• 他们无法保证政权顺利交接

    They could not ensure a smooth transfer of political power.


  • 军事政权尚未放松权力控制

    The military regime has not loosened its hold on power.


  • 1970年首次执掌了政权

    He first assumed power in 1970.


  • 人民受到专制政权的压迫。

    The people are held down by a repressive regime.


  • 现在零星孤立势力反对政权

    There are still a few isolated pockets of resistance to the new regime.


  • 政权疲弱性日益显露。

    The weakness of his regime is showing more and more.


  • 政权正是邪恶典型

    The regime was the very incarnation of evil.


  • 政权已经执政年了

    The present regime has been in power for two years.


  • 政权没有成功实施可赖以继的经济改革

    The new regime has no successful economic reforms on which to build.


  • 直到去年政权一直牢牢地控制着这个国家

    Until last year, the regime kept a tight grip on the country.


  • 政权大势已去

    The regime is now in its death throes.


  • 问题这个军政府通过武力巩固政权吗?

    The question is: will the junta consolidate its power by force?


  • 军方可能觉得无法明年政权移交一位民选总统

    The military may feel unable to hand over power to a civilian president next year.


  • 政权垮台了,革命起起伏伏,各个地方从未真正改变

    Regimes fall, revolutions come and go, but places never really change.


  • 在掌握政权之前他们觉得受到那些控制一切英语白人压迫

    Before they took power, they felt oppressed by the white English speakers who controlled things.


  • 他们丧失政权到了奥地利。

    They got the money out to Austria before they lost power.


  • 决心确保该党继续执掌政权

    He was determined to see the party keep a hold on the reins of power.


  • 教会日益反对政权势力走一起。

    The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime.


  • 军事政变中夺取了政权

    He seized power in a military coup.


  • 爱国阵线经过3月的内战后夺取了政权

    The Patriotic Front took power after a three-month civil war.


  • 他们希望重掌政权

    They are hoping to return to power.


  • 发誓停用暴力,这个政党即可得到部分行政权

    The party was offered a share of government if it forswore violence.


  • 例如说,可以使用他的政权

    He can, for example, use executive authority.


  • 时期内应该转移

    In the long term financial power must shift too.


  • 权力政权本质规定。

    The goodness of power is the nature of executive power.


  • 行政裁量权政权核心内容

    Power of administrative discretion is the core of administrative power.


  • 分散的、地方化

    A decentralized and localized political authority.


  • 孩子通常会交给支持政权军人警察家庭

    Children were regularly handed over to police or soldier families more friendly to the regime.


  • 行政自由裁量政权核心问题

    The Administrative free judgement power is the core issue of the executive power.


  • 行政自由裁量政权核心问题

    The Administrative free judgement power is the core issue of the executive power.


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