• 位置为时已晚,无法实现她赛季打进20个的目标。

    She's won back her place too late to achieve her target of 20 goals this season.


  • 约翰·康第愤怒地咒骂一声命令撤退为时已晚

    John Canty delivered himself of a furious curse and commanded a retreat; but it was too late.


  • 达琳先生达琳太太娜娜婴儿室,但为时已晚

    Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Nana rushed into the nursery too late.


  • 等到我们意识气候变化带来威胁时,可能为时已晚

    By the time we wake up to the threat posed by climate change, it could well be too late.


  • 保罗现在退出为时过早指望成为超级明星。

    Look, Paul, it's still too early to quit, nobody is expected to be a superstar.


  • 意识到自己已经落入陷阱时什么都已经为时了。

    By the time he realizes he has walked into a trap, it'll be too late for him to do anything about it.


  • 我们必须趁着目前为时未晚,尽快找到解决环境污染问题方法

    We must find a way to resolve the problem of environmental pollution before it's too late.


  • 现在预测它们产生多大影响为时过早所有迹象都表明,它们将未来发挥重要作用

    It is still too early to predict the extent of the impact they may have, but all the signs are that they will play a significant role in the future .


  • 薇薇安·韦斯特伍德为时装界泰斗。

    Vivienne Westwood has scaled the heights of fashion's hall of fame.


  • 开始努力工作为时太晚可能赶上了。

    He started working hard much too late in the day—he couldn't possibly catch up.


  • 他们即将要解决彼此之间为时已久金钱争议

    They are on the brink of resolving their long-standing dispute over money.


  • 为时集市上,提供选择范围广泛的各式古董

    It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market.


  • 你的父母还在世时,好好爱他们。不要等到为时已晚。

    Love your parents while they are alive. Don't wait unil it is too late.


  • 生就像一场单程赛跑,所以珍惜每一刻,因为时间不可能倒流。

    Life is like a one-way race, so treasure every moment as time cannot be won again.


  • 的表兄弟泰德和凯特必须根据伦敦周遭的线索,在为时已晚之前找到他。

    His cousins, Ted and Kate, have to follow clues (线索) around London and find him before it is too late.


  • 一种足够令人信服的方式成为时代的背景是极具挑战性的,而成为电影或电视的主角又很令人向往。

    Being part of the background in a convincing (令人信服的) way is challenging, and being on a film or TV set is always fascinating.


  • 头可爱的雌性小犀牛是该保护区今年出生的第二只黑犀牛,但要判断这些幼崽是否会成为返回野生保护区的好的候选者还为时过早。

    The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.


  • 爱因斯坦达到实验目的使用时间定义钟表测量的。

    Einstein used a definition of time for experimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock.


  • 据说动物社会学习直接间接的社会互动促进获得发生的。

    Social learning in animals is said to occur when direct or indirect social interaction facilitates the acquisition of a novel behavior.


  • 遇到不文明,只有头脑冷静脾气最好司机才能忍住报复

    It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to retaliate when subjected to uncivilized behavior.


  • 企业都在推广自己标准市场没有时间选择赢家因为为时过早。

    Companies are promoting their own standards, and the market has not had time to choose a winner yet as this is still very new.


  • 只有头脑冷静脾气最好司机,才能遇到不文明抵制报复诱惑

    It takes the most levelheaded and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to retaliate when subjected to uncivilized behavior.


  • 遇到不文明,只有头脑冷静脾气最好司机才能抵制报复诱惑

    It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior.


  • 看到自己孩子显示出尊重别人知道多么感到骄傲

    When you see your child exhibit respectful behaviour, make sure he knows just how proud you are of him.


  • 弗莱克,现在判断食物充足好处是否大于食用垃圾填埋场的风险为时过早

    Flack said it was too early to know whether the benefits of plentiful food outweighed the risks of feeding on landfills.


  • 处理闰年相当简单——如果使用公历,在年月日为时间隔计算添加额外一天

    Handling leap year is fairly straightforwardadd an extra day, if using the Gregorian calendar, to the year-month or day interval calculations.


  • 想法为时已晚之前,作为最后目击者条美丽独特海岸线拍摄下来。

    My idea was to photograph this beautiful and very unique coastline, before it's too late—as a last witnesses.


  • 或许过于久远,以至于对于这些岩洞壁画的解释,我们可能永远都无法找到令人满意答案但是它们神秘感反而增加了重要性

    Perhaps so much time has passed that there will never be satisfactory answers to the cave images, but their mystique only adds to their importance.


  • 预言这次对话可能有什么结果现在为时过早

    It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.


  • 预言这次对话可能有什么结果现在为时过早

    It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.


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