• 纳税人联盟执行总监埃利奥特告诉网站说:“是个愚蠢噱头,本来应该用在刀刃却用在了这里。”

    "This is a silly gimmick that's most likely diverting money away from more needy parts of the college," chief executive Matthew Elliott told the Daily Mirror website.


  • 据《英国多塞特人们近日非常困惑,原因是他们鬃毛不知谁编成了整齐的辫子

    Horse owners in Dorset, the UK, were perplexed that the manes of their animals had been twisted into plaits, the Guardian reported.


  • 也许多夫律师艾克•索金(IkeSorkin)认为以他的预期寿命,已经没有机会获得意义的减刑,因此告并没有区别

    Of course, maybe Madoff and his lawyer, Ike Sorkin, figured there was no chance of his getting a reduction that would make a difference, given his life expectancy.


  • 今年1月西班牙《阿斯》曾披露同意8月8日北京奥运会两周年之际,前往北京友谊赛。

    The AS revealed in January that Real had reached an agreement to play in Beijing on August 8, 2010 - the 2nd anniversary of the Olympic Games.


  • 萨拉戈萨的队医罗伯特·拉瑟拉西班牙这样说:“看起来或许有点他那其实是壮。”

    Zaragoza's fitness coach Roberto Lasierra responded, telling Spanish newspaper Marca: "he may look fat, but actually he's a brick."


  • 巴黎论坛》(LaTribune)称,德拉维耶伊谢上周一直在试图挽回部分多夫诈骗资金

    The Paris newspaper la Tribune said that Mr Magon DE la Villehuchet had spent the last week trying to recover some of the funds lost to Mr Madoff.


  • 当然,与加拉格星期日电讯编辑伊恩·基远(IanMacGregor)的许多前任相比,他们俩和刘易斯有共同语言。

    Certainly Gallagher and Sunday Telegraph editor Ian MacGregor are much more on the same page as Lewis than their many predecessors were.


  • 现年29岁贝克汉姆4日接受《》记者采访时表示:“在足球领域永远也无法预测将要发生的事情,依然认为作为运动员,我还可以更多的奉献,并愿意继续在世界最棒俱乐部之一——皇家德里俱乐部效力。 我希望能这里多呆几年,只要皇还要我。”

    In football you can never tell what's going to happen, but I still think that I've got a lot to give as a player and I would like to continue at one of the best clubs in the world - Real Madrid.


  • 英国地铁》网站9月28日英国一对野生动植物摄影师布兰·德卢卡斯兄弟威尔肯尼亚拉野生动物区里发现粉红色

    According to the Metro.co.uk of September 28, British wildlife photographer brothers Will and Matt Burrard-Lucas captured a rare pink hippo in Kenya.


  • 美国联邦调查局发言人霍夫曼在接受西班牙世界采访时承认,该机构使用一张“[gm 66nd]图片”上搜索到利亚雷斯的照片。

    FBIspokesman Ken Hoffman acknowledged to the Spanish newspaper El Mundothat the agency used a picture of Llamazares taken from [gm99nd] Images.


  • 著名厨师特·莫兰在悉尼拥有高档餐厅,之前每日电讯写过篇文章讲述烹饪羊驼经验

    Renowned chef Matt Moran, who owns some of Sydney's leading restaurants, previously wrote an article for The Daily Telegraph to discuss his experience cooking alpaca meat.


  • 家伙带来!”侯爵对流星说。

    "Bring me hither that fellow! " said the Marquis to the courier.


  • 喜欢卡佩罗已经带领尤文和取得了胜利。”他对米兰体育说。

    "I like Capello, he has won with Roma, Juventus and Real Madrid," he told La Gazzetta dello Sport.


  • 多年来一直担任《每日电讯》的影评人

    Mather was film critic on the Daily Telegraph for many years.


  • 波士顿环球特·菲瑟尔虽面临截稿压力,但仍凭借对白宫出色获得“梅丽曼·史密斯”。

    Matt Viser of the Boston Globe, winner of the Merriman Smith Award for outstanding White House coverage under deadline pressure.


  • 西班牙提到

    Spain's 'Marca' is also on the case.


  • 家住列星顿市、19艾迪·修丝只名叫“史帕基”的7个月逃跑当时正在波士顿拜访朋友,《波士顿环球周二导说。

    Addie Mathews, 19, of Lexington, said Sparky the cat ran away at the age of 7 months while she was visiting friends in Boston, the Boston Globe reported Tuesday.


  • 西班牙《阿斯以及意大利《米兰体育网上发起“谁是世界足坛最佳主帅”的投票

    Spain's as and Marca, plus Italian broadsheet La Gazzetta dello Sport conducted online polls asking their readers to vote for the best coach in world football.


  • 这时候有人说白孔雀围困了,黑木梅显祖决定带着孔雀。

    By this time someone come to report suggests the peacock is to surround w. connor, HeiMu Jiao and MeiXianZu decided to take people to save white peacock.


  • 索罗发言人麦克西告诉泰晤士公司所有调查机构配合

    Tesoro spokesman Mike Marcy told The Times it is working with all the investigating agencies.


  • 亲人告诉记者,当天有10 个男人出现家里强行把她带去医院迫使她在同意堕胎的授权书上按下手印。

    Relatives told the Guardian that 10 men turned up at Ma's home, forced her to go to the hospital and pressed her fingerprint to an authorisation form for the abortion.


  • 接受西班牙《阿斯》采访时,卡卡说:“听到这样俱乐部表示兴趣感到非常荣幸这样事情去年同样发生了。”

    "I can only be honoured to hear that a club like Real Madrid are interested in me and it's something that happened last year as well," said Kaka in an interview to the Spanish newspaper as.


  • 德里-我们永远不会卖掉卡卡”,留在米兰很多很多年”:鲁斯科尼西班牙澄清。

    MADRID - "We shall never sell Kaka" who will remain at Milan "for many more years" : this was declared by Silvio Berlusconi to the Spanish newspaper 'Marca'.


  • 已经联系名巴西球员经纪人斯托,询问有关转会可能性奥利维拉在得到这个消息之后也感到非常兴奋。

    Marca says Real have made contact with the Brazilian's agent, Augusto Casto, about the possibility of a move to Madrid and Oliveira is excited by the prospect.


  • 周五出版《都灵体育经理巴尔蒂尼米亚托维奇本周将来意大利米兰展开谈判

    Friday's edition of Tuttosport claims that Real directors Franco Baldini and Predrag Mijatovic travelled to Italy this week to start talks.


  • 周五出版《都灵体育经理巴尔蒂尼米亚托维奇本周将来意大利米兰展开谈判

    Friday's edition of Tuttosport claims that Real directors Franco Baldini and Predrag Mijatovic travelled to Italy this week to start talks.


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