• 例如,能非常简单计算出它们太空释放能量多少通过掌握它们时间释放的能量变化。

    For example, it's easy to calculate how much energy they are pouring into the Universe by studying the way their output of energy changes with time.


  • 这个分配程序中,内存释放使用一个非常简单机制,在固定时间完成内存释放

    As you can see, in this allocator, freeing memory is done in constant time, using a very simple mechanism.


  • 测量释放时间大多数几百毫秒)时,可能无法匹配精确毫秒释放计时。

    When measuring intra-key release times, most often in the hundreds of milliseconds, it is highly unlikely to match the precise millisecond of the key release.


  • 过去镜片只能时间释放较少药物或者一两天内释放大量的药物。

    Past lenses have only been able to release a small amount of drug over a long period of time, or a substantial amount of drug for a day or two, he said.


  • 单一的键释放时间一直到用户每个记录字母释放时间,逐级构建每个in_string变量

    Each in_string variable is built level by level from a single intra-key release time all the way up to a key-release time for each recorded letter in the user name.


  • 不同土壤释放差异很大,钾的释放持续时间变幅为100~600分钟

    The soils differed greatly in native K release process. The K releasing time ranged from 100 to 600 minutes.


  • 可选实施例中载荷紧固机身外部,其中:释放机构被紧固在内部预先设置的时间释放载荷。

    In an alternative embodiment, the payload may be secured outside the fuselage chamber, with the releasing mechanism secured within to release the payload after a pre-set time.


  • 释放机构预先设置时间释放载荷计时器机构,或者可选地,是无线受控机构。

    The releasing mechanism is a timer mechanism to release the payload after a preset time, or alternatively, is a wireless controlled mechanism.


  • 结果表明HPMC粘度增加使药物释放滞后时间延长,但粘度HPMC会导致药物释放无明显突跃点;

    The results showed that the lag time before drug release was lengthened with the increase of the viscosity grade of HPMC.


  • 给药系统槽”状态下测定释放速度,经短时间的较快释放可维持长期零级速度。

    After a initial transient, "burst effect", the drug was released continuously from the device at a constant rate for a long period of time.


  • 方法用紫外分光光度法释放试验,考察头孢克缓释片不同释放介质中不同释放时间累积释放度。

    Methods Ultraviolet spectrophotometry and release test were applied to determine the release of cefixime in cefixime sustained-release tablets under different media and time points.


  • 结论TCRC不同介质中的累积释放几个时间差异总的释放差异。

    CONCLUSIONS: the dissolution of TCRC in above medium were different only in a several time points, but there was no difference in the total cumulative dissolution.


  • 太阳能翼的释放不能执行所以ACS会释放或是超过延迟时间之后离开模式6

    The solar paddle release must not be activated for too long, so the ACS leaves mode 6 either after the paddles are released or after the delay has elapsed.


  • 针对正方形池火,分析释放速率峰值、热释放速率峰值来临时间风速关系。

    The effect of wind on combustion characteristics, such as HRR peak, time of HRR peak, burning rates was analyzed.


  • 方法用紫外分光光度法和体外释放试验,考察罗通定缓释片不同释放介质中和不同释放时间累积释放

    Methods Ultraviolet spectrophotometry was applied to determine the release degree of rotundine sustained-release tablets with different release mediums.


  • 目前已有药物递送装置最多只能释放药物而且释放时间必须提前设定

    At present, the drug delivery device up to the release of two drugs, and the release of time must be set in advance.


  • 术后心肌释放心肌缺血时间存在着正相关关系,阻断时间超过45分钟组的心肌酶释放明显高于阻断时间少于45分钟组者,前者心肌酶恢复慢。

    The release of cardiac enzymes was more in patients with CCT longer than 45 minutes, and the recovery took a longer time, too, compared with the patients with CCT shorter than 45 minutes.


  • 测试这些纳米粒子释放药物特性实验结果显示,药物释放的最佳时期大约小时后,而且药物释放将继续持续一周时间

    Experiments to test the drug-release characteristics of these nanoparticles showed that maximum release occurred at approximately eight hours and then remained close to that level for a week.


  • 测试这些纳米粒子释放药物特性实验结果显示,药物释放的最佳时期大约小时后,而且药物释放将继续持续一周时间

    Experiments to test the drug-release characteristics of these nanoparticles showed that maximum release occurred at approximately eight hours and then remained close to that level for a week.


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