• When a slave is freed--and in the Ancient World, in the Roman Empire, most slaves were eventually freed, - unless they just died before long-- they became a freed man.


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  • So Roman slavery and the freedom of that was actually one way that a few people in the Ancient World recognized some kind of social mobility, which was very rare in the Roman Empire.


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  • The Holy Roman Empire, as it was known in the time of Machiavelli, was the successor to the ancient Roman state, the older Roman Empire.


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  • Christianity began as a persecuted religion that ultimately captured the Roman empire only after centuries of hostility towards the Empire, towards Rome, towards the secular state in general.


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  • Only in the Roman Empire could slavery actually start being a way that you can move up in society, because you could-- if you were a talented slave, your owner might free you, probably would free you.


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  • He established a religion, first a sect, you might say, then a religion, then eventually an empire, the Holy Roman Empire, that was established in the name of that teaching.


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  • I have to believe that whoever came up with that theory for the first time was aided in coming to it by thinking about the end of the Roman Empire, when something precisely like that did happen.


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  • He and his family, the emperor's family, - was, in a sense, the patron for the whole people of the Roman Empire-- - at least for all the Romans-- the paterfamilias of the entire empire.


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  • Another characteristic of these years, which scholars refer to as the Dark Ages, just as they do the years after the fall of the Roman Empire-- dark for two reasons. Dark, in the most obvious way, because we don't have any writing, no record of them.


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