• 那个恐惧微小升起接纳,不会成长扭曲形式

    With the acceptance of that small arising of fear, it will not grow into distortion.


  • 如果某种特殊的恐惧每天花15分钟自己面对那个恐惧

    If you have a particular phobia, devote 15 minutes a day for intense exposure to that fear.


  • 但是通过直奔那个恐惧可以自己进入一个无意识自我破坏的循环中。

    But by going straight into the fear, you can save yourself a crazy go-round with unconscious self-sabotage.


  • 真正开始理解那个恐惧并不服务创造扭曲而是恐惧关系创造那个扭曲。

    Truly begin to understand that the fear does not create the distortion in your service, but your relationship with the fear creates that distortion.


  • 并且的自我接纳代替那个恐惧时,然后再次变成变成了服务,服务所有存有们

    And as you allow loving self-acceptance to replace that fear, then you become love again and you become service, service to all beings.


  • 想象那个女人恐惧吗?

    Can you imagine the horror of that old lady?


  • 如果同情那个,你或许会意识到所作的一切出于无知恐惧甚至

    If you empathize with that person, you may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance, feareven love.


  • 那个抢劫者感觉只有同情所有恐惧已经消失了。

    The only feeling I had for the mugger was compassion and all fear was gone.


  • 今年夏天与费勒闲谈时,他曾回忆那个夜晚:“虽然日夜感到恐惧我们拥有达成信念勇气

    As Führer commented this summer, reflecting on that night: "We were afraid day and night, but we had the courage of our convictions.


  • 然而这种兴奋迅速恐惧不安所代替:一想到那个黑暗、有臭味柜子里,舒服。

    However, the thrill was swiftly replaced by dread and anxiety: I didn't like the thought of her in the dark in that smelly cupboard.


  • 注视镜子中的自己那个时刻驱除了自身恐惧似乎是一种缓和的镇痛剂

    There were anodyne moments of healing when I'd dispel my fears by looking at the musculature of my body.


  • 现在心中存有那个夏天记忆希望回到身边,心里恐惧需要人安慰的时候,希望你能拥抱着我。

    Now I only have the memories of me and you together on that summer. wish you were back to hold me when I'm scared or have a shoulder to cry on.


  • 问过手机行业的一个老行家为什么运营商愿意那个曾经他们恐惧公司——Google共舞表示相比害来说Google危害小多了。

    When I asked a mobile industry veteran why carriers were so willing to dance with Google, a company they once feared, he suggested that Google was the “lesser of two evils.”


  • 一次冯富珍的视屏连线中,她试图缓和人们的恐惧:“我们没有到那个程度。”

    And in a video link with the UN, Chan appeared to attempt to allay fears, adding: "We are not there yet."


  • 但是过慢提升利率通货膨胀可能会加速回到那个可怕水平(2008年虽然不好但是1990年中期CPI达到将近30%,简直令人感到恐惧)。

    But raise rates too slowly, and inflation could speed back to dizzying levels (2008 was bad but the mid-1990s, when CPI hit almost 30 per cent, were frightening).


  • 电视高声播发那个可怕消息他们坐在那里感到恐惧

    They sat there horrified as the television blared the awful news.


  • 那个地方之前一点也不恐惧然而我却在毕业之后真正感到了恐惧

    I wasn't at all intimidated by the place when I arrived-but I was really intimidated after graduating.


  • 但是可以那个朋友因而恐惧以及其他方面所有被扭曲表现做朋友时,你移除了自我其他人分离

    But when you can make friends with that and thereby befriend fear and all its distorted manifestations in another, you remove the separation of self and other.


  • 所以如果那个婴儿家族恐惧世代地传承下来那么这个婴儿习惯通过血统建立起来恐惧

    So if there have been fears passed down through generations in that baby's family, then the baby will already be attuned to how fear has been built through the bloodline.


  • 每晚睡觉之前写下第二你在要面对那个确切恐惧

    Before you sleep every night, write down the exact fear you are going to face the next day.


  • 同时面对高空,以及黑暗所带来恐惧,因为那个地方,这样逻辑看上去没什么错。

    He's simultaneously confronting the fear of heights, snakes, and the dark because he's trapped in that thing and the logic is--the logic of--the logic is not bad.


  • 可以想象那个整个晚上有多么恐惧

    You can imagine that man and his whole night of scare.


  • 的真心交付与,哦,那个让人怜爱又有点慌乱探奇者。听见时钟鳄鱼肚子里的滴嗒声吗?最为恐惧怪物好象算是时光

    Give me your heart, you poor confused adventurer. Do you hear the clock ticking in the belly of the crocodile? Time is what you should fear the most.


  • 请将的真心交付与,哦,那个让人怜爱又有点慌乱探奇者。听见时钟鳄鱼肚子里的滴嗒声吗?最为恐惧怪物好象算是时光

    Gie me your heart, you poor confused adenturer. Do you hear the clock ticking in the belly of the crocodile? Time is what you should fear the most.


  • 那个洪流限制了我们思想,我们的大脑并且只要我们还在贪婪嫉妒恐惧愉悦欢乐如此等等所限制,我们就是那洪流一部分

    That stream has conditioned the human mind, the human brain, and as long as we remain conditioned by greed, envy, fear, pleasure, joy and all the rest of it, we are part of this stream.


  • 那个洪流限制了我们思想,我们的大脑并且只要我们还在贪婪嫉妒恐惧愉悦欢乐如此等等所限制,我们就是那洪流一部分

    That stream has conditioned the human mind, the human brain, and as long as we remain conditioned by greed, envy, fear, pleasure, joy and all the rest of it, we are part of this stream.


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