For most consumers it's printers and sort of crappy, cheap computers that you get at Best Buy.
But, vendors are still trying to ram 3dtvs down consumers' throats with big displays at Best Buy, Costco, and other retailers this holiday season.
At best they are likely to buy stakes in only a handful of the region's strongest Banks.
Chicken was the best buy at 62 cents a pound, while lamb sold for about $1.32.
There was very little comparison shopping and when we did buy anything it needed to be the best of whatever it was we were buying at the time.
No price was announced, but it will be available at Best Buy and Clear stores, as well as Samsung's online store sometime in the second quarter, Samsung officials said.
目前我们还不知道这款机型的价格,不过据官方的说法,二季度这款机型将在Best Buy、Clear网店以及三星自己的网店上发售。
For instance, a used hard drive that was returned to Best Buy for destruction ended up being sold intact at a Chicago flea market.
例如,一个使用过的、返回Best Buy进行销毁的硬盘驱动器最终在芝加哥跳蚤市场上作为一个完整的磁盘出售。
The technology will come pre-loaded in new laptops. Already 44 models sold at Best Buy have the WiDi technology.
Retailers are reacting. Best Buy is telling people they can’t pickthe PS3 up at stores when ordering online and will have to wait untillate February or early March for delivery.
Sophisticated computers, sensors, and accelerometers are all common ingredients in personal electronics, available for $100 or less at Best Buy.
高精密电脑、传感器、加速器都是常见的个人电子设备原件,在Best Buy上一百美元或者更低的价格就可以买到。
I figure by next year your neighbor, the one who always buys what the sales staff at Best buy talks him into purchasing, will be bragging to you about his new super-duper desktop running Linux.
LL: By living large, I mean Bob likes to buy expensive things, wear the best clothes, and eat out at fancy restaurants.
买贵的东西、穿最好的衣服、下高级饭馆?ilike to live large too。
"I've got a girl friend over at the Best Buy," said the woman in front of me, motioning with her cell phone. "She says the line there is around the store."
站在我前面的妇女说:“我刚和我一个女伴通话,她在Best Buy排队,她说那里的队伍绕了商店一圈。”
The best time to buy shoes, contrastingly, is late afternoon, when your feet are at their biggest.
But at best, the plan will buy some time to seek a real solution to the crisis.
Because he had been happy with a recent personal purchase - a Gateway computer from Best Buy - he insisted that I at least consider the same unit for the upcoming business purchase.
Macy's, Best Buy and Kohl's plan to be open at midnight on Thanksgiving.
At one California Best Buy, 140 tablets went in an hour.
TIME: Let's start with the genesis of ROWE. When you were tasked with finding new workplace solutions at Best Buy, the company was already an industry leader and a sought-after employer.
时代 :我们不妨从“颠覆”这一理念的提出谈起,当初你们在至佳工作的时候,它已经是业界的翘楚,一家很受欢迎的雇主了。
Advertisers who will be involved with Promoted Tweets at launch include Red Bull, Starbucks, Best Buy, and Virgin America.
Don't mention any price at all until you've selected a vehicle to buy, and then ask the salesperson for his or her very best offer.
At best, European leaders may buy more time.
Families also compete against one another when they go shopping, because each family wants to buy the best goods at the lowest prices.
The system, which sells for $150 at Best Buy, has a DVR and pulls in both over-the-air TV broadcasts and on-demand content from the Internet.
Officially announced on January 6th, HTC Thunderbolt's release date and price have been a mystery until recent information revealed that the device might be landing at Best Buy on Valentine's Day.
In addition, millions of copies of their games are sold at leading retail chains including Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Target.
From what we understand, all of these products will be available at Best Buy in fall of 2010 (though it's possible DISH may be later).
据我们所知,以上这些产品(除DISH可能稍迟一些外)均可以在2010年秋天在Best Buy店里买到。
For a family to decorate, best air buy time for a month, also want to air buy at least a week.
For a family to decorate, best air buy time for a month, also want to air buy at least a week.