• 错误生命之诉近年来出现的一种新型诉讼

    The wrongful life action is a new kind of action raised in recent years.


  • 之所以这种错误是因为我们忘记生命历程一个整体,我们觉得自己已经成长过了,现在到该结果子的时候了。

    The reason for committing such errors, because we forget that life is a journey as a whole, we feel that they have been growing, now is the time for fruit.


  • 他们都是好人,但他们生命中的某些东西他们推向错误的方向

    These were good guys-but something in their lives sent them off in the wrong direction.


  • 质量确认团队通常开发生命周期晚期才会加入开发团队:在需求设置好,而且设计中已经引入错误的概念。

    Quality assurance teams are often brought into the development lifecycle too lateafter requirements are set and errors introduced into the design.


  • 费利西蒂(莎莉说):我想要说这个可能是个巨大的错误如同爸爸的那样,但是一方面也许……也许拯救我的生命或者别的什么

    Felicity (to Sally) : I guess what I'm saying is this might all be a colossal mistake, as my dad would say, but on the other hand it may... maybe it'll save my life or something.


  • 那些选择放弃自己生命的人们实是错误的放弃,他们选择放弃生命时,他们仍然浸浴痛苦以及可以带来解脱幻想之中。

    Those who give up on life let go wrongly - when they let go of life itself, while still clinging on to their suffering and the delusion that death brings release.


  • 短暂生命似乎说明一切企图绕过商店直接顾客出售食品想法错误

    Its short life seemed to sum up all that was wrong with the idea of bypassing shops and selling food directly to consumers.


  • 但是共和党要求我们实际上自己健康甚至生命一个业已证明失败方法去冒险,这一点只是错误一部分。

    But the fact that Republicans are demanding that we literally stake our health, even our lives, on an already failed approach is only part of what's wrong here.


  • 等于说,我们可能一直错误方法在错误的地方寻找生命

    It's like saying that we may be looking for new life in the wrong places with the wrong methods.


  • 战区人们仅仅因为错误时间出现在错误地点失去生命,但凶手绝不会受到追究。

    People die from simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time in a war zone, but the killers never face consequences.


  • 意味着下游找到错误时,关键成员不仅可用而且他们准备好并且期望继续生命周期早期开始的工作

    This means that when a problem is found downstream, the key players are not only available, they are ready and expecting to continue to contribute to work they had begun earlier in the lifecycle.


  • 所以此前研究者错误认为陨星中的甲基化氨基酸就是生命成分

    The mistake previous researchers made, therefore, was thinking of the methylated amino acids of meteorites as ingredients of life.


  • 然而多人错误以为他们必须要找到生命中的那个人,这样才能快乐

    However, too many people make the mistake in thinking that they need a special someone in their lives in order to be happy.


  • 然而多人错误以为他们必须要找到生命中的那个人,这样才能快乐

    However too many people make the mistake in thinking that they need a special someone in their lives in order to be happy.


  • 地球表面我们生物生物生命和非生命体、有机物无机物人为划分不光错误而且是有害的。

    On the earth's surface the artificial divisions that we have made between living and non-living, biotic and abiotic, organic and inorganic, are not only false but mischievous.


  • 反对者认为,人为干预生命组成要素错误他们还警告攻克不孕不育的技术会扭曲破坏家庭成员之间的正常关系

    Opponents argue that it is wrong to meddle with the building blocks of life and warn that the advances taking place to tackle infertility risk distorting and damaging relations between family members.


  • 生命的,金钱没有,因此看重金钱而不看重人错误因为这样生命的不尊重。

    People are alive but money is not, which makes it wrong - because it is life-denying - to prefer the latter.


  • 时间就是生命我们可以将拯救生命用品调运错误地方

    When time is of the essence, we cannot afford to have the life-saving supplies going to the wrong places.


  • 他们没有错误生命本身

    They don't mistake it for life itself.


  • 继续写道,“只要一直抱有修正错误意愿不论经历多么严酷的考验,相信生命本身就是价值的。”

    He continued, "as long as you have the will to fix what is wrong, I believe that life is valuable in itself, whatever ordeal it may have to go through."


  • 既然已经Grails开发中投入了这么多时间了,那么就一定确保错误情况下开始运行可以在应用程序整个生命周期可以保持这种错误的状态。

    With all of the time you've invested in Grails development at this point, you need to make sure that it starts out bug free and stays that way for the life of the application.


  • 错误也是生命重要一部分

    Mistakes are an important part of life.


  • 很替担心,因为刚才他的人生课程:什么友情忠诚责任还有所有生命尊重,是多么的歪曲错误

    And I worried for him, and what lessons you had just taught him about friendship and loyalty, about love and responsibility, and about respect for all life.


  • 没有吸引力特征这种难看人偏见建立一个十分错误观点上——对于寻常来说生命什么

    It is my least attractive feature, this prejudice against the unsightly, and it is based on a very wrong notion of what life is like for normal people.


  • 另外该回春效果战斗记录中的说明文字将不再错误地显示需要生命形态

    In addition, the combat log tooltip for this Rejuvenation effect no longer spuriously claims it requires Tree of Life Form.


  • 另外该回春效果战斗记录中的说明文字将不再错误地显示需要生命形态

    In addition, the combat log tooltip for this Rejuvenation effect no longer spuriously claims it requires Tree of Life Form.


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