• 这位牙科医生接待患者了。

    The dentist can't take any new patients.


  • 大夫们使患者病情稳定下来

    Doctors stabilized the patient's condition.


  • 这位患者010分给这些疗法分级。

    The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.


  • 患者大脑受到严重损伤

    The patient suffered severe brain trauma.


  • 据称一些患者这种反应

    This reaction has been reported anecdotally by a number of patients.


  • 患者转送到了一家医院

    The patient was transferred to another hospital.


  • 统计表明抑郁患者正常人可能得病

    Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people.


  • 患者病情稳定下来

    The patient's condition stabilized.


  • 认为医生患者之间的关系已经许多人情味

    I think the relationship between patients and doctors has got a lot less personal.


  • 那位医生很专断患者需要了解什么信息全由说了算。

    The doctor is being paternalistic. He's deciding what information the patient needs to know.


  • 有一些患者永远不会忘记

    Some patients you will never forget.


  • 癌症患者确诊平均年龄67岁。

    The average age of a cancer patient at diagnosis is 67.


  • 此外还有许多患者网站

    In addition, there are many patient websites.


  • 可以学习一些关于知情患者同意的课程。

    There are lessons about informed patient consent to learn.


  • 老年痴呆症患者每天小时电视

    Alzheimer's patients tend to watch television more than 3 hours a day.


  • 患者对此是否知晓

    Do patients understand this?


  • 患者

    Who are the patients?


  • 很快人们发现艺术患者医生之间搭建起一个沟通桥梁

    It soon became clear that art was creating a communication bridge between patient and doctor.


  • 看到过那些不快乐和孤独,他试图患者的身份帮助他们

    He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them as patients.


  • 晚期肾病患者获得医疗保障。

    Medicare is available to victims of advanced kidney disease.


  • 诊断偏执性精神分裂症患者

    He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.


  • 许多精神病患者自身喜欢社区护理

    Many mentally ill people are themselves unhappy about the idea of community care.


  • 输血的话,患者死亡概率100%。

    Without a transfusion, the victim's probability of dying was 100%.


  • 妻子癫痫患者

    His wife is an epileptic.


  • 血友病患者血液缺乏凝血因子 VIII。

    Haemophiliacs have no factor 8 in their blood.


  • 癫痫病患者吗?

    Is she an epileptic?


  • 他们艾滋病病毒携带者艾滋病患者提供咨询。

    They give advice for people with HIV and AIDS.


  • 一种有效疗法可以治愈全世界疯病患者

    It is an effective treatment and could cure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide.


  • 即使严重的健忘症患者通常也能记得如何从事日常活动

    Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.


  • 正是关于精神病患者肖像

    This is what I think to be the portrait of a psychopath.


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