• 传达了中国文人情怀

    Secondly, it conveys the sentiments of the Chinese literati.


  • 分析影响中国文人心理因素中国文人的心理。

    It analyzed the factors of affecting the Chinesescholar mental state and the mental state of the Chinese scholars.


  • 中国文人来说象征长寿坚忍,象征着友谊常青。

    For Chinese scholars, the pine is the symbol of longevity and tenacity, as well as constancy in friendship.


  • 本文通过时两者相似性比较论述中国文人美学特征

    This thesis dissertates the aesthetic features of Chinese literators' paintings by comparing their similarities.


  • 协调淡雅色彩搭配,更是契合中国文人生活意境品位需求

    Coordinated simple and elegant colors are quite in conformity with Chinese literati artistic taste of life needs.


  • 曹植的咏丰富了侠文化内涵引起中国文人心理共鸣

    The knight poetry enriches the knight culture connotation and causes the Chinese writer's psychological sympathetic chord;


  • 中国文人受“比文化影响,喜梅兰竹菊寄托理想品格

    The Chinese scholars received the "Bi DE" cultural influence, reposes the ideal moral character happily with Plum orchid bamboo Chrysanthemum.


  • 所以中国绘画中国文人人生样式,是中国文人的样式人生的充分体现

    Therefore, Chinese paintings were life pattern of Chinese literati, they were full reflection of the pattern life of Chinese literati.


  • 雅尚中国文人美学追求,也是曾景祥先生花鸟画的又一显著特色

    Shang Yashang Jane, is the pursuit of aesthetics of Chinese literati painting, Mr. Ceng Jingxiang painting of flowers and birds is another prominent characteristic.


  • 作为中国载体使中国文人画家找到抒情达意、畅写意本质要素。

    China ink as a Chinese painting of a black material carrier, the Chinese literati painters found a lyrical and expressive words, the essence of smooth elements of a decent God.


  • 君子作为儒学理想人格典范,一直中国文人孜孜以求最高人生境界之一

    Gentleman of Confucianism as the ideal personality, Chinese scholars have been pursued one of the highest realm of life.


  • 儒家思想文学考试观念形式科举制中国文人文学产生了巨大影响

    Combined Confucian thoughts with the conception and form of literature test, imperial examination has had the enormous influence to Chinese writers and literature.


  • 中国文人形成原因是日暮当归、黄昏闲暇、暮色迷茫与日文化象征

    The formation of dusk sad feeling "of the Chinese men of letters is the cultural symbol of people returning at the sunset, resting at dusk, evening ignorance and nightfall."


  • 醉这一点上,中国文人诗酒之醉陶醉、是与相似、是一精神生命活力状态。

    So, Chinese scholar's being drunk is intoxicated, similar to dreams, is the vigor state of spiritual life.


  • 徽派篆刻中国文人篆刻史上始终主流徽派篆刻进行系统研究文章却没有

    Seal cutting of Faction Hui is the mainstream in the history of that of Chinese literati all the time. However, there is no article about systematical research of seal cutting of Faction Hui.


  • 除了山水画外,王济远中国文人趣味风韵清幽花卉静物水果为创作题材

    Besides landscape paintings, the refined flowers and still life with fruits endowed with literati interest and taste are also Wang's frequently painted subject matters.


  • 这个展览中非常传统中国文人式的对自然热情一种“不自然”的方式被呈现。

    In this exhibition, the very traditional passion of Chinese intellectuals towards nature is displayed in an "un-natural" way.


  • 认为纸质工具书更易电子版取代,而中国文人喜爱散文集不可能被代替

    I believe reference books are most easily replaced by their digital versions and the kind of essay collections popular among China's literati are the most unlikely to make the transition.


  • 历代中国绘画蕴涵着历代中国文人人生价值标准,和他们人生目标的不懈追求

    In Chinese paintings of past dynasties, there implicated the value standard of the life of Chinese literati of past dynasties and also their unremitting pursuance of the goal of life.


  • 中国文人自身儒道释互补精神追求下,成为了一个满足人们复杂情感需求文化景观

    In Chinese scholars' spiritual pursuit of self-integration of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, tower shadow becomes a cultural landscape to meet people's complicated emotional needs.


  • 中国园林多灾多难的命运,古往今来,百不存一,遂成为中国文人托物感怀道具场景

    Chinese ancient gardens seldom survived the calamities along the history, which often become the props and scenes for Chinese ancient literati to express their sentiments.


  • 作品笔触表现得遒劲转折,充分融合中国文人传统笔墨逸趣德国表现主义式畅快抒情。

    The forceful, veering brushstroke is a seamless integration of the Chinese literati's sedate ink-wash painting and the German expressionist's unbounded intonation.


  • 我们许多媒体特别是报纸杂志中国文人设置了太多的门槛障碍隐含太多商业目的。

    Our press especially the magazines and paper place too much obstacle for the writers and there are so many unexpected commercial connections between them and the writers.


  • 其实中国文人艺术慢变渐变其中重要原因之一,便是中国天人合一”的审美观念所致。

    In truth, one of the most important factors that have led to Chinese literati art's slow or gradual evolution has been the Chinese aesthetic ideal of the "unity of man with nature."


  • 由此中国文人眼里人造园林山真水之间最大心理不同是园林的短暂与真山真水的永恒

    Thus in the eyes of Chinese ancient literati, the biggest psychological difference between man-made garden and real landscape lies in the short duration of garden and the eternity of landscape.


  • 近代画家陈师曾的专著《中国文人画之研究》及其他篇相关文章无疑我们现代研究文人画产生重要影响

    Modern painter Chen Shizeng's book Study of Chinese Literati Painting and several other articles undoubtedly have great impacts on our studies.


  • 中国文人对名园感慨里,既有对美好事物逝去本能伤感更有着世事无常命运难料的深刻体验

    In their emotional sigh of the "difficulty to maintain famous gardens", there were instinct sadness for the passing of good things and also the profound experience of the uncertain life and fate.


  • 中国文人对名园感慨里,既有对美好事物逝去本能伤感更有着世事无常命运难料的深刻体验

    In their emotional sigh of the "difficulty to maintain famous gardens", there were instinct sadness for the passing of good things and also the profound experience of the uncertain life and fate.


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