• 姚宏光认为股价近期难有上升空间

    'I don't see any room for its share price to rise soon,' says Mr. Yao.


  • 尽管已经达到顶峰梅西相信自已上升空间

    Despite having touched the pinnacle, Messi believes his best is still to come.


  • 同时水平有所比较才知道还有很大上升空间

    It also gave me a comparison of my fitness and I realized there was a lot of room for progress.


  • 仅仅接受非常(3——5)个特征剩下特征给予一定的上升空间

    Commit to only a conservative few (3-5) features and provide a "best effort" on the rest of the feature sets.


  • 股价下跌说明市场越来越感觉到投行的收益过巅峰期,分析师却预测上升空间

    A falling share price suggests that the market thinks it increasingly likely that profits have peaked, but analysts forecast that they will keep rising.


  • 看来挺好不过我们长期以来争论焦点在于他是否肯定足够上升空间潜力

    Yi looks very nice, but what we constantly struggle with is correctly seeing the upside and potential in relations to the certainty.


  • 但是卖空操作下行风险却是无限的,因为被卖空股票价格的上升空间是无限的。

    The sale of a stock, however, as accomplished through a short sale (or "selling short") entails unlimited downside risk, since the price of the security could continue rising indefinitely.


  • 反之如果欧元进行一次深幅调整或者时间长的盘整那么上升空间大得多。

    Conversely, if the rate of the euro to a depth of the adjustment, or a longer time correction, it will be much more room for growth.


  • 现阶段基准利率绝对水平较低依然较大上升空间央行本周加息概率事件

    Low absolute level of the benchmark interest rate at this stage, there are still large room for growth, the central bank to raise interest rates this week should be the high probability event.


  • 拥有发展前景行业拥有和谐团结气氛工作集体拥有广阔学习机会上升空间的职位。

    Belonging to a prospective industry, a work community with harmonious and unite atmosphere, having training and study opportunities and promotion space.


  • 公司提供有竞争力薪酬待遇职业上升空间同时公司员工提供持续国内外学习机会

    The company provides competitive salary and career space, as well as continuous learning opportunities at home and abroad.


  • 同时考生注意重点学科学习,比较学科上升空间更大,要尤其重视促进学科平衡

    At the same time, candidates should pay attention to the study of the key disciplines, the larger the space of the weaker subjects, to pay special attention to promote the balance between disciplines.


  • 拥有迷人自然景观独特民风民俗省级风景名胜区泸沽湖,其旅游市场极具潜力上升空间很大

    Lugu Lake, scenic area of the provincial grade, with charming natural landscape and distinctive national custom has great potential for tourism marketing.


  • 达科塔经济支柱主要人们必需商品小麦石油种商品的国际价格都有巨大上升空间

    North Dakota's economic good fortune is pretty much a function of being a major producer of two very in-demand commodities: wheat and oil, both of which have seen huge global price increases.


  • 不仅-埃文斯那样得分而且他还可以增强我们防守并且上升空间要比埃文斯大,因为年轻。

    He can score like mo can score, but we felt that Trevor defensively can give us a little bit more and maybe had more upside because of his age than mo Evans did.


  • 赫德留下的是利润率已经没有上升空间的公司,因此提高利润率看起来像是今后创造股东价值的一个可选方法

    Mr. Hurd leaves behind a tight ship so juicing margins doesn't look like an option to create shareholder value from here. That means Mr.


  • 如果账号被冻结应该1.33加元时候买进了一万九千股票,至今股票已经涨了了,而且还有很大上升空间

    If the investment account was not restricted, I could buy TRE-T 19000 shares at $1.33 a share. The price had more than doubled already, and with giant potential of increasing.


  • 效力阿贾克斯亨特·拉尔有着惊人进球,他甲联赛出场82次,进球数达到70个。他现在只有24仍然很大上升空间

    Huntelaar has an astonishing strike rate for Ajax with 70 goals in 82 games in the Dutch Eredivisie and at the age of 24 has a lot more still to come.


  • 部分地区房产已位列我们实惠购房城市的榜首——在这些地区,如果人们手头有钱的话,可以购得,由于税收低,房屋价格上升空间还是可以预期的。

    They top our list of most affordable places to buy a house--areas where people make enough money to buy good houses, where taxes are low and where prices were expected to rise.


  • 放弃不仅1.6%的收益率还有强生股票AAA信用评级及日后的上升空间,而去购买所谓避险天堂”、信誉仍在不断丧失的AA+级的美国国债。

    He was giving up 1.6% in yield, plus upside equity in a AAA-rated credit for the 'safe haven' of an ever-eroding AA-plus piece of government paper.


  • 收益率继续下降需要一轮经济衰退,但不是我们核心预期。近期债券收益率的上升空间比较有限因为来自通胀压力微乎其微美国经济正在房产市场的低迷作调整。

    The upside for yields is also quite limited in the near term with little pressure on inflation and the us economy still adjusting to the housing down turn.


  • 第二季度工人劳动生产力以及单位时间产出量都有所上升,并超过了平均水平6个百分点,开始走出衰退阴影。对于经济下滑的大环境来说是正常的,但这意味着薪资还有更多上升空间

    The productivity of workers, the amount produced per hour of work, shot up at an annual rate of more than 6 percent in the second quarter and has been climbing throughout the recession.


  • 第二季度工人劳动生产力以及单位时间产出量都有所上升,并超过了平均水平6个百分点,开始走出衰退阴影。对于经济下滑的大环境来说是正常的,但这意味着薪资还有更多上升空间

    The productivity of workers, the amount produced per hour of work, shot up at an annual rate of more than 6 percent in the second quarter and has been climbing throughout the recession.


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