• 保守主义自由主义区别在哪里?

    Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism?


  • 我们宣扬资本主义优点

    He preached the virtues of capitalism to us.


  • 恐怖主义的威胁吓跑了观光客

    Terrorist threats are driving away tourists.


  • 谴责资本主义种种罪恶

    He rails against the iniquities of capitalism.


  • 统一后,东德归入资本主义的西德

    With unification, East Germany was subsumed by capitalist West Germany.


  • 宪法包括联邦主义的原则

    The new constitution includes federalist principles.


  • 这些电影大量逃避现实主义表现。

    There are large helpings of escapism in these movies.


  • 这本杂志致力于剖析自由主义不足之处。

    The magazine is devoted to anatomizing the inadequacies of liberalism.


  • 发达国家他们帝国主义剥削中获益

    The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation.


  • 教学方法存在过分教条主义危险

    There is a danger of becoming too dogmatic about teaching methods.


  • 马克思从不放过任何谴责殖民主义机会

    Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism.


  • 威廉莫里斯社会主义早期传播者之一

    William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism.


  • 驱逐成千上万意味着人道主义巨大灾难。

    The expulsion of thousands of people represents a humanitarian catastrophe of enormous proportions.


  • 许多作家一时期刻板地固守教条主义的观点

    Many writers at this time held rigidly dogmatic views.


  • 可以预见文章资本主义猛烈抨击。

    His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism.


  • 琼斯自己是个奇特激进主义保守主义的混合体

    Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism.


  • 这种绝对主义的信念规则可以变通的认识所取代。

    This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.


  • 法律形式保护种族主义的种族隔离制度依然存在着

    The apartheid system which enshrined racism in law still existed.


  • 这次现实主义回归引起了对许多艺术家兴趣复苏

    This return to realism has produced a revival of interest in a number of artists.


  • 借鉴了很多民族主义口号,塑造了个平民化形象

    He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.


  • 工程师联合会满意这个提议种族主义味道

    The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism.


  • 倡议传统优秀价值观,很难立刻招来精英主义指责

    It became difficult to promote conventional ideas of excellence without being instantly accused of elitism.


  • 政府可能正在放弃自由贸易走向贸易保护主义政策

    The administration may be moving away from free trade and toward more protectionist policies.


  • 种族主义痛恨促使了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》。

    His abhorrence of racism led him to write "The Algiers Motel Incident."


  • 西方资本主义扩张第三世界纳入了一个剥削性世界体系

    The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.


  • 苏联第一个在马克思主义旗帜建立新的经济体制国家

    Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.


  • 格林故事带有现实主义的色彩,使容易忘记它们虚构的。

    Greene's stories had an edge of realism that made it easy to forget they were fiction.


  • 所学校自由主义和个人主义传统滑入无政府状态危险

    The school's liberal, individualistic traditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy.


  • 所学校自由主义和个人主义传统滑入无政府状态危险

    The school's liberal, individualistic traditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy.


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