• 工作包括评判时装专业学生设计

    Her job involves critiquing designs by fashion students.


  • 护理专业学生教学过程位置互换探析

    Probe into position interchange between "teaching" and "learning" in teaching for nursing students.


  • 历史英语专业学生要找到与其专业有关工作可能困难。

    But a history or English major might have a harder time finding a job related to their studies.


  • 对于对外汉语专业学生毕业不到工作的问题给出两点原因

    Shi gave two reasons TCSOL students have trouble landing a job after graduation.


  • 本文关于如何培养中职英语导游专业学生文化交际能力的研究。

    This thesis aims at how to cultivate English tour guide majors'intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in secondary vocational schools.


  • 妈妈很棒的,”头黑色头发、身形瘦弱哲学专业学生洛伦佐说。

    'Mom, that was a great show,' piped up Lorenzo, a lanky, dark-haired philosophy major.


  • 近年来人们英语专业学生智性状况思维能力表现出越来越的关切

    Recently more and more people express their concerns for English majors about their intellectual development and thinking abilities in China.


  • 体育教育专业学生教学能力培养师范院校教学的关键关系未来体育教育的质量

    The teaching abilities training of physical education majors 'students is the key to the teaching of teachers colleges, and concerns the quality of future physical education.


  • 引言部分简述语用失误定义分类阐明了选择非英语专业学生做为试对象原因。

    Following a brief introduction of the definition and categories of pragmatic failure, I have explained the reasons why I have chosen non-English majors as the subjects.


  • 本文就如何提高计算机专业学生实践能力增强就业竞争力,提出了具体的建议措施

    This paper illustrates specific Suggestions and measures from the aspect of how to develop the computer-majoring students practical abilities and how to reinforce their employing competition.


  • 计算机专业学生计算机教育文化基础教育,也是人才素质教育强有力的技术基础教育。

    The computer education is the basic culture education of non-computer specialty students; it is the talents quality-oriented education and strong technological basic education too.


  • 一旦感受到现场音乐氛围便会上瘾。”这位21岁北京科技大学英语专业学生说道。

    "Live music is addictive once you've experienced the atmosphere," said the 21-year-old English major at University of Science and Technology Beijing.


  • 探索新型教学模式优化教学过程培养非英语专业学生自主学习能力成为大学英语教学研究的重要课题。

    College English teaching research focuses on exploring new teaching models, optimizing teaching process and cultivating autonomous learning ability of non-English majors.


  • 专业学生是那种已经拿到好几个学位依然继续进修深造而不是从事和既得学位有关职业

    Professional student refers to a person who receives multiple degrees and keeps taking courses instead of holding a profession related to the degrees earned.


  • 湖北大学数学专业学生22胡婷婷(音译)尽管很清楚喝醉多么麻烦,友情名义下,很少有人拒绝来一杯

    Hu Tingting, 22, a math major at Hubei University, knows how tricky alcohol can be but in the name of friendship, hardly anyone would refuse another beer.


  • 这样背景下,《社会保障这门课程成了各国高等院校特别是人力资源管理专业学生必修的基础课专业理论课。

    Under such background, "Social security Study" has become a compulsory or a professional course of colleges in many countries, Specially for the student of the human resources management.


  • 25岁的程红宇(音)是一名法语专业学生她说抗议者没有生活在这儿他们只是他们的角度看到问题,其实没有看到问题全貌

    Cheng Hongyu, a 25-year-old French-language student, says the protesters 'don't live here. From their perspective they are seeing problems, but they don't see the whole picture.'


  • 其他哲学专业学生一样,Georgetown University哲学专业学生也拜读亚里士多德,康德和其他一些哲学家的作品但是他们却是以了解星际迷航记的哲学深度为托词进行

    Philosophy students at Georgetown University read works by Aristotle, Kant and others. However, its done under the pretext of understanding the philosophical depths of Star Trek.


  • 就任高校动物学课程所吸引学生就是因为参观动物园一段至关重要的成长经历,才选择修读生物科学专业

    The zoology program at my university attracts students for whom zoo visits were the crucial formative experience that led them to major in biological sciences.


  • 如果说到对社会益处,那么唯一重要的因素就是专业可以帮助学生社会创造什么

    If we're talking about the benefits to society, the only thing that matters is what the major enables the student to produce for society.


  • 在那里公民统计专业学生学习公共信息分析比如联邦预算公司报告

    There, his students of "citizen statistics" learn to analyze public information like the federal budget and corporate reports.


  • 根据《2010年世界社会科学报告》,2000年以来,全世界社会科学专业学生人数每年11%的速度增长。

    According to the World Social Science Report 2010, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 2000.


  • 地质专业大三学生胡安路易斯决定一个有关地震如何发生内容翔实演讲

    Juan Louis, a junior geology major, decided to give an informative speech about how earthquakes occur.


  • 但是那些为了工作职业生涯而学习专业英语学生怎么办呢?

    But what about students who want to learn specialist English for their work or professional life?


  • 埃森哲咨询公司项调查发现今年88%的毕业班学生选择专业时都已有了心目中的工作

    One survey from Accenture found that 88 percent of graduating seniors this year chose their major with a job in mind.


  • 任何拥有老年医学专业知识其他学位比如MBA法律学位的学生将会得盆满满。”一位教授表示

    "Any student who combines an expert knowledge in gerontology with, say, an MBA or law degree will have a license to print money." one professor says.


  • 英语专业学生要求探究语言根源

    English majors would be asked to explore the roots of language.


  • 即使是生物专业学生可能会反对动物实验

    Even biology undergraduates may balk at animal experiments.


  • 第一次申请大学时,两个学生选择专业方面不够明智

    The two students were not wise enough to choose their majors when they first applied to go to college.


  • 因此论文写作时代末期许多人文学科的学生放弃他们专业从事与专业对口的工作。

    So, at the end of a decade of thesis-writing, many humanities students leave the profession to do something for which they have not been trained.


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