• 询问了一番发现康涅狄格州

    He made some inquiries and discovered she had gone to Connecticut.


  • 针对毁掉生意那些政策发起一番愤怒声讨。

    She launched into a tirade against the policies that ruined her business.


  • 十三认识到自己得白手起家闯一番事业来。

    Thirteen years ago she found herself having to conjure a career from thin air.


  • 一番狂饮庆祝新年来临几乎要了

    He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a bout of drinking that nearly killed him.


  • 费了很大床垫金属架上卸下来然后在下面摸索一番

    With difficulty he released the mattress from the metal frame, and groped beneath it.


  • 学生们一番大造声势之后随之而来考试却出乎意料地平淡。

    The exams came, almost an anticlimax after the build-up that the students had given them.


  • 简直不敢相信一番争吵开始了这次关于物体颜色

    I couldn't believe it! Another argument started, this time about the color of the object.


  • 邀请参加重要活动,我想特意打扮一番

    One day, I was invited to an important event, and I wanted to wear something special for it.


  • 向上天许愿,我多希望走进那儿,在场人心中畅游一番

    I wish to heaven I could walk in and take a trip right through the hearts of those present!


  • 经过一番努力努力得到了回报,非常破旧的门垫露了出来

    After some further toil, his efforts were rewarded, and a very shabby door-mat lay exposed to view.


  • 经过一番查探之后,扔掉棍子更加有信心地那条蛇——确信不会

    After some more investigation, he discarded the stick and carried on pecking at the snake more confidentlyapparently convinced that it wouldn't move.


  • 年内会员数目几乎一番

    Membership almost doubled in two years.


  • 一番彻底的刷牙处理有助清洁口腔

    A thorough brushing helps to freshen up your mouth.


  • 门前镜子自己审视一番

    He surveyed himself in the mirror before going out.


  • 阿曼达开始了一番合同权威解释。

    Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.


  • 哈里怀疑故意出去瞎找一番

    Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase.


  • 我们网站访问人次年内一番

    Visits to our website have doubled in a year.


  • 一番折腾之后最终决定还是工作

    After a great deal of toing and froing, I decided not to change jobs after all.


  • 莉萨经过一番良心上的斗争,终于警方说了。

    Lisa struggled with her conscience before talking to the police.


  • 导演南北战争作了一番好莱坞式的精彩阐述。

    The director puts a Hollywood gloss on the civil war.


  • 偶尔狂饮一番

    She went on occasional drinking binges.


  • 美国谈判者决定一番努力力争达成和解

    The US negotiators decided to make another try at reaching a settlement.


  • 霍里根就项目重要性进行一番热烈演讲

    Horrigan launched into a speech about the importance of new projects.


  • 生意场上干出一番名堂,缺乏必要冷酷心肠。

    She doesn't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business.


  • 讲话不错还是忍不住借机对手抨击一番

    It was a good speech, but he couldn't resist taking a sideswipe at his opponent.


  • 自从这家公司步入赚钱的海外市场以后,利润一番

    The company has doubled its profits since plugging into lucrative overseas markets.


  • 职工人数一番3 000人增加6 000人。

    The strength of the workforce is about to be doubled from 3 000 to 6 000.


  • 称赞一番工作,但紧接着却不得不辞退

    He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave.


  • 明天我会那些玩具好好擦拭一番因为有些看上去有点油腻了

    Tomorrow I'm going to give the toys a good wipe as some seem a bit greasy.


  • 明天我会那些玩具好好擦拭一番因为有些看上去有点油腻了

    Tomorrow I'm going to give the toys a good wipe as some seem a bit greasy.


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