• 欧洲股市开盘普遍走高,受到交易日美国股市上涨的影响,英国石油公司法国保险公司涨幅居前。

    FRANKFURT (MarketWatch) — Most European stocks rose early Wednesday, underpinned by gains on Wall Street in the previous session and led higher by oil giant BP and insurer AXA.


  • 保尔森对冲基金公司并未受到指控。发表声明声称作为担保人,ACA对于CDO所构成证券选择享有唯一权利

    Paulson &Co has not been charged; the firm issued a statement saying that ACA, as the third-party collateral manager, had sole authority over the selection of securities in the CDO.


  • 不过如果挖的深一点你就会发现,摩根大通季度盈利方法实际上如出一辙:都是来自投行业务和交易业务

    Yet if you dig down a bit, JPMorgan Chase made its money this quarter in exactly the same way that Goldman did: from investment banking and trading.


  • 摩根士丹利采取措施季度加大高风险业务,然而其劲敌却勒紧缰绳

    Morgan Stanley, based on one measure, boosted its risk-taking in the third quarter, even as rivals like Goldman reined in risk.


  • 公司收入额持续下滑集团预计,这种下滑一直持续2011年财年

    Its revenues have been falling, and Goldman Sachs (GS) predicts they will continue to do so through the fiscal year ending March, 2011.


  • 昭夫,大前研一以及野中郁次郎(1935年出生)位巨匠为日本工业管理建造了座通向世界桥梁

    Akio Morita (see article), Kenichi Ohmae and Ikujiro Nonaka (born 1935) constituted a bridge that connected Japanese industry and management with that of the rest of the world.


  • 1999年筹资开办之前年中合伙人每年资本回报都达到了50%左右。

    In the three years before the bank floated in 1999, Goldman partners earned returns on their capital of about 50% each year.


  • 2010年,社会化变革趋势参与不要将它们仅仅当做手册装进口袋,它们将促使您利用网络独一无二的潜能促进各种形式社会变革。

    In 2010, three disruptive trends that ask for your participation rather than your pocketbook will emerge and use the web's unique potential to empower new forms of social change.


  • 其他人士认为两大投行目前形势不错;摩根·士丹利周二将分别公布收益状况可能会证实这个说法

    Others contend the two investment Banks are well-positioned, a view likely to be heard on Goldman's earnings call Tuesday and Morgan Stanley's Wednesday.


  • 陷阱门是关于风险口味

    The third trapdoor concerns Goldman's risk appetite.


  • 即将公布的一项研究中,万宝,表示更青睐中国企业中国籍求职者的数量大幅攀升。

    In a study to be released on Wednesday, Manpower reports a sharp increase in Chinese job-seekers who say they prefer to work for Chinese companies.


  • 凯文·戴利估计利率可能——也许个月左右0.25个百分点——上升冰川时代”不太可能危险

    The "glacial pace" at which interest rates are likely to rise-perhaps 0.25 percentage points every three months or so-is unlikely to be dangerous, reckons Kevin Daly of Goldman Sachs.


  • 接下来他们食用树皮树根并且饮用,漆树所制的

    They then ate only bark and roots for another three years and began drinking a poisonous tea made from the SAP of the Urushi tree, normally used to lacquer bowls.


  • 明天公布季度业绩有望爆出高利润增长

    The surge in profits is expected to be repeated tomorrow when Goldman Sachs reports its third-quarter results.


  • 自从今年六月每日成交量将近千一百万公司股票每日平均成交量要

    Since June, about 31 million of them have been traded on a typical day, more than triple the average for Goldman Sachs shares.


  • 期间,利润增加了一多,达到160亿美元,超过美国赚钱银行——摩根大通,富国银行

    Over that period its profits have more than doubled to $16 billion, more than at any of America’s three most profitable banks, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs.


  • 去年上榜富豪中人在今年落榜,其中包括莱佛士教育集团创始人周华起重设备制造商达丰控股的黄水钟以及猎鹰能源集团陈鹏程。

    Three from last year’s top 40 dropped off, including Chew Hua Seng, founder of Raffles Education; cranes unit Tat Hong’s Ng Chwee Cheng; and Falcon Energy’s Tan Pong Tyea.


  • 就业服务公司万宝华(Manpower)报道,39个国家地区中,有35个今年季度就业前景乐观。

    THE outlook for employment in the third quarter of this year is positive in 35 of the 39 countries and territories covered by Manpower, an employment-services firm.


  • 季度补偿金账单数额为38亿美元,与2009年同期相比下降了28%。

    Goldman Sachs’s compensation bill in the third quarter was $3.8billion, down by 28% compared with the same period in 2009.


  • 耐克微软万宝华公司 (Manpower)想方设法帮助世界难民人口时拥有独特授权世界难民署 (UNHCR), Ninemillion.org 网站的建设过程中一直是这家公司的重要伙伴

    As Nike, Microsoft and Manpower seek to help the world’s refugee populations, the UNHCR, with its unique mandate, has been a crucial partner in the resulting Ninemillion.org campaign.


  • 最新预计2季度美国经济将以3%速度蹒跚前行,低于周前预测3.5%年初预测的4%。

    Goldman now sees the U.S. economy struggling to limp forth at a 3% pace in the second quarter, down from 3.5% just three weeks ago and 4% at the start of the year.


  • 统计数据显示,2010年一季度个月里,交易业绩近乎完美,无一出现亏损。每一天的营业收入都达到了2500万美元。

    In the first quarter, Goldman hit trading perfection by reporting trading gains of at least $25 million every day.


  • 宗亮决定把焦点放在小说核心角恋爱上,并且说服开始拒绝邀请黄哲伦与他联手创作剧本

    Deciding to focus on the central love triangle, Mr. Sheng was able to persuade Mr. Hwang, who had rebuffed initial requests, to write the libretto.


  • 介绍一种利用分光及自制液“棱杯” ,采用最小偏向测量液体折射率的方法,对该法进行了分析和讨。

    The method to measure the refraction rate of liquids by using the least deflection angle is introduced and analyzed in this paper.


  • 通过故事告诉员工们一些管理哲学下面小故事摘自新书中国责任梦想》。

    Felix s. T. Chen likes to teach management philosophies to his staff by telling stories. The following are three from his latest book China Heart: My Responsibility and Dream.


  • 通过故事告诉员工们一些管理哲学下面小故事摘自新书中国责任梦想》。

    Felix s. T. Chen likes to teach management philosophies to his staff by telling stories. The following are three from his latest book China Heart: My Responsibility and Dream.


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