• 眼睛可以看见东西如果不见了,走路不能了!

    Looking eyes can see things, if I do not see, and even walking are dying!


  • 甚至两个也是木头宪兵也哭得婴儿

    Even the officers, who were made of wood also, cried like two babies.


  • 没有写字台,也没有书柜甚至一张桌子都没有。只有一个肮脏沙发,还有摆在前面的另一个牛奶,以及上面的一台打字机

    There was no desk, no bookcase, not even a table, only the nasty couch, with a typewriter on another milk crate in front of it.


  • 高超心灵,也不出物质的需要

    Even the most winged spirit cannot escape physical necessity.


  • 但是我们能否凭一己之力下去到达农舍,我们想;我们坐在开始大声喊叫。

    But as for getting down there on our own, we couldn't even consider it; we sat there and started Shouting.


  • 没有手臂,没有饼干或者石头正在等待着的手掌中,没有人接二三地跟我小精灵加上另外一个小精灵的好处

    No one holding on to my arm, no biscuit wrappers or stones thrust into my waiting palm, no barrage of chat about the advantage of one pokemon over another.


  • 城堡了,以至于到了冬天结冰的时候,贵族卫生间去不,只能长长的走廊里方便,如你们有些过的

    The chateau was so big that when it freezes, they were trying to get to the bathroom and most of them never made it and peed on these long corridors that some of you have seen.


  • 如果一个角色毫无相关的动作明显可以看出动画而不是角色自己在动。

    If a character were to move about in a series of unrelated actions, it would seem obvious that the animator was moving it, not the character itself.


  • 任何初创企业来说,都暗藏的危机。如果公司创始人自己并未全身心地投入这个威胁更为真切了。

    This is implicit with any startup, but becomes much more real when the founder himself discloses the fact that even he is not totally all-in on this idea.


  • 如果我们精神某个方面精神的表现面,是甚至象棋程序都可能拥有的方面,不是一个令人信服的论点

    If what we mean is the mental, but that the aspect, the behavioral aspect of the mental, where even a chess-playing computer probably has it, then that's not a very compelling argument.


  • 可以真正改善日本国运寥寥无几如果其中之一也失去的话,可真是憾事。

    It will be a true pity if Japan loses one of the few men who could actually improve the country considerably.


  • 疲惫要一步登天孤注一掷的疲惫;可怜愚昧的疲惫,甚至许个愿都勉强的疲惫:它造就了所有遁世者

    Weariness, which seeketh to get to the ultimate with one leap, with a death-leap; a poor ignorant weariness, unwilling even to will any longer: that created all Gods and backworlds.


  • 但是对于5%-7%人来说甚至诸如数字57概念这么简单的数学都会引起焦虑

    But for some 5 to 7 percent of the population even basic math—like the concept of the numbers 5 and 7causes anxiety.


  • 刚才喝酒确切地说渴望着传林盏、豪饮浅酌气氛

    But just now he felt desire for the drink, or, rather, for the atmosphere wherein drinks were dispensed and disposed of.


  • 当然宅子花园么大,确实一片最好的庄园。

    Of course, it is the finest house in the area, with the largest gardens.


  • 荆棘编成王冠双手,也闲着的双手强。

    Even the hands that make crowns of thorns are better than idle hands.


  • 嘎特说,就像是了两拳,变以后,肌肉能量单元不断损耗,随着时间推移,这种伤害不断积累除此以外,身体对于损害修复能力老化而缩小。

    The energy powerhouse cells in muscles get damaged with age. That damage accumulates over time and, on top of that, the body's ability to repair that damage also dwindles with aging.


  • 如果有人撰写哲学家们的罪状书,以此显示他们自己生活都打理不好更不用说激励他人这本倒可以提供不少佐证。

    If one wanted to compile a charge-sheet against the great philosophers, to show that they were unfit to lead their own lives, let alone inspire others, this book could provide some useful evidence.


  • 虽有其中,主耶和华说,指着我的永生起誓,他们带女都不能得救,只能自己得救仍然荒凉

    Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate.


  • 况且所冷清清房屋每个窗口顶楼也计算在内,全都装了粗铁条

    Moreover, all the windows of this silent dwelling were grated with heavy iron bars, even the attic windows in the roof.


  • 但是由于他们4分感觉都不曾体验过(除非服用了违禁药物),所以根本知道应该是什么样的感觉

    But since they've never even experienced a 4 (except perhaps under the influence of illegal substances), they have no way of knowing what it's like.


  • 年轻人满眼恐惧望着看似令人心惊肉跳的无尽深渊,他独木桥迈一步的勇气都没有,更别说了。

    Staring with terror into the seemingly bottomless and beckoning abyss, the young man could not force himself to step out onto the log, no less shoot at a target.


  • 这时已深了,海上细浪也没有甚至木麻黄树哀愁不断沙沙声也静下去了。

    It was then far into the night, the sea was without a ripple, even the ever-troubled murmur of the casuarinas was at rest.


  • 想想害怕生活产生多大的影响啊。”

    "I'm scared to even think about that because of how big of an impact it would be on my life," she says.


  • 大概想都或者误解盛情

    But probably I just wasn't thinking, or had misunderstood the invitation.


  • 如果东家基本的入职教育都没有准备该怎么办?

    If your new job doesn't start with even the basics of an orientation program, "be prepared to onboard yourself."


  • 如果东家基本的入职教育都没有准备该怎么办?

    If your new job doesn't start with even the basics of an orientation program, "be prepared to onboard yourself."


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