The world of so many people called millet , millet is not millet.
Marriage tired that the seven year itch, itching to want to leave because of bad blood on that.
These little guys are the world's loudest animals relative to their body size and can attain volumes up to 99.2 decibels when they sing.
I've also modified my parents' memories so that they're convinced they're really called Wendell and Monica Wilkins, and that their life's ambition is to move to Australia, which they have now done.
如果你在为importfoo找文件,那么它会最后找出一个叫foo .py或者foo . so (Windows上叫foo . dll)的文件。
If you're looking for import foo, it will eventually find either a file or (or foo.dll on Windows).
Glued to a chair in her fright, Miss Rottenmeier called: "Send the boy away!"
原因如下:1830年,一位名叫乔治·兰金(George Rankin)的当地官员用一根绳子把自己吊入洞穴,这根绳子固定在洞穴壁的一个突出石块上。
Here's why: In 1830 a local official named George Rankin lowered himself into the cave on a rope tied to a protrusion in the cave wall.
Some of them utilized stone structures called stone canoes, and these canoes were on land, of course, and you can still see them on some islands today.
Napoleon, who was always considered to be kind of a dwarf, a midget, really wasn't at all.
When I was in Grade 5, I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class.
"Amy, how are you getting on?" cried Lizzy, whose eyes seemed to fly over her work.
Set in the nineteenth century, it is about a boy called Oliver who finds himself alone in the world.
Miss Temple told Helen Burns to be seated in a low arm-chair on one side of the fire place, and herself taking another, she called me to her side.
We call this phenomenon "software bloat": the tendency to load an application with features that have questionable business value.
Hubbard sent him notes on the draft, but no film by that name was ever released.
You meet a man called Lawrence at a dinner party. Which of the following is his most likely occupation?
But after this TV, I haven't seen the actor of Tangseng named Chi zhongrui on screen.
In 2005 Robert Ivey wrote Healey and claimed that the letter had in fact been written by an employee named Malcolm under Mark's name and in his voice.
When they occur, we are easily isolated. Our parents teach us for our own good, but the age gap based on different life experience is there.
Boys from the nearby dorms appeared in our common room-boys weren't allowed upstairs except during visitation-and summoned certain girls.
When our ancestors were covered in fur, muscles in their skin called "arrector pili" contracted when they were upset or cold, making their fur stand on end.
Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
Although he can't reach a cooking pot without standing on a stool and sometimes forgets the name of a spice, Julian understands clearly how to cook.
In fact, I have just bought a book entitled How to Read a Thousand Words a Minute.
Thankfully, that definition, though mildly humorous in its way, can be subdivided into three more familiar categories: Phonological jokes, or puns " Why did the golfer wear two sets of pants?"
In an archway, a tall elderly gentleman named Peng Shi Yong is singing a traditional Chinese ballad.
Over the course of many days at the Apothecary Shoppe, I never saw a customer walk in whom Don doesn't know by name.
Indeed, the nerves from the taste buds meet in a part of the brain called the amygdala with nerves that convey information on the softness of food.
Indeed, the nerves from the taste buds meet in a part of the brain called the amygdala with nerves that convey information on the softness of food.