• 英国,63%食品杂货支出是在超市集团消费的。

    In Britain 63% of our grocery spending goes through the big five supermarket groups.


  • 百胜餐饮集团首席财务里克·卡鲁表示,“我们想法通过菜单上增加更多种类的食物,我们消费销售产品可以满足他们全天的需要。”

    "The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu, we can sell to consumers products they want all day," says Rick Carucci, the chief financial officer of Yum! Brands.


  • “这些说法的流传伤害了零售商娱乐了消费。”Verde集团总裁拉·考特尼

    "Storytelling hurts retailers and entertains consumers," said Paula Courtney, President of the Verde group.


  • 中国市场研究集团董事总经理雷小山表示最新中国品牌不再低价吸引消费眼球

    Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, said that the latest Chinese brands no longer catch customers' eye by low price.


  • 因为康尼格拉集团认为这个产品一种冲动消费所以冷冻餐脱颖而出非常重要。

    Because ConAgra felt the product would be an impulse purchase, it was important to make the item stand out in the freezer case.


  • 亚马逊建立强大的网络社区使成为合作消费集团购买趋势中的重要角色

    Amazon has built a strong community online, making it one of the major players in collaborative consumption and the group buying trend.


  • 因为这个菜单包含范围很广那么以百胜集团财务部经理瑞克卡如茨观点来说,“我们可以消费他们一整天需要的食物。”

    The idea is that by having a greater range of things on the menu, "we can sell to consumers products they want all day," says Rick Carucci, the chief financial officer of Yum! Brands.


  • 集团声明中表示,消费疲软是否影响企业业绩表示怀疑,对个人电脑销量全面下滑是否影响其他终端市场抱有疑虑

    In a note, Credit Suisse also raised questions on whether the "consumer weakness" will "bleed into enterprise" and whether the overall PC slump will "bleed into other end markets.


  • 上个月花旗集团分析师建议通用电器分产业媒体部分——NBC环球公司、消费信贷部分房地产业务

    Last month analysts at Citigroup proposed that it ought to spin off three big assets: NBC Universal, its media unit; its consumer-finance arm; and its property business.


  • 鲍尔传媒出版集团开展的音乐消费调查,能够轻易通过社交网站接触明星降低了明星的吸引力使粉丝们更容易对明星感到厌倦

    Easy access to stars through social networking websites has made them less appealing and increases the likelihood of followers getting bored, music consumer research by publishers Bauer Media said.


  • 美国国际集团保留消费信贷巨头美国通用财务公司20%的股权

    AIG will retain a 20% interest ni AGF, a leading provider of consumer credit.


  • 尽管牛肉问题没有会议文件目录中八国集团环境会议中,所说减少资源消费

    While the problem of beef is not on the menu, so to speak, at the G8 environment meeting, reduction in consumption of resources is.


  • 认为这种消费心理转变获利还有另一个集团——特喷气式飞机租赁公司——无论是富人还是团体的精英人士,都可以通过这间私人飞机租赁公司作私人飞行。这样的同时,也免去自己拥有一辆飞机所要承担的支出

    Another group that thinks it can benefit from the change in mood is NetJets, which allows both the rich and the corporate elite to fly privately without the expense of owning their planes.


  • 杰佛瑞集团日本策略师NaomiFink表示令人担心最新数据表明由于地震人们减少了花费,导致个人消费指数下降了0.6%,。

    Naomi Fink of Japan strategies says the most worrying part of today's data was the decline in private consumotion of 0.6%, as people cut their spending after the quake.


  • 亨德森集团旨在拓展消费领域新兴市场业务,该集团股价上涨2.8%,至134.4便士

    Henderson Group, which aims to expand its consumer business and emerging-market operations, rose 2.8 percent to 134.1 pence.


  • 世界银行集团专业知识和经验有助于中国实现能源消费强度降低20%的目标

    World Bank Group expertise is brought to bear to help China achieve its targeted 20 percent reduction in energy intensity.


  • 最近美国运通公司研究了消费购买趋势,报告说这种趋势转向本地购买道德公司、共创品牌定位优惠集团购买。

    A recent American Express report looks at consumer buying trends, and finds a shift toward local purchases, ethical companies, co-created brands, location-based offers and group buying.


  • 花旗集团马克·马哈通过一个广告买家有效边沿的网络调查得出了最新信息,调查了花旗客户家公司消费情况

    Citigroup's Mark Mahaney provides an update, via a survey from online AD buyer Efficient Frontier, which surveyed its clients about their spending at both companies.


  • 里维斯集团印度多数时髦牛仔裤引入“我的裤子我做主模式,以此保证公司在印度的高档地位扩大消费基础

    Levi Strauss has introduced a pay-as-you-wear model for its most fashionable jeans in India to preserve their upmarket status while broadening its customer base.


  • 地中海俱乐部声称:到2015年时,俱乐部复星集团合作关系使目前23,000名中国消费上升到200,000名,但是观察家对此表示怀疑

    The partnership with Fosun Group, it says, will help it win 200, 000 Chinese customers by 2015, up from 23, 000 now. But observers are sceptical.


  • 然而一些国家已经大力征收烟草20集团平均消费48%,贫困国家征收的会更低。

    While some countries already tax tobacco heavily, the average excise tax in G20 countries is 48 percent, and poorer countries tend to be much lower, the report will say.


  • 首席执行官拥有那样职位就会雇佣消费昂贵咨询公司,像波士顿咨询集团麦肯锡

    Costly consultancies like BCG and McKinsey are hired by chief executives or those near that rank.


  • 同时GFK集团消费信心指数8月达到了2008年6月以来的最高水平

    The Nuremberg-based GfK group's consumer confidence index, meanwhile, rose in August to its highest level since June 2008.


  • 预计放缓在线购物增长“与我们曾经看到显著不同,”NPD集团首席行业分析师马歇尔.科恩(MarshalCohen)说道,“消费并不急于抢购”。

    The expected slowdown in online growth is "dramatically different than what we've seen, " says Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst at NPD Group. "Consumers are not in a rush to shop."


  • Standard &Poor’s零售集团总裁MarieDriscoll连锁店必须适应消费偏好从而提供更好服务特殊活动,并且让人们有更多机会设计师沟通

    Marie Driscoll, head of the retailing group at Standard &Poor’s, says chains have to adapt to new consumer preferences by offering better service, special events and access to designers.


  • 波士顿咨询集团最近全球大约一万五千名消费进行了一次消费情绪调查

    The Boston Consulting Group recently completed a global survey of consumer sentiment involving 15, 000 consumers.


  • 波士顿咨询集团最近全球大约一万五千名消费进行了一次消费情绪调查

    The Boston Consulting Group recently completed a global survey of consumer sentiment involving 15,000 consumers.


  • 波士顿咨询集团最近全球大约一万五千名消费进行了一次消费情绪调查

    The Boston Consulting Group recently completed a global survey of consumer sentiment involving 15,000 consumers.


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