• 某些类型食品被装压力中分发出去

    Certain types of foods are also dispensed in pressurized canisters.


  • 各种各样的哭声叫喊声中分辨出声音

    There were cries, calls. He could distinguish voices.


  • 几乎没有什么事情使牧师每周布道准备

    Few things distracted the pastor from the preparation of his weekly sermons.


  • 淘洗盘旋转,以便将泥沙中分离出来

    The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.


  • 万格 1984 年3 月报告析了未来学家在 1972 年作出一些预测

    In his March 1984 report Wanger analysed some predictions made by futurologists in 1972.


  • 们每次都是自己规划旅行,并在自己的文章中分享他们的经历。

    They make every trip by themselves and share their experience in their articles.


  • 波特机器人可以从一群路过的陌生人中分辨出哪些人是一起的。

    Spot can tell people together in a group from strangers passing by.


  • 西的麦当劳在 Facebook 上发布了一张照片,在照片中分开了其标志上著名的两个拱门。

    McDonald's Brazil has separated its famous arches (拱门) in a picture posted on its Facebook page.


  • 有用纤维剩余原材料中分离出来

    Separate the useful fibre from the rest of raw materials.


  • 沈武(音)从那些存款中分了一杯羹,因此沈武客户获利了。

    Shenwu pockets a cut of those savings, so both Shenwu and the client profit.


  • 电波望远镜只耳朵宇宙噪音有意义无线电信息

    The radio telescope is like an ear, listening to tell meaningful radio messages from white noise in the universe.


  • 出去消费之前,看看周围是否其他植物可以现有中分离出来

    Before you go out and start spending, look around to see if you have other plants that can be split from your existing flowers.


  • 听从海豚群出来痛苦尖叫或者亲眼目睹大象它们死亡哀悼

    Listen to the anguished squeal of a dolphin separated from its pod or witness the sight of elephants mourning their dead.


  • 政府科学家已经成功小鼠白血病组织另一种诱发小鼠唾液腺的物质。

    Government scientists have succeeded in isolating from mouse leukemia tissue another agent which has produced salivary gland cancers in mice.


  • 离心机脂肪细胞干细胞再生细胞中分离出来,将它们浓缩一个小球,萃取出来。

    A centrifuge separates the fat cells from the stem and regenerative cells, concentrating them into a pellet, which is then extracted.


  • 实验电棒本质上用电火焰燃烧器推开,把燃料出来,然后熄灭了

    The electric wand in the experiments essentially uses electricity to push the flame away from the burner, detaching it from the fuel source, so it goes out.


  • 他们社交戏剧渴望不是——或者不仅仅——种让他们学业或者让成年人发疯的方式。

    Their desire for social drama is notor not onlya way of distracting themselves from their schoolwork or of driving adults crazy.


  • 野生动物交易这种奇异物种得一杯羹因为它们困在了陷阱,这些陷阱用于更多动物野猪鹿

    The wildlife trade has claimed a share of this improbable species, as they get caught in the snares intended for more animals, like the wild boar or deer.


  • 随着越来越多的进入劳动者薪酬体系医生律师们从不断扩大经济蛋糕得一杯羹不足为奇了。

    With so much more money floating in the workers' compensation system, it's not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a large slice of the growing pie.


  • 我们编辑选择荣誉优胜者利用了一种特殊系统能够偶然射频干扰有针对性干扰攻击出来。

    The winner of our Editors' Choice distinction, utilizes a special system that's capable of separating incidental RF interference from targeted jamming attacks.


  • 赫斯认为存在可能地幔矿物质释放出来,这可能意味着镁高的岩浆可能低的温度下存在

    Hess suggested that the presence of water, probably released from minerals decomposing in the Earth's mantle, might have meant that a high-magnesium magma could have existed at a lower temperature.


  • 从早上8,从下午46中分两个小时高峰时间,在晚上8点到10之间一个较小的高峰期。

    These are two hours some time between eight a.m. and noon, between four and six p.m., with a smaller peak between eight and ten p.m.


  • 尽管制造商零售商能够一定把握预测需求,但要准确地预测需求如何他们销售众多SKU困难的。

    Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU's they sell is difficult.


  • SimpliSafe 是“编辑”奖项得主它采用了一种特殊系统能够偶然射频干扰有针对性干扰攻击出来。

    SimpliSafe, winner of our Editor's Choice distinction, utilizes a special system that's capable of separating incidental RF interference from targeted jamming attacks.


  • 是从17无乳链球菌中分离得到。

    It was isolated from Streptococcus agalactiae from 17.


  • 发明所使用萜类物质均是植物自身代谢过程的物质。

    The hemiterpene matters used by the invention are all excretive by the autophage process of the plants.


  • 结果表明叶酸叶酸可以保护程度较细胞

    The results suggest that folic acid or folinic acid can protect the less differentiated cells in the intestinal crypts.


  • 开花植物两种克朗奎斯特类法中分称为木兰百合纲。

    The flowering plants are divided into two groups, which in the Cronquist system are called Magnoliopsida and Liliopsida.


  • 通过初步筛选培养基培养风信子中分青霉素内生真菌抗性

    An endophytic fungus resistance to penicillin was isolated from hyacinthus orientalis by culturing on a preliminary screening medium.


  • 海水样品到耐盐黄腐粘球菌HW-1ATCCBAA-855)。

    The halotolerant strain Myxococcus fulvus HW-1 (ATCC BAA-855) was isolated from a seawater sample.


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