• 没有比特别上相微笑首领”能简明扼要地反映一点了。

    No example portrayed this more succinctly that photogenic "Smiling Chiefs."


  • 不过避免穿同一套衣服出席派对重要选择好看、最上相服饰。

    But more important than not repeating the same party dress is choosing the ensemble that is the most flattering — and the most photogenic.


  • 德语Gymnasium基本当于英格兰文法学校

    The German 'Gymnasium' is the closest equivalent to the grammar school in England.


  • 随着欧洲人政治经济交织在一起,他们需要种相互交流世界其他地区对话方式。

    As they become entwined with each other politically and economically, Europeans need a way to talk to one another and to the rest of the world.


  • 植物内部发出电信号与动物复杂大脑发出神经信号只是表面,动物大脑不仅仅通过电信号交流细胞”,塔伊说道。

    The signaling in a plant is only superficially similar to the firing in a complex animal brain, which is more than "a mass of cells that communicate by electricity," Taiz said.


  • 道德推理基本形式——道德当于学会爬行——他人利益自己的利益进行权衡

    The most elementary form of moral reasoningthe ethical equivalent of learning to crawlis to weigh others' interests against one's own.


  • 月球上相同,那些巨大陨石坑范围例如,那些巨大形成尚未被尘埃满的陨石坑标志火星表面年龄

    As on the Moon, the extent of large impact cratering (i.e. craters too big to have been filled in by erosion since they were formed) serves as an age indicator for the Martian surface.


  • 越来越多人认识到,表面上相似的顾客群体他们什么他们想怎么方面可能非常不同偏好

    There's a growing appreciation that superficially similar groups of customers may have very different preferences in terms of what they want to buy and how they want to buy it.


  • 两个棋手在围棋棋盘上相遇时,他们遵循同样的规则,但可能采用完全不同的方法。

    When two players meet on the Go board, they follow the same rules, but may carry completely different methods.


  • 们在互联网上相信或传播一些不真实的新闻是错误的。

    It's wrong of us to believe or spread some untrue news on the Internet.


  • 1965年以前地质学家认为,两个巨大岩石板块安德烈亚斯断层通过摩擦产生热量

    Prior to 1965 geologists assumed that the two giant rock plates meeting at the San Andreas Fault generate heat through friction as they grind past each otherd.


  • 林的底层并不是像电影里面那样全是错综复杂的树叶和灌木丛,而是实际上相当地畅通无阻。

    The ground floor of the forest is not all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear.


  • 结果它们互相抑制某种程度上相抵消第三看似无关行为通过我们称之为“去抑制”的过程出现。

    What happens is, they inhibit each other, they cancel each other out in a way, and a third seemingly irrelevant behavior surfaces through a process that we call "Disinhibition".


  • 这个方法有助于逻辑上将数据结构分离逻辑部分

    This approach helps to logically separate the data structure into the pieces that are logically related.


  • 场景中的动态关系可以关联四种客户表示方法,它们表示了本质客户但是不同

    The dynamic relationship in this scenario correlates these four representations of customers that are basically the same customer but have different primary keys.


  • 因此如果这些JVM核心搜索服务用于访问磁盘数据,则数据可能被损坏

    Therefore, if the core search services of these JVMs are used to access the same data on disk, the data can become corrupted.


  • LDAP目录中,后缀LDAP目录层次结构中的顶级条目,在逻辑所有信息存储下面

    In the LDAP directory, a suffix is a top-level entry in LDAP directory hierarchy, under which all the logically related information is stored.


  • 度假之前想一想离开家里后遇到什么困难,应的工具准备好充足的信息处理这些问题

    Before your holiday, think about what might cause difficulties while you are away and arm yourself with tools and information to help you deal with those problems.


  • 躯体症状非常真实的他们损害了生活质量可以导致临床疾病可能需要心理治疗认知行为疗法

    Somatoform symptoms are very real; they impair quality of life, and can also cause clinically relevant disorders that may require psychological treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.


  • 裙子壮观珠宝然后宫廷里的女人开始效仿这种着装。”

    She had her dresses encrusted with quite spectacular jewels and women of the court followed suit,” she notes.


  • 裙子壮观的珠宝然后宫廷里的女人开始效仿这种着装

    She had her dresses encrusted with quite spectacular jewels and women of the court followed suit, ” she notes.


  • 从来没有两个大国肩负如此广泛问题上相合作的重任。

    Never have two great powers been obligated to work together on such a broad spectrum of issues.


  • 同时构造函数加上相应的参数构造函数调用者加上一个成员变量体现依赖关系。

    Change it to a constructor argument at the same time, and make the caller have a member variable for that same dependency.


  • 最终意味着菲律宾那样只有社区雏形的国家企业管理上相当的

    This ultimately means that startups in countries with nascent communities, such as the Philippines, are substantially harder to manage.


  • 结合本质数据使用名称空间XML数据绑定造成一些重大问题

    The use of multiple namespaces with basically the same data creates some major problems for XML data binding.


  • 只不过用大量代码执行一个实际简单任务

    It's just a lot of code to perform what is actually a relatively simple task.


  • 多元不饱和脂肪主要存在未加工的蔬菜里,有着上相反的功效玉米红花黄豆芝麻油都含有较低LDL

    Polyunsaturated fats, which are typically of vegetable origin, have the opposite effect; thus corn, safflower, soybean and sesame oils tend to lower the level of potentially dangerous LDL.


  • 假设所有请求造成服务器负载,则传入速率可让系统计算处理需求所需计算能力

    Assuming all requests cause equal load on the servers, this incoming rate enables the system to compute the required computing power needed to handle the demand.


  • 假设所有请求造成服务器负载,则传入速率可让系统计算处理需求所需计算能力

    Assuming all requests cause equal load on the servers, this incoming rate enables the system to compute the required computing power needed to handle the demand.


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