• 最初弗格迪金表现突出者

    In the earlier rounds, Ferguson and Dickinson were the standouts.


  • 我们玛丽球场青年足总杯比赛对阵西奥不可思议的第一次那只虚弱踢进致胜的一球。

    We were playing Arsenal in an FA Youth Cup game at St Mary's and Theo scored the winning goal with his weaker foot after an incredible first touch.


  • 接下来年里艾莉台球文摘台球杂志获得年度最佳球员荣誉

    As she would for the next three years, Allison earned the honor of The Best Player of the Year from Billiards Digest and Pool and Billiard Magazine.


  • 最初Kindle尼尔·斯蒂芬科幻小说钻石时代一个人物命名,代号为“菲奥娜”,终于准备2007年秋季上市。

    That original Kindle, code-named "Fiona" after a character in Neal Stephenson's futuristic novel The Diamond Age, was finally ready to go in the fall of 2007.


  • 克尔顿、斯科特阿蒙他们巨大的英雄主义,使新大陆阴影浮现那个英雄时代,一个多世纪已经一去不复返了。

    By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing.


  • 根据的观点,这会影响人们理解能力与人交往的特定方式能力,还会影响人们理解环境事件物体以及理解响应感官刺激的能力。

    According to Janzen, this affects the ability to understand and relate in typical ways to people, understand events and objects in the environment, and understand or respond to sensory stimuli.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学麦库西克·内遗传医学研究所注册营养师安吉拉·皮皮托内说:“典型美国人饮食蛋白质的含量我们想象的要。”

    "The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think," says registered dietitian Angela Pipitone with Johns Hopkins McKusick Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine.


  • 罗夫·雷普案例研究住宅可能错误预估机械革命日常生活可能产生的影响

    In his Case Study House, Ralph Rapson may have mispredicted just how the mechanical revolution would impact everyday life.


  • 本书积极情绪的力量》的方法2.0》弗雷德里克描述了她过去研究,这项研究描绘积极情绪对个体好处

    Fredrickson's past research, described in her two books, Positivity and Love 2.0, has mapped the benefits of positive emotions in individuals.


  • 艾伯塔省班夫郡举行TELUS高尔夫巡回赛理查松鼠正在做在第二发球动作

    A Richardson's ground squirrel takes in the action from the second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, Alberta.


  • 县长·沃德份声明说:“看到这么蜜蜂死亡难过。”

    County manager Jason Ward said in a statement, "I'm not pleased that so many bees were killed."


  • 时,我当时八岁的孩子阿莉也加入了我们的谈话来,听着我们说的每一个字。

    At that time, Allyson, my then eight-year-old, came to join us and listened to every word.


  • 像巴勃罗·毕加索在一生成名并变得非常富有,艺术家文特·梵高一生只卖过一幅画,而且是卖给了他的朋友。

    Not like Pablo Picasso who became famous and very rich during his lifetime, the artist Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting all through his life and that was to a friend.


  • 救援队英国的罗瑟拉出发状况百出飞行往返3000英里,接南极美国阿蒙-斯考特站的工作人员

    In a chaotic two days of flying, the rescue team flew 3,000 miles round-trip from the British station Rothera to pick up the workers in the U.S. Amundsen-Scott Station at the South Pole.


  • SBC 会感到翻天覆地变化,”韦德·伯勒,他是俄克拉荷马州牧师,他的博客“光辉真理你同在”新开尔文主义者的集结

    "You have a seismic shift in the SBC," says Wade Burleson, an Oklahoma pastor whose "Grace and Truth to You" blog is a rallying point for the neo-Calvinists.


  • 至少E. 佩对1825年1850年间的美国富豪进行的有悖传统信仰研究这样认为的。

    At least so argues E. Pessen in his iconoclastic study of the very rich in the United States between 1825 and 1850.


  • 范佩西第二F率领阿纳队征战他们期待建立周前一样在多特蒙德所建立稳固分数优势。

    Van Persie will captain the Gunners in their second Group F clash as they look to build on the solid point picked up in Dortmund two weeks ago.


  • 分钟前罗伯特保尔还是拥挤世界温暖,罗伯特 保尔就是块死物。

    One minute, Robert Paulson was the warm center that the life of the world crowded around, and the next moment, Robert Paulson was an object.


  • 沙漠乔纳狙击枪作着射击练习

    In the desert, Jonathan takes target practice with a rifle.


  • 关于汤普身世秘密——即多种阴谋来源——众说纷纭,其版本之多令人诧异。

    The secret in Thompson’s background—and source of many of the conspiracy theories—was of the spooky variety.


  • 曼联战胜热刺起了重要作用,而在8-2狂屠比赛,又是纳的后防一刻不得安宁记录,不过正是在那场比赛,他受伤离场。

    His power, in fact, is one major reason why Tottenham was destroyed and why the Arsenal back four lost the plot before he got that injury in the 8-2 winand remember it was he who got the opener.


  • 蒙莫尼亚内•莫莱莱基份声明说:“莱特再次证明出产非凡钻石能力巩固了莱索托钻石出产大国的地位。”

    "Once again Letseng has proved its ability to produce extraordinary diamonds and continues to place Lesotho at the forefront of diamond producing countries," Monyane Moleleki said in a statement.


  • 伦敦演讲保尔强调金融市场必须适应变化气候

    In his speech in London, Mr. Paulson emphasized that the financial markets have yet to adapt to the changing climate.


  • 周六的主场比赛主场以3 -0的比分战胜西布朗。赛后教授温格接受了采访

    Arsene Wenger spoke exclusively to Arsenal Player after his side's 3-0 victory over West Brom at Emirates Stadium on Saturday.


  • 在扮演了NBC大热剧《英雄汤普罗伯茨彻底重新主流观众所认识。

    Roberts was basically re-introduced to mainstream audience as Thompson, the head of the Company on the hit NBC show Heroes.


  • 《敢死队》斯坦扮演圣诞”,名前SAS特种兵,冷兵器专精,也是巴尼(史泰龙饰)最好朋友

    In The Expendables, Statham plays "Lee Christmas," a former SAS solider who is adept with bladed weapond and is Barney's (Stallone) best friend.


  • 上周六斯托克城一役拉姆齐主队的肖克罗斯踢断腿事后这些争论更是达到了白热化的程度。

    The issue has been brought into uncomfortably stark focus by the broken leg suffered by Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey last Saturday following a tackle from Stoke City's Ryan Shawcross.


  • 欧洲主要俱乐部仍是最为特殊的一个

    Arsenal remain the most idiosyncratic of Europe's major clubs.


  • 欧洲主要俱乐部仍是最为特殊的一个

    Arsenal remain the most idiosyncratic of Europe's major clubs.


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