• 关于21世纪中国哲学世界哲学未来走向哲学已经进行了热烈讨论

    The philosophy circle has had heated discussion on the development trend of Chinese philosophy and world philosophy in the 21st century.


  • 中国当代哲学世界哲学交融趋势二十一世纪将会表现出一些新的特点

    In the ongoing trend of contemporary Chinese Philosophy fusing with other philosophies of the world, what new features will emerge?


  • 关于新世纪哲学的形态,主要主导多元并存、融合说、文化哲学世界哲学等四种观点;

    They are one guiding side with multielement existing side by side, fusion theory, culture philosophy and world philosophy.


  • 自然哲学涉及到了包括有生命体生命体物质世界全面研究

    Natural philosophy involved the study of all aspects of the material world, animate and inanimate.


  • 上许多大学的哲学系都在研究他的作品。

    His work is studied in philosophy departments at many universities in the world.


  • 但是哲学世界人们提出这个观点的时候,他们惊讶有人相信

    But when I mention this view to people outside the world of philosophy, they often seem stunned that anyone could ever believe it.


  • 作者以古代哲学巨人——亚里士多德孔子探讨两种认知世界方法哲学根基

    Two giant figures in ancient philosophy, Aristotle and Confucius, are taken as the examples to explore the philosophical roots of the two approaches to the world.


  • 康德和其他所有这些哲学都曾以为几何学使我们得以洞悉世界存在方式

    Kant and all these others had assumed that geometry does give us pure insight into the way the world is.


  • 作为先师,孔子不仅对中国教育有数千年之久的影响世界范围内的教育、哲学产生了一定影响

    His influence as a teacher shaped Chinese education for several millennia and has impacted education and philosophy throughout the world.


  • 中国文化通过艺术哲学科技食物医学已经影响整个世界几千年了

    Chinese culture has influenced the world for thousands of years with its art, philosophy, technology, food, medicine and performing arts.


  • 哲学唯心主义存在物质世界之外,同时又是物质世界所赖以生存某种东西

    Philosophical idealism refers to the idea that there is something outside the material world, on which the material world depends.


  • 现代世界玄学抵触,以致任何上帝哲学化的努力注定失败告终

    Discernment Situations. The contem porary world appears so biased against metaphysics that any attempt to find philosophical equivalents for God may well be doomed to failure.


  • 没有人他们正常思维里能够相信世界这样一个真实的事情或者说被赋予那些重量毫无重量哲学困惑

    Nobody in their right mind can believe such a thing given the facts on the ground, or given these weighty and imponderable philosophical dilemmas.


  • 世界不是最后定论你们记住哲学问题数学问题,因此没有答案

    The world is not the last word. You remember, it's not like a mathematical problem so there's no solution.


  • 哲学迷思探究影片通过远景近景的切换,生动展示了人们面对世界严酷真相是如何自处的。

    Through alternating long shots and close-ups , the film explores how people try to deal with the harsh truth of the world .


  • 乔治大学设立“《星际迷航哲学课,想必世界各地的星际迷欢呼雀跃。

    Trekkies everywhere will be beaming at the news that Georgetown University offers a course in 'Philosophy and Star Trek'.


  • 日本灾难态度令人印象深刻世界他们斯多葛哲学充满敬畏。 日本人的这种作风可能重新架构起该国急需自信

    It may be that the Japanese people’s impressive response to disaster, and the rest of the world’s awe in the face of their stoicism, restores the self-confidence the country so badly needs.


  • 柏拉图哲学于是存在两个不同世界,在比喻中分别洞穴外面的世界代表。

    In Plato's philosophy there are thus two distinct worlds, and it is these two worlds that are symbolized in his allegory by the cave on the one hand, and the outside world on the other.


  • 他的定位于高端产品的哲学使得通过市场资本化成为世界最有价值高科技公司

    Its shoot-for-the-high-end philosophy has made the company the world's most valuable tech company by market capitalization.


  • 5月16日,作为世界悠久的科学研究组织,“皇家学会发表领域的《哲学会报》。

    On May 16th the Royal Society, the world's oldest scientific academy, published a volume of its Philosophical Transactions devoted to the field.


  • 最终索罗斯,这个全世界最主要的投机者,又遇到机会哲学金融学联系了起来,也许因为他卖力推销自己的“反身性”理论反而使它无用武之地了。

    Ultimately the palindromic arch-speculator, lured by another chance to meld philosophy and finance, may be trying too hard to make reflexivity work.


  • 选自爱因斯坦眼中世界》(纽约,1949,哲学文库)第111 - 112页。

    Einstein, Albert, The World As I See It, (Philosophical Library, New York, 1949).


  • 基督手中玻璃一个代表世界宇宙形象想起达·芬奇科学方面的探索,想起对于宏观宇宙之中人类的思考,想起他的人生哲学

    The glassy orb, an image of the world or the cosmos, makes you think of Leonardo's scientific research and his philosophy of the microcosm of the human being within the macrocosm of the universe.


  • 纯粹哲学温柔安静如的;哲学掌握世界的感觉好像对待一个脆弱婴儿,带着原初的开放性同时小心翼翼。

    Real philosophy is as gentle as fog and as quiet as tears; it holds the world as if it were a delicate infant, raw and open and vulnerable.


  • 只有模型宇宙哲学方程人类行为原理模型,才能连续的(尽管是不完美的)解释我们周围世界

    Only models, from cosmological equations to theories of human behavior, seemed to be able to consistently, if imperfectly, explain the world around us.


  • 不是哲学只能通过回忆个人的经历了来认知这个世界

    Well, being no philosopher I can only reflect about the world through reflecting about my own adventures in it.


  • 但是为了理解世界或者哲学,或者一种思想体系了解他们主题足够的。

    But to understand a world view, or a philosophy or system of thought, it is not enough just to understand the propositions it contains.


  • 但是为了理解世界或者哲学,或者一种思想体系了解他们主题足够的。

    But to understand a world view, or a philosophy or system of thought, it is not enough just to understand the propositions it contains.


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