• 眼球运动显示左眼上直,外肌,功能受损。

    Eye movement revealed limitation of superior rectus, lateral rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of left eye.


  • 男孩喜欢铅笔上直,或是着笔杆刻下棋盘般的方格图案

    Little boys like to carve a checkerboard pattern down the length of a new pencil and all the way around it.


  • 德国啤酒传统4种原料酿造而成的–啤酒花麦芽酵母

    German beer has traditionally been made from just four ingredientshops, malt, yeast, and water.


  • 催着父母他们最终让步报了名溜冰

    I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes.


  • 科幻小说作家长期以来梦想人类有一可以离开地球移居其它星球

    Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one day quit the earth to colonize other planets.


  • 一些宗教领袖肯尼亚政治改革支持言不讳

    Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya.


  • 实际人类也是这么对待近亲黑猩猩的。

    That is effectively what humans have been doing to our closest relatives -chimps .


  • 一路在哼唱。

    I've sung it over the way.


  • 中学是我一的梦想。

    I always dreamed of having a middle school education.


  • 事实英语处于进化状态近年来,门语言越来越多新的单词短语

    In fact English has always been in a state of evolution and in recent years more and more words and phrases have entered the language.


  • 基本发现自己无所事事只是担心抱怨自己生活

    Basically, he found that he was doing nothing all the time, just worrying about things and complaining about his life.


  • 天然森林神话存在实际欧洲没有现存原始森林

    The myth of the "natural" forest has survived, yet there are effectively no remaining "primary" forests in Europe.


  • 例如参与者他们羞怯程度进行评估的时候,选2则意味着只是偶尔会有羞怯的表现,选4则意味着基本羞怯

    For example, when participants had rated their feelings of shyness, as 2 (i.e. occasionally), it was changed to 4 (i.e. all the time).


  • 浓重的约克郡口音,事实,她自己努力学习约克郡话。

    She loved his broad Yorkshire and had in fact been trying to learn to speak it herself.


  • 宇宙其他行星存在生命可能性激励着科学家探索太空

    The possibility that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.


  • 1960年加入读者文摘》的乔治·格鲁恩是一广告销售员目光聚焦公司的利润

    George Grune, a former ad salesman who joined Reader's Digest in 1960, has his eye focused on the bottom line.


  • 1960年加入读者文摘》的乔治·格鲁恩是一广告销售员目光关注公司的利润

    George Grune, a former ad salesman who joined Reader's Digest in 1960 has his eye focused on the bottom line.


  • 重点集中弗兰克好的事情这些事是马丁不好最近没有的。

    She became focused on what Frank did well that Martin either did not do so well or had not done recently.


  • 20世纪60年代包装食品清单出现储存冰箱标签以来,情况如此

    It has been so since the 1960s when packaged food list appeared with the label: "Store in the refrigerator".


  • 如果地球太阳距离1%,大约20亿年前地球失控的冰期就导致海洋冻结冻结今天

    If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciations on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.


  • 如果地球太阳距离哪怕1%,大约20亿年前地球失控的冰期导致海洋冻结冻结今天

    If the Earth-Sun distance were as little as 1 percent larger, runaway glaciation on Earth about 2 billion years ago would have caused the oceans to freeze and remain frozen to this day.


  • 基本太阳每天地球提供几乎无限能源问题我们如何利用能源。

    The sun basically provides Earth with virtually unlimited source of energy everyday, but the problem has always been how do we tap this source of energy.


  • 每张桌子都会一本规划书,考虑应该总体规划放在哪里才能每个人在进入餐厅之前都看到

    There'll be a plan on each table and I've been thinking about where to put the master plan so everyone can view it before they enter the restaurant.


  • 这个地区居民实际法国公民,因为1946年以来,这里法兰西共和国殖民地

    People in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony of the French Republic since 1946.


  • 事实一个世纪以来,纽约的市政用水称为自来水中的香槟,它最近被认为是世界口感纯度最好之一

    In fact, New Yorks municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity.


  • 长期以来,金星认为是一个警示故事,告诉我们地球这样的行星任何事情都可能出错

    Venus has long been held up as a cautionary tale for everything that could go wrong on a planet like earth.


  • 成功概念萦绕着我们我们每年花费百万阅读有关富人名人书籍,学习如何房地产大钱不用首付”,以及“如何打扮可以成功”。

    The notion of success haunts us: we spend million every year reading about the rich and famous, learning how to "make a fortune in real estate with no money down" and "dressing for success".


  • 我们在宣传 Endure生产过程最新研究表明尽管我们袜子具有耐久性,但我们的普通客户实际还是要个月购买一次新的Dura-Socks。

    We have always advertised our use of the Endure process, but the new study shows that despite our socks' durability, our average customer actually purchases new Dura-Socks every three months.


  • 20世纪70年代日本世界最大生丝生产国实际也是唯一主要生丝出口国

    Japan was to remain the world's biggest producer of raw silk, and practically the only major exporter of raw silk, until the 1970s.


  • 它们可能看起来漂浮水面实际它们一能到达湖底

    They may have appeared to be floating in the water, but in fact they reach all the way to the bottom of the lake.


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