• 感到一阵剧烈眩晕,观众好象一片大海,在他眼前波澜起伏,裁判数数的声音,好象是从很远的地主传到他耳朵的。

    A mortal dizziness was upon him, and before his eyes the sea of faces sagged and swayed, while to his ears, as from a remote distance, came the count of the referee.


  • 只来得及瞥见深绿色布料眼前屋子已经一片欢腾

    All I saw before the room erupted was a flash of hunter green fabric.


  • 有些日子美好的事情发生眼前,可是你却迷住了。在另外的一些日子在取景器中没有发现什么。

    Some days, wonderful things happen right in front of you. You are charmed. Other days, nothing comes together in the viewfinder.


  • 眼前景物仿佛就是童话世界描述的一般,是那么的浪漫美丽,让人徘徊陶醉

    The scenery before me was like the one depicted in the fairytale, fantastically romantic and charming!


  • 细菌犰狳或是计算机半导体器件,都可以根据各种回报机制,在眼前稳妥收获未来的高风险高回报之间做出权衡

    Bacteria, armadillos, or computer transistors can make choices according to various reward schemes, weighing immediate sure gain over future greater but riskier gain.


  • 于是——洗手时候日子从水盆过去吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗过去;默默,便从凝然的双眼前过去。

    Thusthe day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence.


  • 如果目前勘探基础上再下潜5000英尺,即再深一英可以科学家眼前展开98%海洋世界画面。

    If we extend our current reach just 5,000 feet-another mile-it will open about 98 percent of the world's oceans to scientific eyes.


  • 吃过晚饭坐在客厅角落时,周围一切眼前看上去一片模糊

    As I sat in a corner of the drawing-room after dinner, everything round me looked blurred to my eyes.


  • 我们眼前画,是个男人坐在一张椅子。不过,现在头向下,脚朝天

    In front of us, we had a simple picture of a man sitting in a chair, except the man was upside down.


  • 指甲很脏脸上都是监狱打架留下的瘀伤,还有无数次眼前一黑摔倒地上留下的伤,如果地铁坐在旁边,你恨不得赶快逃走

    With dirty nails and a face banged up by prison fights and repeated falls after blackouts, he's the guy you move away from when he sits next to you on the subway.


  • 一个理想时尚艺术世界品位守门人根据柏拉图式的美学标准冷静地评估眼前作品

    In an idealized view of the fashion and art world, the gatekeepers of taste coolly evaluate the work they see according to Platonic criteria.


  • 如果气候变暖导致埃伯斯火山融化那么一次巨大火山喷发呈现在眼前

    The active volcano has been cited as one that could see large eruptions if warming starts to melt its ice cap.


  • 最终光荣日子到达了顶峰高山征服了,一幅壮丽的景色展现在我们眼前

    Finally on a glorious day the summit is reached, the mountain is tamed and a magnificent vista is opened up.


  • 告诉群众朋友弗兰克·麦科特安吉拉骨灰》一书中颂扬了古时的利默克,更喜欢眼前的这座城市。

    I told the crowd that my friend Frank McCourt had memorialized the old Limerick in Angela’s Ashes, but I liked the new one better.


  • 的脑子这时又过一系列想法知道它们眼前的事没关系,今天没什么用处

    In the meantime a few thoughts crossed my mind which I thought were quick-off-the-mark, but today I know they did me no good.


  • 虽然为了实现目标每天经受160折磨,但是终点眼前

    The end is in sight, although he has to maintain a torturous 160 mile per day pace to hit his target.


  • 衣冠楚楚人物,平素从来见过他们一丝头发散乱,此时也梦魇股的衣冠不整地就到了众人眼前

    The whole tribe of decorous personages, who had never heretofore been seen with a single hair of their heads awry, would start into public view, with the disorder of a nightmare in their aspects.


  • 晴空万眼前普罗旺斯和画作看到的一般,柏树环绕着远处景色,好像画框一样。

    The sky had that perfect clarity you see in paintings of Provence; cypress trees framed the far view.


  • 打开门,差点儿被眼前一切吓死了,一个黑人小姑娘蜷缩角落像是似的不停发抖血流一地!

    I opened it, and I got the shock of my life when I saw a young black girl huddled in the corner, shivering like she was freezing, and bleeding all over the floor!


  • 计算机科学家罗伯·费格斯当时坐在波士顿一家灯光昏暗酒吧突然一阵强光闪耀,照得他眼前发黑——原来是一个朋友拍照照相机闪关灯发出

    Computer scientist Rob Fergus was sitting in a dimly lit Boston bar when a sudden burst of bright light blinded him-the camera flash accompanying a friend's photograph.


  • 回答,把手伸到衣袋,德纳第瞧见那个装钞票皮夹出现眼前

    The man, without making any reply, fumbled in his pocket, and Thenardier beheld the pocket-book of bank-bills make its appearance once more.


  • 农夫向井望去,眼前的景象惊呆了:每当有一背上时候,就会把土在脚下。

    The farmer peered down into the well, and was astounded by what he saw.With every shovel-full of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt.


  • 他把烟头铁盒子塞袜子,结果却在错误的时间出来落在错误的眼前理所当然地扣押了。

    His tin of cigarette ends fell out of his sock at the wrong moment, and was impounded.


  • 年前伦敦千禧穹顶大厅(现在已经不存在)处引人注目地方——大厅之内展示了一个大屏幕,面是跳动人类心脏,肌肉全部剥离,一切详细的动作也都尽展眼前

    SEVEN years ago, one of the attractions at the now-defunct Millennium Dome in London was what looked like a remarkably detailed video of a beating human heart.


  • 突然有待售1772瓜达尼尼小提琴惊现眼前,事出巧合,制作把琴的琴师乔万尼‧瓜达尼尼与史特拉瓦校友

    One day, I was offered a 1772 violin made by Giovanni Guadagnini, an alumnus of Stradivari, which was for sale.


  • 又把一个杯子放在眼前:“!” 接着把他回地牢

    So the Magician fell upon him, and beat him, and set before him an empty trencher, and said, 'Eat, ' and an empty cup, and said, 'Drink, ' and flung him again into the dungeon.


  • 来到动物园展现眼前一个花坛花坛石头水泥造成大象小鹿动物雕像它们微笑着像是欢迎我们呢

    Went to the zoo, show in front of my eyes is a big bed, flower beds with a stone, cement caused the elephant, deer, bear, such as animal statues, they smiled, like to welcome us.


  • 他们完全沉浸那个充斥着e-mail日程表世界,而错过眼前正在创造的回忆

    They're so immersed in their own worlds of e-mails and schedules that they miss the memories in the making right in front off them.


  • 他们完全沉浸那个充斥着e-mail日程表世界,而错过眼前正在创造的回忆

    They're so immersed in their own worlds of e-mails and schedules that they miss the memories in the making right in front off them.


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