• 客户们告知的是他们的保险单到期时的价值不是现在的价值。

    Customers are told what their policies will be worth on maturity, not what they are worth today.


  • 生活在几千年前,而不是现在

    I lived thousands of years ago, but not now.


  • 庆幸不是现在才刚开始做翻译

    I'm glad I'm not starting as a translator right now, because all of my work comes from contacts that I've built up.


  • 可能一个时候人们苛刻地评价现在

    There may come a time when we will have to judge him more harshly but that time is not now.


  • 如果不是现在的话,可能是七八个月之后

    Perhaps, if it does happen, it's going to be in six or seven or eight months.''


  • 身上所爱的,不是现在而是以后应该变成的人。

    What I loved in you was not the man you were but the man you could be.


  • 如果他们催你的话,可以这样不是现在能决定事情。”

    If pushed, you may say something to the effect of "This is a lot to process right now."


  • 投资者不是傻瓜他们股票是预期,而不是现在业绩

    The investors you want are not fools: They buy stocks because of expectations, not current results.


  • 不是现在——因为我们需要首先解决伊朗问题以后面临少一点问题

    Not nowbecause we need to solve the Iranian problem first and deal with lesser problems later.


  • 我们问题怎么知道这件事情发生那样一个时刻不是现在

    The question we are asking is, how do you know that it happened at a time other than 'now'?


  • 不是现在我们享受一起旅行自由而且我们也职业生涯中有所作为。

    But right now, we're enjoying having the freedom to travel, and we both want to move forward in our careers.


  • 大多数信用票据应该等到真正了明确的收入后再兑现,不是现在出去.

    Most credit instruments have to be held at the value a buyer might pay for them, not cost.


  • 财务问题不是现在的——它应该花费资金推动经济复苏——而是中期问题。

    Its fiscal problem is not now-it should be spending to boost recovery-but in the medium term.


  • 华尔街舆论日元年底回调至901美元不是现在84:1左近。

    The consensus on Wall Street is that the yen will finish the year around 90 to the dollar instead of 84 or so now.


  • 依旧上场,我希望联赛中被用,不过希望再多踢几年而不是现在就退役。

    I want to play on, I don't want to drop down leagues but I want to play on for a few more years.


  • 公元1世纪起,这个地区汇聚艺术家生意人闻名不是现在军阀武装分子

    From as early as the first century B.C., the region was known as a meeting place for artisans and traders, not warlords and insurgents.


  • 白色标志纯洁WCTU沿用着传统蝴蝶结不是现在更为广泛使用环形丝带标志。

    The white ribbon bow was selected to symbolize purity. The WCTU traditionally USES the bow rather than the more modern "remembrance" loop.


  • 比如想象一下一个按一下按钮就可以进行发布世界不是现在产生更新站点方式

    For example, imagine a world where you could do push-button publishing instead of the current way of generating update sites.


  • 我们有的是时间地方可以大喊大叫不是现在,也不是在这儿,”精神混乱病人说。

    “There's a place and a time for roaring, but not here and now, ” he'll tell a disruptive patient. “Can we talk...?”


  • 不是现在杰克逊悼念活动标志洛杉矶民众空间并不承诺的那样逐渐扩大相反缩小了。

    Not this time. The Jackson memorial may signal that Los Angeles' civic space, instead of expanding as once promised, is just withering away.


  • 我们预计提示行动计划将应用程序更为突出不是现在这样藏掖地点界面第三标签页里。

    We expect to see tips and todos made more prominent in the application, rather than tucked away under the third TAB of the venue screen.


  • 也许不是现在流行一种立场有时花费精力争取帮助而沟通并不值得——因为我们不得不所有这些事情

    This may not be a popular stance, but sometimes it’s simply not worth the effort to negotiate for the help we need—for all those things we have to do.


  • 也许不是现在流行一种立场有时花费精力争取帮助而沟通并不值得——因为我们不得不所有这些事情

    This may not be a popular stance, but sometimes it's simply not worth the effort to negotiate for the help we need—for all those things we have to do.


  • 东京电力公司一个涡轮机房里错误地测量辐射水源正常水平的1000万不是现在还在警报的10万倍。

    TEPCO wrongly measured radiated waters in one of the turbine halls at 10m times normal level, rather than the still-alarming 100, 000 times.


  • 设计取决于现有IT环境不是现在将来的业务需要情况下底向上的方法往往导致不好的业务服务抽象。

    The bottom-up approach tends to lead to poor business-service abstractions in case the design is dictated by the existing IT environment, rather than existing and future business needs.


  • 金融确实需要管制,因为总是倾向于产生恐慌崩溃泡沫(只不过维多利亚时期,本报哀悼的是铁路不是现在房屋价格)。

    Finance needs regulation. It has always been prone to panics, crashes and bubbles (in Victorian times this newspaper was moaning about railway stocks, not house prices).


  • 梦想,”26岁Weiner先生,“找到戏剧工作,不是现在这份拿着最低工资还要看着死去的工作。”

    "My dream," says Mr. Weiner, 26, "was to get a job writing comedy and make more than minimum wage watching dogs die."


  • "梦想,"26岁Weiner先生,“找到戏剧工作,不是现在这份拿着最低工资还要看着死去的工作。”

    My dream,” says Mr. Weiner, 26, “was to get a job writing comedy and make more than minimum wage watching dogs die.”


  • 花旗银行SimonSamuels估计如果欧洲银行他们负债率十几年前水平,他们的资本回报不是现在的21%,而是14%。

    Were European Banks to bring their leverage back to the level of a decade ago, their return on equity would fall to 14%, compared with 21% now, reckons Citi's Simon Samuels.


  • 花旗银行SimonSamuels估计如果欧洲银行他们负债率十几年前水平,他们的资本回报不是现在的21%,而是14%。

    Were European Banks to bring their leverage back to the level of a decade ago, their return on equity would fall to 14%, compared with 21% now, reckons Citi's Simon Samuels.


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