In the classroom and the arena, they get hands-on experience with various breeds of horses commonly used for riding.
From here on, we describe the required tasks in a way that you can follow along to get hands-on experience in setting up ClearQuest test management.
These technologies will allow developers to get early hands-on experience with the new specifications.
For four decades the basic conceit has remained unchanged: to get visitors to experience science hands-on.
You can download this sample application from the download section of this article to get the hands-on experience of enabling the features of ACF.
This is generally more productive and efficient than trying to learn everything before you actually get any hands-on experience.
Finally, if you want to get a hands on experience of Windows 7 and its various features then check this article that shows you a way to test drive Windows 7 online.
最后,如果你想先体验一下Windows7及其各种功能,你看看这篇文章《Windows 7驱动在线测试》,会告诉你怎么测试。
Here is a short exercise to help you get a little hands-on experience with DB2 Express-C.
下面是一个简短的练习,可帮助您获得一些DB 2Express - C实际操作体验。
In the world of aviation, the people who get some of the most critical hands-on experience are a hardy, daring breed known as test pilots.
We can't get our hands on the military models, but from my experience we get very very close.
Interested participants can register for the master class to get a hands-on experience in traditional folk dance.
Interested participants can register for the master class to get a hands-on experience in traditional folk dance.