• 父母不然就不起了。

    I borrowed some money from my parents, otherwise I couldn't pay for it.


  • 莱斯特·兰奇明天论文不然关禁闭

    Lestrange, I want your essay by tomorrow or it's detention.


  • 因此必须在此之前准备武器不然遭殃

    My weapons will have to be ready for use then, or I shall suffer for it.


  • 约翰吉恩在吵嘴父亲他们别吵了,不然睡觉

    John and Jean were arguing, so their fat her told them to cut it out or go to bed.


  • 看到了景致意外景色不然不到的城镇使我惊讶己。

    I saw new sights and was surprised by unexpected landscapes and towns I wouldn't have otherwise come across.


  • 除非留在讲台回答问题不然就收起讲稿回到座位上去。

    Unless you are staying at the lectern to answer questions, collect your notes and return to your seat.


  • 你去告诉见地,不然站在门口自己进去!

    Either tell her that Idemand to see her, or stand out of the way of the door and let me goto her!


  • 他们不得不份工作贴补家庭收入不然没什么东西吃了。

    They had to get a job to supplement their family income, or they would have little to eat.


  • 走上前去,要敌人哨兵放下武器,举起手来,不然就毙了他。

    He walked up and told the enemy guard to put down his gun and reach for the sky.


  • 对于服侍,你欠下的远非金子。将你的心不然服侍他。

    You owe more than gold to him who serves you. Give him of your heart or serve him.


  • 信用卡家里(不然了它),带上足够现金自己每天计划的事。

    Leave the credit CARDS at home (or cut them up) and carry only enough cash to do what you've planned for your day.


  • 好好地享受咖啡吃你的面包吧,希望著,不然悲剧了

    Enjoy you coffee and Croissants , I hope you don't choke on it that would be a tragic loss of life.


  • Bellick最后次机会,不然永远取消的夫妻探访,Sucre紧了嘴唇

    Bellick gives him another chance to save his conjugals before they're gone forever. Sucre bites his lip.


  • 生命很快过去了一个时机不会出现两次必须当机立断不然永远

    Life passed quickly, a timing from wont appear twice. Must act decisively, or you dont want to.


  • 农村妇女她们时间在干农活上,没有报酬不然哺养许许多多的孩子

    In the villages, women spend their time doing agricultural stuff, for no pay, or having lots and lots of kids.


  • ,“告诉我怎么走,不是走。不然劝劝希刺克厉夫先生我派一位带路人吧。”

    I want you to tell me my way, net to show it; or else to persuade Mr Heathcliff to give me a guide.


  • 提问之前,我先说了,Gspace兼容persona皮肤,不然棒了

    And before you ask, no, that Firefox persona isn't Gspace's default layout. That would be too awesome.


  • 给予肯定。给予真正欣赏表扬,肯定他们的才能。但前提是你真的这么觉得,不然显得假惺惺了

    Give affirmation. Praise someone about a quality that they have that you really appreciate. Make sure it's true for you or it won't sound genuine!


  • 我们可以持续抵抗,直到我们不得不屈服于外在强大的力量不然干脆命运低头,自行了断算了。

    We can either resist until we finally succumb to more powerful external forces, or we can resign ourselves to our fate and yield to death by our own hands.


  • 当然,除非觉得有人阅读盯着你不舒服,不然请相信,你很可能会有回跳阅读的习惯。

    But, unless you have someone you feel pretty comfortablestaring you in the face while you read, just trust me – you probably back-skip.


  • 丹尼尔斯对此回应:“不然这样不然实行单一保险人制度(也印第安纳波利斯的抗议者们所呼吁的)。”

    Mr Daniels’s response was: “You need to do this or you’ll end up with single payer [the single scheme that the protesters in Indianapolis were calling for].”


  • 一个专题报道中,视觉资料要比电视新闻重要,新闻可以事实来推动专题报道必须得引人入胜画面不然必要

    Visuals are more important in a feature story than a TV news story. A news story can be driven by facts, but a feature story must have compelling pictures, or there is no reason to show it.


  • 凯瑟琳除非我们不然桌子这儿来吧。”林惇打断说努力保持平常声调以及相当程度礼貌

    Catherine, unless we are to have cold tea, please to come to the table, 'interrupted Linton, striving to preserve his ordinary tone, and a due measure of politeness.


  • 辆火车过后,预计听到埃里克对我大嚷要最好小心不然就玩完了可是听不到声音只有一种奇异寂静

    After the train had passed I expected to hear Eric yelling that I'd better watch out or I'd get myself killed, but there was no voice, just an eerie silence.


  • 因此惠普戴尔这样的公司必须拿出针对大众市场的成功设备不然危险了,只能眼睁睁看着对手的设备蚕食属于自己的企业市场份额

    So firms like HP and Dell need to come up with successful mass-market devices or risk seeing rivals' gadgets eat into their corporate sales.


  • 只有选择,要么选择留在家宅安全网内,继续她揍到送医的丈夫待在一起不然选择自救离去,却从此一无所有。

    Her choice was either to stay in the family compound safety net with a husband who kept putting her in the hospital, or to save her own life and leave, which left her with nothing.


  • 泰勒:“你们最好不然自己一家搏击会,因为下礼拜开始每个进来的人都要留下姓名只有五十名单的人才能进来。

    Tyler says, "Well, you better stop talking or you'd better start another fight club because next week you put your name on a list when you get here, and only the first fifty names on the list get in.


  • 假如没有贴出菜单知道那地方的饭菜什么程度,那么进去之后,可以要菜单来看,再坐,不然直接价格高低。

    If the menu is not posted and you don't know how expensive it is, just go in and ask for a menu before you sit at the table, or just ask about the price directly.


  • 假如没有贴出菜单知道那地方的饭菜什么程度,那么进去之后,可以要菜单来看,再坐,不然直接价格高低。

    If the menu is not posted and you don't know how expensive it is, just go in and ask for a menu before you sit at the table, or just ask about the price directly.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定