Second explicate purpose for the education institutions is to allow students to practice and to apply what they've learnt.
Do you think actors are born with the talent, or can it be developed with the education?
Its principal good, its principal goal, was the education of citizens for positions of public leadership and high political responsibilities.
As we get different projects to train people in the UK, to positive psychology in their schools, the people that we draw on are MAPP alumni, because they have the education and foundation that is needed to be able to put through these projects.
So paideia referred to the education of the young man, - both mentally, but militarily-- so you were taught to fight--and culturally; you might be taught other things about culture.
sort of the most interesting. And I think the education here is much better.
When we talk about the development of the investment course through the Merril Lynch partnership effort, we are on the education technology task force was sort of our experiment in how to create a window into a classroom.
And the education system then is entirely different for the two of them.
Could you tell us about the education system in the UK?
It's on the... it's like by the education building.
everything. I like the education here.
That person didn't take ownership of his or her education.That person isn't deciding to be a part of the 3.091 community.
And this is when you know that Franny really does benefit from Seymour and Buddy's religious education in the same way that Zooey has.
Do we rely on the individual behavior and education, or do we try to do something about the environment?
What's your... - Well, Outdoor Action is the University's outdoor education program. So we do a big wilderness orientation program in the fall, for about half the incoming freshmen class.
This is an unfortunate thing you see throughout education frankly, certainly at the secondary and primary school level where you just insert technology into the classroom and expect to solve problems, that is not in life always the case.