• 很多随后恐慌踩伤。

    Many people were trampled in the panic that followed.


  • 随后爆炸房间面墙

    The explosion which followed blasted out the wall of her apartment.


  • 这个完,随后

    Let me just finish this and then I'll come.


  • 他们随后沿广场围成了

    They then formed a ring around the square.


  • 随后降级助手了。

    She was then relegated to the role of assistant.


  • 击中第一抛起随后发球失误

    He caught the ball on his first toss and then served a fault.


  • 不要担心行李随后出租车送到

    Don't worry, your luggage will come on afterwards by taxi.


  • 轻型飞机随后侧翻,把个人住了。

    The light aircraft then cartwheeled, trapping both men.


  • 随后爆发掌声

    Then the applause burst out.


  • 随后突然看见黑色丝绒小帽人群中闪过

    Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd.


  • 航空公司希望来年盈亏平衡,随后重新开始盈利。

    The airline hopes to break even next year and return to profit the following year.


  • 那些杀死他们的冷血杀手随后把他们的尸体到了楼上浴室

    Their cold-blooded killers had then dragged their lifeless bodies upstairs to the bathroom.


  • 后面蓝色灯光随后跟着来了

    The blue light of the following car followed.


  • 随后研究员请每一位受试者往里

    Each subject was then invited to look inside.


  • 军官随后向它射了一箭,昏过去了

    An officer then shot an arrow to put it to sleep.


  • 更多学科随后出炉。

    More subjects may come later.


  • 走,随后赶上你。

    You go first, and I'll catch up with you later.


  • 我们随后就到

    You go ahead, and we'll follow on.


  • 走,随后就来。

    You go first; I shall follow.


  • 随后据称他们又得到了另一个他们首选样本

    Subsequently, they were purportedly given another sample of their preferred choice.


  • 随后又出版了一本书,上面附有件物品照片。

    A book with photos of each object soon followed.


  • 维京随后航行完成了他们第二次登陆

    The Vikings then sailed south and made their second landing.


  • 随后

    She will come here later.


  • 他们把事情搞得一团糟,随后书中真正英雄出现了

    They mess it up completely, and then the true hero of the book arrives.


  • 随后传来了其他的消息

    There was still more bad news to come.


  • 怀疑有偷窃行为随后就辞职了

    He resigned after being suspected of theft.


  • 随后几年里,全身心地投入工作

    For the next few years, she dedicated herself to her work.


  • 你先随后赶上

    Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you.


  • 家公司随后10年里增长了10倍

    The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.


  • 震惊气愤听着随后地挂上电话

    She listened in a mixture of shock and anger before slamming the phone down.


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