deciding leg.


  • 他们将按照常规训练,我坚信一点,主教练说,今天早晨,他们队员一起正常投篮联系.如果比赛小时现场,你会发现,ray往常一样已经到了.

    This morning they did the normal shootaround with the guys. If you were here three hours before the game, Ray was out there, just like normal.


  • 不论最后对手是巴西还是南非我们面临巨大的挑战,”美国队主教练鲍勃·布拉德利

    "Regardless of whether we play Brazil or the Bafana Bafana, the challenge will be great," U.S. coach Bob Bradley said.


  • 克里斯蒂娜对此表示:“小巴很清楚,他喜欢主教练喜欢曼城他并不喜欢这座城市的环境,因为想念布雷西亚,那是家乡

    He said he’s happy with the coach and the team at Manchester City, but he doesn’t like the city of Manchester because he misses Brescia, his home, not Milan,” Cristina said.


  • 波尔图主教练博阿斯:“毫无疑问是个壮举。”我们还有另外一奖杯争取以完成这个难忘赛季

    Porto coach Andre Villas Boas: "Without a doubt this is a great feat." We have one trophy left for a memorable season.


  • 利物浦主教练贝尼特斯正在掌舵“沉船”,而且船上的“水手”没有任何的交流。

    Liverpool manager Rafa benitez is in charge of a "sinking ship" and has no dialogue with his players, according to Albert Riera.


  • 纸面上看来,进行一对一对位比较任何球队相比,我们都肯定不占优势,”小牛队主教练卡莱尔

    On paper, we don't necessarily match up well with anybody, when you just go one-on-one right down the line,” coach Rick Carlisle said.


  • 英格兰主教练格拉汉姆·泰勒BBC第5直播频道中:“现在终于相信英格兰队出局危险了。”

    Graham Taylor, the former England manager, said on BBC Radio 5 live: "I do now believe there's a real danger of England going out."


  • 波尔图主教练博阿斯:“毫无疑问是个壮举。”

    Porto coach Andre Villas Boas: "Without a doubt this is a great feat."


  • 主教练范甘迪无奈地:“很明显下半场我们得不错,防守方面却没有得到真正改善因此我们能挽回局面。”

    "Offensively, we played better (in the second half), but defensively, we didn't really play any better so it really didn't change," Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy said.


  • 对此非常坦诚。”骑士主教练麦克·弗拉泰罗

    "He was really very honest about it," former Cavs coach Mike Fratello recalled.


  • 失望因为很想然英格兰主教练谈到我知道如果我继续努力穿上国家队战袍的时刻到来的,”这位21岁的球员

    "I was disappointed because obviously the England manager had talked about me but I know if I keep working hard my time will come," said the 21-year-old.


  • 迭戈·马拉多纳贝利如是。贝利暗示,马拉多纳之所以出任阿根廷主教练是因为这家伙兜里没钱

    Diego Maradona said to Pele, who had suggested the Argentina boss only took the job because he was out of the pocket.


  • 阿森纳主教练温格现在找不到新的后卫提升球队的整体实力。

    Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger says his search for a new centre-back is going nowhere as he seeks to bring in quality.


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