• 觉得注意一举

    She felt he was watching her every move.


  • 一行不会符合我们方针

    This action would not be in accord with our policy.


  • 梳头时不要

    Keep still while I brush your hair.


  • 批评家们嘲笑一行规模太小来得太

    Critics derided the move as too little, too late.


  • 手指了了。

    I can't move my fingers.


  • 一下痛。

    Every move was painful.


  • 头痛脖子了。

    I have a headache and I can't move my neck.


  • 感到车子正在

    I felt car moving.


  • 不要

    Don't use [spend] the sum of money now.


  • 开枪

    I'll shoot anyone who moves!


  • Ooh, it is still moving.


  • 不想

    He never offered to move.


  • 一直

    It is always moving.


  • 没有

    I'm not moving.


  • 试着看看疼不疼

    He moved his shoulder experimentally to see if it still hurt.


  • 快速眼睡眠称作”睡眠。

    REM sleep is termed 'active' sleep.


  • 已经不了了。

    He said his car had got stuck in the snow.


  • 饭后感觉身子,不想

    He felt very heavy and sluggish after the meal.


  • 格里芬先生椅子猛地向前一

    Mr. Griffin jerked forward in his chair.


  • 已经明确禁止文件

    She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers.


  • 告诉过不要东西

    I told you not to touch my things.


  • 好像有人着了魔。

    She was not moving, as if someone had bewitched her.


  • 当时懒得,不愿意外出

    I was feeling too lazy to go out.


  • 他用猝然示意卧室的方向。

    He indicated the bedroom with a jerk of his head.


  • 警方非常出色

    It was a copybook operation by the police.


  • 灵机,“我们可以珍妮斯吗?”

    She had an inspiration, "Could we take Janice?"


  • 防盗警报器一就会响。

    The burglar alarm is activated by movement.


  • 完了手术渴望回到工作岗位上去。

    She is raring to get back to work after her operation.


  • 灵机一想到

    It came to me in a flash of inspiration.


  • 弄得那个箱子吗?

    Can you manage that suitcase?


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