• 讨厌伦敦难以下咽比萨饼。

    He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London.


  • 它们粗壮结实,能够其他难以下咽的植物

    They are stout and have adapted to grazing on plants that many other cattle avoid.


  • 那天难缠家伙成为难以下咽不朽片断。

    This little snake had a tougher customer the other day in the bit of eternity it was trying to swallow.


  • 说到人生,最难以下咽自己造成的苦果。

    When it comes to life's bitter pills, the hardest to swallow is the taste of your own medicine.


  • 失败道菜,一道难以下咽苦菜,下去。

    Fail to be a course, one is difficult to cook the bitter dish swallowing, but you need to eat down it.


  • 饭菜一般仆人烧出的那种很少令人难以下咽时候。

    With rare exceptions the meals were acceptable, being the kind that an ordinary servant can arrange.


  • 再者研究报告表示,快速下咽食物可能比较容易囤积脂肪

    What's more, research shows that food eaten quickly may be more readily stored as fat.


  • 家喻户晓的,动物意识显著的能力什么难以下咽食物有害

    It is wellknown that animals have a remarkable ability to sense what is harmful or inedible food.


  • 目的探讨晚期下咽手术切除利用残余组织重建下咽的手术方法

    Objective: to discuss the method of using remaining laryngeal tissue to rehabilitation after the advanced hypopharyngeal cancer resection.


  • 这个口之其他成员坐在土地上着用豆子淀粉做成的难以下咽东西。

    The rest of the family of seven was sitting on the dirt floor eating a hopless meal of beans and farina .


  • 如果领悟下咽的东西习惯传统之时,交易的东西似乎转换为美味舒适vs健康健壮活力

    If you understand that most poor eating is habitual and traditional, the trade off seems to be that of taste and comfort vs. health, fitness and vitality.


  • 朋友真是一杯难以下咽的苦酒啊,体育场我们坐的那一陷入了沉默对方球迷高兴了。

    That, my friends, was a truly bitter cup to sip, in silence at our end of the stadium while their fans were going mad at the other.


  • 虽然一个难以下咽苦果,但是这次打击之后英国经济强制高利率通货膨胀使英镑重新变得有力

    Although it was a bitter pill to swallow, the pound came back stronger because the excess interest and high inflation were forced out of the British economy following the beating.


  • 将药片碾碎分成不精确的几部分然后溶解儿童难以下咽的药水,不仅可能无效且可能有毒有害

    Tablets are crushed into imprecise portions and dissolved into unpalatable drinks that are difficult for children to swallow and are potentially ineffective, toxic or harmful.


  • 对于年轻人来说难以下咽苦药,”我们已经到了六个年轻人当中就有一个失业的境地。”

    "It's a very difficult pill for young people to swallow," he says. "We already have a situation where one in six young people are unemployed."


  • 同样巴马也告诉巴勒斯坦人和他们背后的阿拉伯支持者为什么他们必须做出,那些他们来说难以下咽的决定。

    Mr Obama equally needs to tell the Palestinians and their Arab backers why they, too, have to take decisions that will stick in their gullets.


  • 雇主不喜欢惊喜所以我的工作之一提前通知他们如果今晚他们会类似龙虾或是之类难以下咽的东西的话。

    WhoI work for doesn’t like surprises, so part of my job is telling my employersahead of time if tonight they’ll be asked to eat something difficult like alobster or an artichoke.


  • 它们这个巨大熟悉地方寻寻觅觅着可以下咽食物会不会在黑夜里吟唱夜曲,知道呢没有听到过

    They huge and the familiar place are searching food which in this may deglutition, ate to the full has been able to recite the nocturne in the nighttime, who knew that also nobody has heard.


  • 勉强下咽绿藻实在有限,而且,就算个人绿藻,小球藻每天能为人类提供养分也只达到人类所需的十分之一。

    But a human can only choke down so much algae each day. Even if algae was all one ate, chlorella only provides 10 percent of the daily nutrients a person needs.


  • 这个国家进行探险旅行你会体验到惊险刺激,就象经历现代版的《奥德赛》。这里生活之美好仿佛满满榴莲浓汤一样令人回味无穷,同样,生活之艰辛令人偶尔有食不下咽感觉。

    It is a country where the thrills and spills read like index entries from a modern-day Odyssey and where life is both as moreish, and occasionally as hard to swallow, as a bowlful of durian purée.


  • 顿饭包括蛋糕三明治还有用来帮助下咽食物茶水

    This meal included cakes and sandwiches, and tea was served to wash down the food.


  • 当然有些可能会觉得更多家人相处时间像是很多良药——一时还难以下咽

    Of course, some people may find more family time to be like a lot of good medicine-hard to swallow.


  • 感到微温液体不快

    I felt the unpleasantness of the lukewarm liquid down my throat.


  • 也是很多人通过饮食减肥失败原因——谁都可以按照减肥食谱星期,但是一旦觉得食物难以下咽,你很快就会一败涂地。

    It's why most diets fail - anyone can stick with a diet for a couple of weeks, but if you feel that you are suffering by eating it, you'll fall off it after a little while.


  • 看到那吃饭样子实在令人恼火,就好像饭菜味道非常难吃,简直是难以下咽似的

    It's annoying to see the way she eats as if the food tastes so bad that she can hardly swallow.


  • 看到那吃饭样子实在令人恼火,就好像饭菜味道非常难吃,简直是难以下咽似的

    It's annoying to see the way she eats as if the food tastes so bad that she can hardly swallow.


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