• 11不得作出不当使用名称耶和华上帝不会无罪误用名字

    You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.


  • 队员必须一切国产歼击机战队团结中心不得作出任何影响有损战队声誉行为!

    All team members must unite with domestic assault group of fighters center, or not make any detrimental impact on the reputation of the assault group!


  • 出巡将近结束的时候,公爵不得骑马上前作出提醒

    A little before the progress was ended, the Duke was obliged to ride forward, and make remonstrance.


  • 商务部倾销以及由倾销造成损害作出肯定的初裁决定前,不得寻求或者接受价格承诺

    Price undertakings shall not be sought or accepted unless MOFCOM have made a preliminary affirmative determination of dumping and injury caused by such dumping.


  • 真正使批评欧洲反战论的美国不得其解的,欧洲各国站出来反对伊拉克战争拒绝阿富汗战争中作出更大承诺

    What really irks Americans who criticize Europe's alleged pacifism has been opposition to the Iraq war or refusal to make greater commitments for the war in Afghanistan.


  • 不得不少睡一点觉失去一些空闲时间并且作出其他许多牺牲

    I don’t care who you are; you have time to “just do it” and chase something you want or need. You’ll just have to get less sleep, lose free time, and make lots of other sacrifices.


  • 人们很难丢掉这个想法,因为大家认为长时间的,流汗锻炼才是有价值的锻炼。我们不得作出一些改变来适应我们生活的这个日新月异的世界

    It's tough to let go of the idea that long, sweaty workouts are the only ones that 'count,' but in the new world we live in, we have to make some changes in how we live.


  • 我们不得计算机沟通作出相应的指示时,我们希望让我们的生活便携

    When we have to communicate with a computer and give it instructions we want to make life easy for ourselves.


  • 就是发生索马里南部的情况:人们仅仅为了存活下去,不得作出痛彻心扉的选择

    And that is what has happened in southern Somalia, where people have had to make heart-wrenching choices simply to stay alive.


  • 但是粮食进口商如今不得作出保证,不会进口的粮食再出口。

    But now grain importers there have had to pledge that they will not re-export.


  • 他们的疑问不得深思自己当初之所以作出这种选择原因

    Their questions forced me to reflect on why I made the choice I did.


  • 爱尔兰很少妥协概念女孩不得爱慕怀孕之间作出选择

    In Ireland there is so little sense of compromise that a girl has to choose between adoration and pregnancy.


  • 有些时候老师不得一些匿名上传教室录像中所指控的自己不当行为作出辩解,但他们甚至知道自己是在何时被的。

    In some cases, teachers have had to defend themselves against allegations of misconduct from schools following the anonymous Posting of classroom videos that they were not even aware had been filmed.


  • 为了适应快节奏环境,我们不得我们希望获得的东西我们需要放手的东西之中作出选择

    In this fast-paced world we live in, we must choose what it is we wish to conquer and what we need to let go of.


  • 无论如何不久不得作出决定如果拒绝利率上调更加疲软的兰特币值更高通货膨胀的出现不无可能

    He will have to make a decision soon, however, and if he does decide against a rise, a weaker rand and higher inflation are likely.


  • 否则难民署以及其他援助机构被迫继续作出令人心碎决定不得拒绝那些被迫逃难家庭提供生活必需品。

    Without it, UNHCR and other aid agencies will be forced to continue making heartbreaking decisions on which necessities must be denied to uprooted families.


  • 早期巴西利卡教堂高度回响,当时的音乐节奏形式不得因为教堂空间而作出调整,以便人们可以听懂。

    The early basilican churches were highly reverberant, even with open windows, and the pace and form of church music had to adjust to the architecture to be understood.


  • 气候变化使世界成为一个越来越不安全环境军事力量不得作出相应反应。

    Climate change will make the world an increasingly unsafe place and military capabilities will have to respond accordingly.


  • 如果这场拳击给阻止那末裁判不得作出结论,三十个金镑就会归了。

    If the fight had been stopped, the referee, perforce, would have rendered him the decision and the purse would have been his.


  • 现在,德国不得本国社会契约中的两个根本性原则作出抉择:经济稳定性欧盟一体化

    That leaves Germany forced to choose between two bedrock principles in its own social contract: economic stability and EU integration.


  • 我们内科医生实习时不得扩大我们基础知识了解不同药物种类以及以及基于成本效益的药物选择中作出平衡性的处理。

    We physicians in training have to strike a balance between expanding our knowledge base and experience with different medication classes and the cost-effectiveness of the medication choices we make.


  • 我们内科医生实习时不得扩大我们基础知识了解不同药物种类以及以及基于成本效益的药物选择中作出平衡性的处理。

    We physicians in training have to strike a balance between expanding our knowledge base and experience with different medication classes and the cost-effectiveness of the medication choices we make.


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