He's a gutsy little bugger, a fighter, and he'll fight to the end.
I'm an egoist and a stubborn person and I'll fight to the end for any chance I can get.
We know that Vitoria Guimaraes are an excellent team, but we will fight to the end in order to win.
It is the ideal supporting it in it, and make it with destiny struggle, and death fight to the end.
She put up an incredible fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life.
I think Serie a will be even more balanced than last year. It certainly won't be easy, but we will fight to the end.
We've done that and now we've just got to concentrate on the remaining games, because Liverpool are a good side and they'll definitely fight to the end.
In a game full of meanings and expectations, China gave all out to fight to the end with Yao Ming having the team-high 13 points, 11rebounds and three blocks.
They have been given a choice: either come clean, step down, and return to Mankind all that was stolen; or fight to the end, and try to get off-planet when the plot fails.
R. Smith hothead behavior and star Cameron Anthony's ball hugging weights and with the veteran Celtics team, vowing to fight to the end, a series that seemed over a week ago, it's anything but.
Harry might have saved Griphook's wrinkly skin at the end of Deathly Hallows Part 1, but that doesn't mean the goblin is ready to join the fight .
Money is the number one reason why couples fight, and it's one of the top three issues that eventually cause a couple to end up in divorce court.
Beaten up by furious politicians, and urged by investors to fight back, it has drafted new rules that should apply from the end of this year.
That does not mean you would not win the job in the end, only that you would have to be prepared to fight hard for it.
As a bonus, if you're working in the right place you could end up doing cool day-to-day tasks like gathering data and evidence to help fight sophisticated cyber crime.
Women are told we must love our oppressors, while, as feminists, we fight to end the power afforded them as abirthright.
Bono, the lead singer of U2, USES his celebrity to fight for social justice worldwide: to end hunger, poverty and disease, especially in Africa.
U 2乐队的主唱,他利用自己的名望为全世界社会正义而战:去终结饥饿、贫穷以及疾病,尤以非洲行动最为突出。
Naturally, the alliance should not admit members who are unready, or for whom it is not in the end willing to fight.
Harry might have saved Griphook's wrinkly skin at the end of Deathly Hallows Part 1, but that doesn't mean the goblin is ready to join the fight against Voldemort's forces.
Every time there was a fight in the playground, he seemed to end up as the punchbag.
After two days, General Grant decided that the wilderness was not the place to fight Robert E. Lee. He wanted to get around the end of Lee's army.
The idea is to let your competitors know that you’re not eager to slash prices—but that, if a price war does start, you’ll fight to the bitter end.
Our BEC course will soon come to an end. At the beginning of December you will step on the battlefield to fight.
BEC的课程快结束了,12月初你们就要踏上真正的战场,BE C中级考试就要到来了。
You have to accept that the level is very high when you fight for a title; two or three points difference in the end is not a big gap.
Abandoned at the end of that conflict, this group's militia has swapped sides to fight for Mr Gbagbo.
该集团在那次冲突结束后放弃,民兵纷纷倒戈为Laurent Gbagbo而战。
Abandoned at the end of that conflict, this group's militia has swapped sides to fight for Mr Gbagbo.
该集团在那次冲突结束后放弃,民兵纷纷倒戈为Laurent Gbagbo而战。