• 个体自由不断扩展条件下现代社会秩序问题逐渐凸显出来

    In the condition that individual liberty constantly extends, the problems of order in modern society gradually stand out.


  • 我们提供降级程序因为我们崇尚个体自由相信有责任感的。

    We provide them because we believe in individual freedom and have faith that human beings can be responsible.


  • 认识主体性自由属性紧密相关,主体性个体自由力量展开形式结果

    Subjectivity of cognition is closely interrelated with attribute of human freedom. Subjectivity is the form and result of individual freedom force's unfolding.


  • 塞勒件蛇皮夹克来说夹克个性一种象征,以及对……个体自由的信仰。

    Sailor: This is a snakeskin jacket! And for me it's a symbol of my individuality, and my belief… in personal freedom.


  • 认知主体性思想强调独立自主自我决定、个体自由、自我意识、自为自觉、自由意志能动创造

    The thinking of cognitive subject stresses the following aspects of a human being: independence, self-decision, self-awareness, individual freedom, free will and active creativity.


  • 所谓知识份子个体自由不仅在于有我手写我心的奢侈和优势,而且在于充当沉默无语者的代言人和传声筒。

    What we call the freedom of the individual is not just the luxury of one intellectual to write what he likes to write but his being a voice which can speak for those who are silent.


  • 陀思妥耶夫斯基小说中的一个重要问题是个体自由问题。思考主要集中在三个方面自由和谐自由理性自由辩证法

    Fyodor Dostoevsky mainly comments on freedom in his novels on three aspects: freedom and harmony, freedom and rationality and dialectics of freedom.


  • 基因流动相对自由的,因为个体可以移动然后新的地方个体交配

    Gene flow is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.


  • 基因流动即等位基因整个物种范围内移动相对自由的,因为个体可以移动然后新的地点个体交配

    Gene flow, the movement of alleles across the range of the species, is relatively free because individuals can move and then mate with individuals in their new location.


  • 大都会国家可能会允许每一位个体,过他们想要的生活的自由并非亚里士多德所认知的自由

    Again, a large cosmopolitan state may allow each individual the freedom to live as he or she likes, but this is not freedom as Aristotle understands it.


  • Sandel教授介绍康德和JohnRawl亚里士多德理论的反对意见,亚里斯·多德认为个体应该自由能力选择终极目标

    Professor Sandel presents Immanuel Kant's and John Rawl's objections to Aristotle who believe that individuals should be free and capable of choosing his or her ends.


  • Baumeister他同时的第二个研究检验寻找自由意志信念和助人行为之间联系个体差异问题。

    A second study by Baumeister and colleagues examined individual differences looking for an association between believing in free will and helping behaviours.


  • 再次重新使用这个体系是年多那时做完手术身体才恢复健康,就要开始大量工作作为一个自由作家常常要为即将写作角色而担心。

    Or I did until a little more than a year ago, as I was recovering from surgery and taking on too much work, as freelancers nervous about the near future tend to do.


  • 多数欧洲重点排放产业,发电厂重工业,都纳入意味着他们都被分配到定额可以自由买卖排放许可

    Most of Europe’s big emitters, such as power generators and heavy industry, are included in the ETS, which means that they are allocated emissions permits which they can buy and sell.


  • 个体消费者可以自由购买一捆捆他们想要知识大学会提供他们要求的东西。

    Individual customers are free to "purchase" whatever bundles of knowledge they want, and the university provides whatever its customers demand.


  • 散文艺术精神,显示出作者个性自由尊重,对自得、自适之趣的追求个体生命珍惜。

    The artistic spirit of the essay reflected the writer's respect to the freedom of individuality, the pursuit of leisure, and the treasure to individual life.


  • 尽管本华观点染上浓烈的个人苦闷经历色彩,我们还是很难否认每一个有自我觉察自由思想的个体对于生命内在绝望

    Though Schopenhauer's view is colored heavily by his own personal unhappiness, still it is difficult to deny the inbuilt despair in the life of every self-conscious, free-thinking individual.


  • 通过这种自由创造性游戏方式个体宣泄消极情绪情感激活心灵自我治愈达到自我实现。

    In this manner, through free and creative play, individual releases his or her negative emotion and feeling, activates the psyche self-healing power, and achieves self-realization.


  • 被告人职业自由职业为主,个体工商户私营企业主自由职业者

    Four is the defendant occupation to free occupation, such as individual industrial and commercial businesses, private enterprise advocate freedom of occupation.


  • 自然艺术人生宗白华美学三位一体观照对象,个体生命自由追寻美学精神人生境界合一

    Nature, art, life are the subjects of trinity that Zong Baihua's Aesthstics observes, and pursuit of individual's freedom of life is the unification of his aesthetic spirit and realm in life.


  • 个体人格理想境界是从显出来的自由境界。

    An ideal boundary of individual personality is a free boundary which is opened and showed from benevolence.


  • 相比之下,青年马克思工作关心的是发掘伊壁哲学背后终极价值个体自由原则

    By contrast, young Marx was more concerned with exploring the ultimate value behind Epicures' philosophy, i. e. the principle of individual freedom.


  • 只有真正权威下,个体才能获得信任自由得到形成净化

    Only in the authority the individual can get trust and freedom can be formed and purified.


  • 个体要求唯利是图自由,物种要求和谐合作社会秩序

    The former demands freedom for seeking profit exclusively while the latter calls for the social order of harmonious cooperation.


  • 个体要求唯利是图自由,物种要求和谐合作社会秩序

    The former demands freedom for seeking profit exclusively while the latter calls for the social order of harmonious cooperation.


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