• 再者不是发热多媒体终极武器

    Then again, it's not a barn-burning, knuckle-dragging multimedia ultimate weapon either.


  • 法国以及其他地方麦当劳是以美国主导全球化的象征

    In France and elsewhere, McDonald's is emblematic of U.S.-driven globalization and the homogenization of cultures.


  • 我们应用程序需求概述应用程序必须完成操作以及怎样对其进行的操作。

    Our application requirements outline what the unified application needs to do and how it needs to be done.


  • 上周发布Google +平台隐私进程展开充满前景崭新篇章

    This past week the Google + platform was revealed, ushering in a promising new chapter in the movement towards a universal standard of privacy.


  • 将工作流单策略减少正在被构建线路数量并且使得活动版本更加活跃(请参见下文)。

    Simplifying the streaming strategy would also reduce the number of lines being built and enable a more active release heartbeat (see below).


  • 他的实用主义风格也许不会布鲁塞尔那些欧洲化的狂热者们喜爱,不过万幸,欧盟的事务也不是这些人决定

    Such pragmatism may not please the Euro-enthusiasts in Brussels. But thankfully it is not up to them to decide.


  • 使这个问题复杂人们感觉愉快睡眠时间相差很大

    To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.


  • 许多工业经济入到滞胀循环中。

    Many of the industrialized economies would be pushed into a cycle of stagflation.


  • 曼哈顿许多地区当地街区逐渐贵族

    The local neighbourhood, like so many areas of Manhattan, is gradually being gentrified.


  • 使零部件标准减少型号数量需求。

    There is a drive both to standardize components and to reduce the number of models.


  • 著名的受尊重名字如此商业似乎太可惜了

    It seems such a pity that a distinguished and honoured name should be commercialized in this way.


  • 成为欧洲主要支持者

    She became a leading promoter of European integration.


  • 纽约城市大学全美多元学生群体

    City College of New York has one of the most diversified student bodies in the nation.


  • 非常大众食谱因为不会任何人带来麻烦

    It is a very sociable diet to follow because you don't have to put anyone out.


  • 我们,团组可以社会有力动因

    As we saw in the preceding chapter, groups can be powerful agents of socialization.


  • 无法想出连贯策略来使该服务现代

    He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernizing the service.


  • 倾向怀疑自己情感理性

    I tended to mistrust my emotions and intellectualize everything.


  • 黄热病疫情对城市进程的阻碍巧合做出了解释

    He explained the yellow fever epidemic as a providential act to discourage urban growth.


  • 教师往往模式根据学生某些背景他们为某类学生。

    Children from certain backgrounds tend to be stereotyped by their teachers.


  • 20世纪90年代高等教育关键问题需要使课程更加多样

    A key issue for higher education in the 1990s is the need for greater diversity of courses.


  • 迅速城市带来更为西方化的普遍摄入更多食糖饮食习惯

    Rapid urbanization brings with it a more westernized and generally more sugary diet.


  • 许多其他工业国家样,英国过去100年里经历了重大

    Britain, in common with many other industrialized countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years.


  • 降低成本途径外国公司结成联盟通过适当兼并进行国际性扩张简言之,就是“全球”。

    One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeoversin short, to "globalize."


  • 口哨贝多芬维瓦尔迪大众古典作曲家的曲子。

    I whistle melodies from Beethoven and Vivaldi and the more popular classical composers.


  • Omiai 已经演变成了程式介绍

    Omiai is evolving into a sort of stylized introduction.


  • 有些游客长城石头上刻自己名字遗迹巨大破坏

    Some tourist carved their names on the stones of the Great Wall, which was a great damage to the cultural heritage.


  • 分析表明粉红色鬣蜥群岛物种多样最早例子

    The analysis also suggests that pink iguana is one of the earliest examples of species diversification on the islands.


  • 总的来说,我们社会正在变成官僚管理大型企业这个企业中,人们成为了机器运转良好齿轮

    In general, our society is becoming one of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small, well-oiled cog in the machinery.


  • 总的来说,我们社会变成了官僚管理的大型企业其中的所有都成了这台机器润滑良好齿轮

    In general, our society is becoming one of the giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small well-oiled cog in the machinery.


  • 总的来说,我们社会变成了官僚管理的大型企业其中的所有都成了这台机器润滑良好齿轮

    In general, our society is becoming one of the giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small well-oiled cog in the machinery.


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