• 孟菲斯警督温向公众保证,不是现实版本少数派报告

    Memphis police director Larry Godwin assures the public that this isn't a real-life version of Minority Report.


  • 早前秘密太空计划线人科声称,秘密太空计划派系联盟之间竞争之战最近加剧

    The alleged attack follows earlier claims by Secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, that space battles have recently intensified between rival secret space programs.


  • 图12 2010年2月2日,印度东部城市西里古一位工人在当地的蔬菜批发市场挑拣洋葱

    Pic.12 A labourer sorts onions at a wholesale vegetable market in the eastern Indian city of Siliguri February 2, 2010. (REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri)


  • 那些海滨城市坐落陡峭山脉狭长地带。

    The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.


  • 瓦雷泽·座位于热那亚东部山区小镇

    Varese Ligure is a small town in mountainous country east of Genoa.


  • 所有这些说法可以追溯到少数想成为神经科学家的人,尤其是内科医生伦纳德·萨克斯治疗师迈克尔·安。

    All of these statements can be traced to just a few would-be neuroscientists, especially physician Leonard Sax and therapist Michael Gurian.


  • 过去的15年,一个名为林地信托的慈善机构一直在记录该国的树。

    For the past fifteen years, a charity called the Woodland Trust has been recording ancient trees in the country.


  • 韦拉斯哈电影音乐拍摄感觉的参照我们拍摄现场,取景的那一时刻,所的音乐。

    AW: the music in my movies refers to the time of the shooting, the music that we would listen to on the set, in the moment.


  • 激烈战斗发生博尔诺州的首府迈杜——教派总部的所在地。

    Fierce fighting took place in Maiduguri, capital of Borno state, where the sect has its headquarters.


  • 瓷器收藏品存放在

    I keep my collection of old China in the cabinet.


  • 但是的周遭悲伤怪无处不在,验证了小说暗黑国度。正如指出,她小说许多荒诞怪异元素有生活原型。

    But her own circumstances, in their sadness and oddness, corroborated her dark fantasies, and, as Gooch shows, many of her stories' outlandish elements were inspired by actual events.


  • 1995年,财富继承人公司创办人齐奥-驰,在米兰办公室谋杀。

    In 1995, Maurizio Gucci, heir to the Gucci fortune and grandson of the company's founder, was murdered outside his Milan office.


  • 一令人警戒发现,是以色列本-大学的西蒙尼·莫兰宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院斯·e·史怀哲研究成果。

    That's the cautionary finding of research by Simone Moran of Ben-Gurion University in Israel and Maurice E. Schweitzer of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


  • 穿过自家院子栅栏奥奇身后的木质大门,门闩咔嚓一声上了。

    Passing through the fence into his yard, Ochkhuu drags the wooden gate behind him until the latch clicks.


  • 经合组织秘书长现在起来而且加快速度弥补方面造成耽误时候了。

    Gurria says now is the time to "pick up and accelerate and catch up with the lag" that has been created.


  • 斯克海洋研究所海洋学家米亚姆·德斯坦说:“据有关一小部分海上漂浮垃圾完整长期数据

    “As far as I’m aware this is themost complete and long term data set for little bits of trash floating in theocean,” said oceanographer Miriam Goldstein of Scripps Institution ofOceanography.


  • 瀑布下山谷很多摄影点,站在其中一点极目西南俯瞰兹·伯径流出,直抵苏必利尔湖

    A valley below the falls has many photo ops, a trail along its southwest side overlooks the Gooseberry River, and at the end of the valley, you reach Lake Superior.


  • 斯克海洋研究所海洋学家米姆·德斯坦说:“所知,有关一小部分海上漂浮垃圾完整长期数据

    “As far as I’m aware this is the most complete and long term data set for little bits of trash floating in the ocean,” said oceanographer Miriam Goldstein of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.


  • 多种方式换言之这个故事航海家之歌》一样,结局有很多种可能

    There are a variety of ways, in other words, in which this story, just like The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, could end.


  • 亚说“下行风险主要是人们对美国英国房价继续下跌以及一些国家出现高额国债感到担忧

    Gurria described what he called "downside risks" — including concerns that U.S. AD British housing prices could further decline and high public debt in some countries.


  • 以色列本-大学米尔教授:“翘鼻子那种鼻尖上翘鼻子。”

    Professor Tamir, of Ben-Gurion University in Israel, said: 'the snub nose is a small nose sloping upwards at the tip.


  • 不久他把这个坏消息告诉世界顶级的艺术品交易家·轩,邓菲先生回忆与他的谈话内容道:“拉觉得这样做不好收藏家们感到困惑的。”

    Soon after breaking the news to Larry Gagosian, the world's leading dealer, Mr Dunphy recalled their conversation: "Larry said, 'It sounds like bad business to me." It'll be confusing to collectors.


  • 条信息发自杰尔车站公共电话亭,警方正向电话亭负责人作出调查

    The team has questioned the owners of two public call offices at New Jalpaiguri station from where the text message was sent.


  • 金融市场经济活动改善经合组织国家带来复苏希望

    Gurria said improved financial markets and business activity are giving OECD economists hope for recovery.


  • 牧民们肯定不想箱子奥奇乌他们别无选择

    Nomads were never meant to live in a box, but Ochkhuu and Norvoo weren't there by choice.


  • 卡夫萨斯讲话中表示建交有特殊重要意义历史事件。

    Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz said in his remarks that the establishment of Cuba-China relations is of historic significance.


  • 2009年测试结果

    Gurria was talking of the results of the 2009 tests.


  • ·德森,这使巴基斯坦美国留下很多不满。

    Larry Goodson says that left a lot of residual bad feeling towards the U.S. in Pakistan.


  • 首先希腊必须结婚或者当地人通婚,确保马赛人人口的繁衍,足以说明他们与当地人进行着货物想法交换

    First, the Greeks had to marry and mix with the local Ligurians to ensure that Massalia survived, suggesting that they also swapped goods and ideas.


  • 首先希腊必须结婚或者当地人通婚,确保马赛人人口的繁衍,足以说明他们与当地人进行着货物想法交换

    First, the Greeks had to marry and mix with the local Ligurians to ensure that Massalia survived, suggesting that they also swapped goods and ideas.


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